Friday, September 24, 2021

Poem 12-Ruba’iyat : Book 3


Poem 12-Ruba’iyat




1.      Stake

to mark the limits 

Wooden post, danger

2.      Captivate

completely enthralling and holds your attention

Enhance, attract, charm

3.      Blend

a mixture of different substances 


Mix, combine, mingle

4.      Harmony

the sound of things that go together well

Combination, agreement, unity

5.      Concord

harmony between people or groups.

Oneness, unity, agreement

6.      Perplexed

very puzzled.

Puzzled, confused, baffled



These lines have been taken from “Ruba’iyat” written by “Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal”


This poem “Ruba’iyat”, Iqbal has addressed the Muslims. He is of the view that the man in the modern world lacks faith, Modern people are selfish and they are running after worldly things. Muslims have spoiled their religious, cultural, and social values.


In these lines, the poet says that the Muslims of his age think their progress and development are linked to the Western nations that are a false notion. Their link of brotherhood can never become true until they are associated with western civilization. Muslims have spoiled their religious, cultural, and social values. they need to revive their relationship with the Makkah civilization.

Short Questions

Q1. What is worse than slavery?

According to Allama Iqbal, to have no faith in God is worse than slavery. Faith requires a complete submission to God’s will that gives a prosperous and successful life.

Q2. What has made the effort of the Muslim fruitless?

Muslims have very low faith in God. They have lost the glorified characteristics of their forefathers.

Q3. What is faith according to Allama Iqbal?

According to Allama Iqbal, faith is total submission to God’s will. It is the force of life that gives us courage like Hazrat Abraham.




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