Saturday, September 25, 2021

2nd Year English Paper ( Practice Module)



                                     SEND-UP EXAMINATION-2021


Paper :(English:Compulsory)                                                                                                  Class:Intermediate(part-ii)

Marks:100                                   Time:2 hours 30 minutes

Name:____________________   Roll #____________________


OBJECTIVE                                                             (20)

1:Choose the best option  (10)

1:The manager was a grave looking man.

a: care free                                              b:cheerful                                               c:serious

2:The stars are immense balls of fire .

a:tiny                                                       b:huge                                     c:simiar

3:The boy cannot do a distasteful work.

a:difficult                                b:hard                                                     c:unpleasant

4:He finally wins in such controversy.

a:dispute                                 b:luxury                                   c:merry making

5:It is absurd to keep the printed rubbish.

a:wise                                      b:agreeable                                                             c:silly

6:A chubby little made a brilliant century.

a:tall                                                        b:fat                                                        c:handsome

7:Chips sat by the fire when the autumn gale rattle the windows.

a:open                                     b:paint                                     c:clang

8:The green –pale gas lamps were flickering in a wet pavement.

a:trotting                                 b:darkening                                             c:twinkling

09:Virulent germs spread diseases.

a:violent                                  b:fatal                                                      c:weak

10:Providentially Pasture’s mind was not injured

a:fortunately                                           b:immediately                                        c:consequently

2:Choose the best preposition  (05)     

11:He goes to college ______________________foot.

a:on                                                         b:in                                                          c:by

12:Smoking is injurious _________________________health.

a:with                                                      b:at                                                          c:to

13:I am disappointment _______________________the pressure of failure in the examination.

a:on                                                         b:in                                                          c:under

14:Today the temperature is ________________average.

a:under                                                   b:at                                                          C:above

15: The patient has been operated-----------

a:on                                                         b:for                                                        c:upon

3:Choose the correct option.                 (05)

16            a:This water is too cold to drink.

b:The water is very cold to drink.

c:The water is so cold to drink.

17            a:His luggages were lost.

b:His luggages have lost.

c:His luggages was lost.

18:           a:This is the latest news.

b:This is the newest news.

c:This is the last news.

19:           a :He gave an advice .

                b:He gave a advice

                c:He gave a piece of advice

20            a:He is more senior to me.

                b:He is senior to me.

                c:He is most senior to me.

                                                                                SUBJECTIVE                                              (80)

Q2:Write short answer in3-5 lines. (any six)                                                            (12)

1.What  conditions are necessary for life to exist?

2.To what extent does the question of health leads to the failure at college?

3.Why is it difficult to destroy books?

4.What sorts of books were presented by the British public to soldiers?

5.Why this universe is so frightening ? Give reasons?

6.what was the condition of the writer when he entered the bank to open an account?

7. What is the difference between death rate and birth rate?

8. where did Leacok keep his money after the misadventure in bank?          

Q3: Answer the following questions in (3-5)lines. (any six)                                                 (12)

1:How did Somervell teach English to the students at Harrow?

2:How did Pasture cure Anthrax in cattle?                                               

3:How did Pasture and Lister revolutionize the world of medicines?

4:Churchill was taught English at Harrow and not Latin and Greek was it a gain or loss?

5:What sort of questions are asked by your exaniners?

6:Why did Churchill not do  well in examinations?

7:What is meant by spontaneous generation?

Q4:Write short Answers in 3-5 lines (any eight)                                                    (16)

1:Why did Chips choose Mrs.Wicketts’s house after retirement?

2: What kind of people did Brook-Field supply?

3: What was the advice Wetherby give to Mr. Chips?

4: What were the ideas of Katherine ?

5:How and when did Katherine died?

6:What was presented to Chips on his retirement?

7:Did Katherine always ask Chips to be lenient?

8:Describe the atmosphere in the hall when Chips took his 1st class?

9:What were the views of Mr Chips about women?

10:How did Katherine help Mr.Chips in matters of discipline ?

Q5:Write an essay on (300-400 words)                                                (15)

1)Life in a big city                               2)A visit to a historical place                              3)Corona pandemic in Pakistan

Q6:Use any five idioms/phrasal verbs in your own sentences                   (10)

1)Above board             2)black sheep                3) Turn down                4) At sixes and sevens                      5) Apple pie order

6) Give up                         7) A white elephant  8)cut a sorry finger

Q7:Translate the passage into English                                                   (15)

ہم پاکستان کے نوجوان ہیں ۔ ہمیں چاہیے کے محنت کریں اور پوری دیانت داری سے اپنا کام کریں ۔ اپنے اور اہل وطن کے  لیے ایسے کام کریں کہ  جو کوئی ہمیں دیکھے ہماری تعریف کرے ۔ وقت آنے پر ہم اپنے وطن کے لیے اپنی زندگی کی بازی لگانےکی  بھی  پرواہ نہ کریں اور دشمن کے ناپاک ارادوں کو خاک میں ملا دیں  ۔ اس طرح دنیا پر ثابت کر دیں کہ  پاکستان کے باشندے  ایک  زندہ قوم ہیں۔ 




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