Saturday, September 25, 2021

2nd Year English : Class Test A


Class:   Second year               Subject   English                                                        

                                                PAPER: A

OBJECTIVE TYPE                    07                            

Q.1        Choose the correct option.

1.         The writer shambled into the bank.

            A) ran fast       B) shuffled C) exhausted    D) briskly

2.         The writer rattled whenever he went into bank.

            A) skill              B) technique    C) sternness     D) perplexed

3.         The writer's voice sounded sepulchral.

            A) rash             B) serious/ funereal    C) dim               D) idiot

4.         Penicillin was hailed as a wonder drug.

            A) Cheered      B) denounced  C) rejected         D) depreciated

5.         Fleming got a share in the legacy.

            A) prize            B) lottery         C) inheritance    D) history

6.         Chips felt no relish of being rescued.

            A) delight         B) insult           C) interest         D) warning

7.         Brookfield was haven for chips.

            A) terrible place          B) shelter         C) lodging        D) battle field


SUBJECTIVE TYPE                                                   23                                          

Q.2      Answer the following questions.                                                        08

1.         What was the chief defect of antiseptic method?

2.         What other blunders did Leacock commit after leaving the manager's office?

3.         How did Chips feel in the company of women?

4.         What was Katherine's appearance?

Q.3      Use the following idioms into meaningful sentences of your own.                08

               1.        Bring to light  2. Add insult to injury            3.Dark horse  4.           A rainy day

Q.4      Translate the following passage into English.                                                        07

                تعلیم جتنی اب عام ہے  اتنی پہلے کبھی نہ تھی ۔غریب سے غریب لڑکا کالج اور یونیورسٹی میں تعلیم حاصل کر سکتا ہے۔ لیکن تمام آسانیوں کے باوجود تعلیم کا معیار بہت پست ہو گیا ہے۔ اس کی وجہ یہ ہے کہ طلباء تعلیم میں دلچسپی نہیں لیتے ۔کچھ لڑکے تو بالکل پڑھتے ہی نہیں۔ اور اپنا سارا وقت برباد کر دیتے ہے۔





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