Saturday, September 25, 2021

2nd Year English Paper 2018 (B): Practice Module

 2nd Year English 

Class:   Second year               Subject   English                                                        

OBJECTIVE TYPE                    10                           

Q.1        Choose the correct option.

1.         Judgement of students can be perverted by the attractiveness of athletic sports.

            A) decorated   B) corrupted    C)  blessed  D) glorified

2.         Sometimes, there were unexpected respites.

            A)     respect  B) pleasures      C) breaks              D) experiences

3.         A sudden fling of his arms, a great splash in the water.

            A) splatter B) grip        C)     throw   D) pain

4.         Gout in its most malignant stage, had seized me without my being aware of it.

            A)         mild B)  first C)     last  D) serious/severe

5.         An appalling number of women died of puerperal fever.

            A) small B) ordinary C)  terrifying D) great

6.         Katherine was immensely popular with boys and masters.

            A) almost B) enormously C) only  D) nearly

7.         At times, Chips was adamant.

            A)  educated    B) lenient         C) stubborn     D) careless

8. He stayed at his desk in a cold, continuing trance.

     A) pleasure  B) sorrow C) stupor D) suffering

9. He wore his gown till it was almost too tattered to hold together.

     A) dirty B) torn C) colourless D) colourful

10. There was a clang of school bell at an unaccustomed time.

      A) usual B) routine C) unexpected D) fixed



SUBJECTIVE TYPE                           40                                          

Q.2      Answer the following questions.                                                        10

1.         Why should bad books be destroyed?

2.         How does mistaken ambition on the part of boys and their parents lead to the failure of the boys?

3.         Give some instances of Pasteur’s patriotism.

4.         What did Chips think about the Boers?

5. What changes did Katherine bring in Chips, after their marriage?

Q.3      Use the following idioms into meaningful sentences of your own.                10

               1. A white elephant  2. A bolt from the blue            3. Bring to book            4. Cast a spell  5. End in smoke

Q.4 Write an essay (300-400 words) on the following topic:


         Why I Love Pakistan

Q.5 Translate the following passage into English.                                         05



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