Friday, September 24, 2021

Poem 17 – The Delight Song : Book 3


Poem 17 – The Delight Song





1.      Luster

a glow of reflected light 

Glow, sheen, gloss, radiance

2.      Meadow

a piece of grassland

Grass field, grassland

3.      Cluster

a group of similar things

Group, bunch, clump

4.      Roaring

making or uttering a roar.


5.      Glitter

shine with a bright, 

Sparkle, flash, shine, twinkle



These lines have been taken from “The Delight Song” written by “N Scott Momaday”


The poet says that when a man is happy, everything looks him happy. When a man is glad, he finds delight and pleasure in everything. He has an optimistic point of view regarding life.


In these lines, the poet expresses his happy mood. He feels like a bird d who flies in the air and touches the heights of the skies. Then he compares himself with a horse that gallops the plains in no time. He becomes a shadow that follows a child. So, we can see that the poet is in a happy mood.  He has an optimistic point of view regarding life.


Short Question

Q1. What do you understand when the poet says, “I Am the shadow that follows a child?”

Children are carefree enjoy life. They enjoy every time of life. The poet likes this height of innocence and wants to be like the shadow of a child.

Q2. How can the crust of snow glitter?

when sunlight falls on the hard outer surface of the snow, It reflects and the crust shines on glitters.

Q3. What is the dream of the poet?

All the unique and colorful objects of Nature that are in harmony with his internal happiness are part of a poet’s dream.

Q4. What is the effect of man’s good relationship with the earth and the lords?

Man’s good relations with the earth and lords are the source of happiness and relaxation for a man. They enjoy life to its height.

Q5. What is the theme of the poem?

Our relation with nature, people, beauty and worldly things is a source of everlasting happiness. We should enjoy our life to its height.




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