Saturday, September 25, 2021

1st Year English (Preparatory Test C)


Class First Year                              Subject English                       Total Marks 50


Q. 1 Choose the correct option.

1. The mayor, a stout serious man, was waiting for Hubert.

A) wise B) immature C) bulky D) happy

2. He speaks to all nations and is perpetually modern.

A) happily B) eternally C) aptly D) temporarily

3. It only remained then to inaugurate him.

A) launch B) call C) remember D) decorate

4. Half sunk, a shattered visage lies.

A) head B) hand C) face D) scene

5. A time to …..…..and a time to sew,

A) rend B) wake up C) dance D) collect

6. Who is ‘I’ in the story, THE USE OF FORCE?

A) the father B) the doctor C) the mother D) the sick child

7. The moon ………….to a rind.

A) divided B) viewed C) compacted D) attended

 8. The sun________ in the East every morning.

 A) rise       B) rises          C) rose          D) is rising

9.  He_________ here last night.

 A) come     B) comes      C) came        D) is coming

10.  I__________ in this college since 2007.

  A) work      B) am working     C) worked   D) have been working

Q2. Answer the following questions.   (8)

1. What was the remedy suggested by the physicians for the disease of the king?

2. What made Hubert shameful?

3.  What is the main idea of the poem, ‘OZYMANDIAS’ ?

4. How does Kreton prove his extraordinary powers?

 Q3. Translate the following passage into Urdu.    (7)

   But as the years went by, he wore down the opposing arguments, till he had taught people what a lesson it would be to all the nations to have a young athlete at Court exhibiting perfect physical fitness and how such an example would strengthen their soldiers and enable them finally to win the just rights of the nation in victorious battle against their accursed neighbours.

Q 4. Explain the given lines with Reference to the Context: (5)

Watching her cross erect

Stones, garbage, excrement and crumbs

Of glass in the Karachi slums,

I, with my stoop, reflect

They stand most straight

Who learn to walk beneath a weight.

Q 5. Write an application to the Principal of your college for Character Certificate.    (10)

Q 6. Write a story on the following Moral ;       (10)

         Honesty is the Best Policy




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