Saturday, September 25, 2021

1st Year English: Book 1 : Ch 11: I have a Dream


I have a Dream

Exercise Questions
Q.1 What was the cause of Negroes' discontentment? (imp)
Ans: Negroes were not given basic human rights. They had no worth and value in society. They were treated as slaves. This thing produced discontentment in Negroes.
Q. 2. What are the qualities of veterans of creative suffering? (imp)
Ans: The veterans of creative suffering have the power of faith and hope. They never lose heart. They are confident of redemption.
Q. 3. What is the dream of Martin Luther King Jr.? (imp)
Ans: Martin Luther has a dream that one day America will become a democratic state in real sense. People will be judged by the character and not by color. Justice, equality, and brotherhood will rule in society.
Q.4. What should be the faith of Negroes? How should Negroes continue to work?
Ans: They should have faith in final deliverance. And their suffering will end someday and they will be free as white men.
Q.5. What was the necessity of pleading the case of the Negroes’ freedom?
Ans: Freedom is the basic right of every man. Negroes were treated as slaves. So, there was a need to speak for their freedom and provision of equal rights to them.
Q.6. What should be the criterion of judgment for a person? (imp)
Ans: A man should be judged by his character. Physical appearance does not show the inner self of a person.
Q.7. Do the Negroes enjoy liberty in all the part of their country?
Ans: No, they do not enjoy liberty/ freedom in all the parts of their country.
Q.8. From which part of the country did the Negroes gather there?
Ans: It was a big show-off and gathering of Negroes. They gathered from different parts of the country. Most of them had come from southern parts of the country



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