Saturday, September 25, 2021

1st Year English ( Smart Syllabus Paper)



Q.1: A. Choose the correct option of the under-lined words.                                                         (10)


1.       Arthur looked appalled.

a)      shocked                b) sleepy                     c) energetic                    d) pleased

2.       Mr. Spelding says that John does not have get-up-and-go.

a)      money                  b) health                     c) wisdom                      d) energy

3.       The young man frowned.

a)      laughed               b) stopped                  c) announced                d) scowled

4.       I shall go to the beach.

a) school                     b) bazar                       c) office                          d) coast

5.       The boy looked frail.

a)      weak                    b) strong                    c) happy                         d) sad

6.       The talk at the club was opportunity and determination.
a) faithfulness          b) chance                     c) weakness                   d) fortitude

7.       Fifty Springs are little room.

a)      stay                      b) time                        c) building                        d) bag

8.        We are the hollow men.

a)      intelligent          b) strong                     c) useless                         d)  forceful

9.       The grave of Hubert withstood the havoc of the flood.

a)      destruction         b) force                     c) strength                      d)  flow

10.   Tis a sweet noise to hear.

a)      fascinating           b) fresh                     c) slow                            d)  loud


B. Choose the correct option out of the four for each question:                                            (5)


11.   Clay wanted to buy a gift for his:
a) mother                  b) father                   c) brother                        d) sister

12.   The boy saved his life by praying to:

a)      Qazi                    b)  king                      c) Allah Almighty           d) parents

13.   Three score years and ten are

a)      forty years       b) fifty years            c) sixty years                   d) seventy years

14.   What could Kreton hear?

a) music                   b) heartbeat             c) human mind               d) fairies

15.   What was the condition of the visage of the statue?

a)      beautiful          b) shattered              c) old                               d) red and white


C. Choose the correct form of verb out of the given four options.                                        (5)


16. Charity ___________ at home.

a)      begin                b) begins                     c) begun                        d) begined

17.   My mother______ to Lahore yesterday.
a) go                       b) goes                         c) went                          d) had gone

18.   We _______ playing since morning.

a)      have               b) were                         c) had                            d) have been

19.   If he_____hard, he will pass.

a) work                b) works                        c) worked                      d) working

20.   He behaves as if he_______minister.

a)      Was               b) were                          c) is                                d) will be





                                                      SUBJECTIVE TYPE


Q.2: Write short answer in 3-5 lines of any Six questions in your own words.                        (6x2=12)

               i. What made Hubert shameful?

               ii. Why did the boy look to the sky and smile?

               iii. Why did Arthur disagree with his wife?

               iv. How dangerous can a Martian virus be?

               v. How did Gorgios persuade his people to make his country strong?

               vi. Why did Harry want to go back to the Earth?

               vii. What is the significance of Arthur’s life-insurance policy?

               viii. What did Terbut think of Jorkens’ argument?

               ix. What should be the role of a Qazi?

Q.3: Write short answer in 3-5 lines of any Five questions in your own words.                       (5x2=10)

              i. How does Kreton prove his extraordinary powers?

              ii. What is Harry’s philosophy?

              iii. Can the people of Earth compete with those of Kreton?

              iv. Why does Clay need money?

              v. What is the role of General Powers in the play?

              vi. How many barbers are there in O.K. by-the-Sea?

              vii. What is the theme of Kreton’s study?

              viii. According to Harry, how does one bring merriment to the tired old human heart?

Q.4: Write short answer in 3-5 lines of any Four questions in your own words.                          (4x2=8)

                i. What time of the year is mentioned in the poem ‘Loveliest of Trees,

                ii. What is worse than slavery?

                iii. What is the main idea of the poem ‘A Sindhi Woman’?

                iv. What did the traveller see in the desert?

                v. Why does the poet call modern men as hollow men?

                vi. How can a rainy day be enjoyed?


Q.5: Write an application to the Principal for the issuance of the character certificate.                   (10)

Q.6: Write a story on the moral lesson:    ‘‘Honesty is the best policy’’ OR    ‘‘Pride hath a fall’’       (10)

Q.7: (A)Explain the following lines with Reference to the context:                                                        (05)

                 Loveliest of trees, the cherry now

                 Is hung with bloom along the bough

                 And stands about the woodland ride

                 Wearing white for Easter tide.



(B) Punctuate the following extract from:                                                                                                    (05)

     i was seen with the pocketbook who saw me mr manana the harness man saw you pick up the pocketbook

(C) Use any Five of the following pairs of words in the sentences of your own:                                  (05)

       (i)  Angel; Angle       (ii)  Ballet; Ballot          (iii)  Dairy; Diary            (iv) Elder; Older          

       (v) Heal; Heel    (vi)    Eminent, Imminent   (vii) Gamble, Gambol

Q.8: Translate the following passage into Urdu:                                                                                         (15)

    ‘Life is like a race. Jorkens went on, ‘ in which they tie after a while and sit down, or get interested in something else instead. The man who keeps on wins the race.’ ‘And suppose a man wanted to be skating champion of the Sahara,’ said Terbut, ‘and couldn’t afford the money to get there.’He’d make the money’, said Jorkens. ‘And he’d build a skating-rink in the Sahara and organize a competition there. He’d be skating champion all right, if he really gives all his time to  it.’             





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