Saturday, September 25, 2021

2nd Year English Paper (2018) A


2nd Year English

Class:   Second year                                        Subject   English                                                        

OBJECTIVE TYPE                     10                           

Q.1        Choose the correct option.

1.         The boy himself can eradicate his nervous habits.

            A)         propose B) detest C)    root out D) calm

2.         I could hardly believe that three strenuous school terms had indeed rolled away.

            A)       arduous     B) lengthy    C) short            D) happy

3.         Quailing from it at the last moment.

            A)         shrinking B) walking    C)  avoiding           D) singing

4.         He looked at the list of premonitory symptoms.

            A)         creative B) preliminary           C)     decisive    D)  forewarning

5.         Pasteur arrived at the method of attenuating germs.

            A)         killing B)   weakening  C)   spoiling D) heating

6.         His marriage was a triumphant success.

            A)  lame           B) personal      C) social             D) victorious

7.         She had not always pleaded for leniency.

            A) enjoyed       B) denied         C) added D) implored

8. Mr. Chips didn’t want to receive condolences.

    A) bribery B) gifts C) sympathies D) guests

9. Chips used to recount that incident with many chuckles.

    A) sorrows B) giggles C) tears D) jokes

10. Even a hair’s breadth of error might be catastrophic.

   A) destructive B) prospective C) useful D) constructive

SUBJECTIVE TYPE   40                                          

Q.2      Answer the following questions.                                10

1.         Wishes don’t come true in this life, writes Daiches. What were the things he longed for, but could not have?

2.         Why should Jerome K. Jerome be an acquisition to the medical class?

3.         How did Pasteur discover the method of making vaccines?

4.         Why couldn’t Mr. Chips write a book ?

5. Describe the personality of Mr. Ralston?

Q.3      Use the following idioms into meaningful sentences of your own.                10

               1. A black sheep         2.  Back out    3. A Bolt from the blue  4. Cut a sorry figure 5. Carry the day

Q. 4 Write an essay (300-400 words) on the following topic: (Marks=15)

          MY AIM IN LIFE

Q.5 Translate the following passage into English.                                                  05





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