Saturday, September 25, 2021

1st Year English: Book 1 : Ch 15:The Angel and the Author- and Others


The Angel and the Author- and Others

Q.1. At what point of the journey in his dream did the author hear the throbbing sound of wings?
Ans: The author heard the slow throbbing sound of wings when he was flying up from the embankment of the river.
Q.2. What does the author like about Christmas? (imp)
Ans: The author likes the spirit of charity, goodness, kindness, and brotherhood present at the time of Christmas. He liked Christmas because Christmas makes everyone good and virtuous.
Q.3. Write down the good deeds the author has admitted are a great joy at Christmas?
Ans: He gave a subscription of ten shelling to the fund for unemployed. He sent his photographs to a charity bazaar. He also sent his old clothes to a sale for charity homes.
Q.4. Why are the noble deeds always a great joy for the author? (imp)
Ans: Good deeds are always a great joy for the author because they are a source of good reward in the next world. They also give him a sense of satisfaction. 



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