Saturday, September 25, 2021

2nd Year English Papers (2019)


Time: 30 Min.                           Paper: English ( 2nd Year)               Marks: 20


                                                   (Objective Type)

Note:  Four answers are given against each question in columns A, B, C, and D. Select the right answer and fill the circle A, B, C, or D with pen or marker in front of that question number.

 1(a)  Fill the right choice of the following underlined words from (Book II, Modern Prose, and Prose and Heroes Part I)

1.       If there is no apparent reason for failure, the students should undergo a thorough medical check-up

    (A)       Strange                                 (B)            big             (C)         clear             (D)   Vague

2. Perhaps he suspects I have swag in this sack.

    (A)                 Stolen things                        (B)         Books                (C)     Jewelry                 (D)   Clothes

3. Leacock got rattled whenever he went into the bank.

    (A)                   Pleased                     (B)         Sad                (C)     overjoyed                 (D)  Upset

1 (B)   Fill the right choice of the following underlined words from Book-II (Modern Prose and Heroes Part –II).

4.  I learned English Thoroughly.

    (A) Completely           (B)             rapidly            (C)       speedily                (D) instantly

5. Pasteur revealed the true nature of the problem.

    (A) Learnt                                       (B)             disclosed            (C)       covered               (D) pointed

6. The heat was incredible.

    (A)                  Plausible                      (B)       unbelievable                   (C)    unlikely                  (D) severe

1(C) Fill the right choice of the following underlined words from the novel “ Good bye Mr. Chips”

7. Mr. Chips was a conventional person.

    (A) Modern                                       (B)              tall           (C)      healthful                (D) conservative

8. A tremendous population explosion is taking place.

    (A)           Frightening                             (B) huge                         (C)           terrible           (D) memorable

9. He had earned the reputation of being a great Jester.

    (A)               Writer                         (B)            actor             (C)          juggler             (D) humorist

10. The house itself was ugly and pretentious.

    (A) beautiful                                       (B)     showy                     (C)     ordinary                 (D) cheap

(D) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

11. He was mad _________ hunger

    (A)                            upon            (B)           with              (C)        into              (D) for

12. He is senior _______ me.

    (A)                to                        (B)     from                    (C)          than            (D)  with

13. Jahan Khan is void _______ wisdom.

    (A)          in                              (B)    off                     (C)          of            (D) to

14. he did not object _______ my proposal.

    (A)                        for                (B)            to              (C)       into               (D) by

15. He was guilty ___________ theft.

    (A)                      in                  (B)           of              (C)           to            (D) from

( E) Four options (A), (B), (C), (D) are given at the end of the sentence. Only one of them is correct. Fill the correct one.

16. if he will work hard, he will pass.

    (A)       if he worked hard, he will pass.                           (B)      if he works hard, he will pass.                         (C)  if he work hard, he will pass                                     (D)  if he shall work hard, he shall pass.

17. He married with a European lady.

    (A)               He married to a European lady.                         (B)     He married an European lady.                     (C)            He married with an European lady                      (D) He married a European lady.

18. The pen is my.

    (A)           This pen is mine                              (B)      This is mine pen                   (C)        This is pen mine               (D)  This pen mine is

19. Either he or I are wrong.

    (A)                       Either he or I wrong are                 (B)        Either he or I is wrong                 (C)   Either he or I were wrong                    (D)  Either he or I am wrong

20. He is stronger from Aslam.

    (A)  He is the strongest than Aslam                   (B)  He is stronger than Aslam   

    (C)     He is stronger from Aslam                  (D)  He is strongest than

                              Section -1

Write short answers in 3-5 lines any six questions in words of your own.

(Book-II, Modern Prose, and Heroes, Part-1)                             6*2=12

1.       What happened when the wandering star came nearer and nearer?

2.       Why should bad books be destroyed?

3.       How can according to the writer a nervous habit be uprooted?

4.       What is the real meaning of hunger in a wider sense?

5.       The writer thought he was doing the doctor good turn by going to him, why?

6.       What are the social security benefits provided to Chinese workers? (China’s way to progress)

7.       What was the writer’s attitude towards the weekend as a schoolboy? Why did he long for it?

8.       Describe briefly, what happened when the Abbasids overthrew the Umayyad’s in Damascus?


3. Write short answers in 3-5 lines of any six questions in words of your own.

(Book –II, Modern Prose, and Heroes, Part-II)                      6*2=12

1.       How did Churchill do his Latin paper?

2.       How did Mr. Somervell teach Churchill English?

3.       What was the most noticeable feature of the desert city, named Ghardala?

4.       Give only two instances of Pasteur’s patriotism?

5.       Describe rabies disease briefly.

6.       Write a note on penicillin as a wonder drug briefly

7.       Why was Mustafa Kamal sent to Anatolia?

8.       How did Mustafa Kamal give rights to women?


4. Write short answers in 3-5 lines of any eight questions in your own words from the novel” Goodbye Mr. Chips”                                                             8*2=16

1.       Write a note on Meldrum.

2.       What was the status of chips at the age of sixty? (chapter -18)

3.       What was the effect of marriage on Chips? (Chapter- 6)

4.       How was Chips’ room decorated at Mrs. Wickett’s house? (Chapter -3)

5.       What was special about Chips’ gown? (Chapter 9)

6.        Who was Mr. John and how did Chips talk to him?

7.        Who was John Rivers and what did he say to MR. Chips?

8.       Describe qualities of Chatteris.

9.       What was the traditional sport of students of Brookfield about new masters?

10.   Who met with Chips on the day of his wife’s death and what did he ask? (Chapter – 8)

11.   Who was Grayson and why was he preoccupied with the class?

12.   What was the reaction of the people at the row between Chips and Ralston?


Section- II

5. Write an essay (300- 400) on any one of the following topics.

        (I) Corruption (ii) A Hockey Match (iii) Horrors of War (iv) My First Day at College


6. Use any five of the following idioms/ phrasal verbs in verbs in sentences of your own.

(i) crocodile tears    (ii) bring to light   (iii) bear out     (iv) lick the dust     (v) account for        (vi) deal in                    (vii) cry off                  (viii) drop off              

7. Translate the following passage into English



Alternative question for candidates whose medium of examination is English



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