Saturday, September 25, 2021

1st Year Class Test : Paper B


Class:   First Year                     Subject   English                     Total Marks: 30



Q.1        Choose the correct option.

1.         Harry asked his children if they had been prowling up in the ruins.

            A)         sleeping           B) digging                    C) looking        D) roaming

2.         The fear remained with Harry and his family at midnight and at dawn.

            A)         noon                B) morning      C) evening       D) afternoon

3.         Laura stumbled through the settlement.

            A)         staggered        B) passed happily        C) walked vividly         D) strolled

4.         Harry put on his coat.

A) wore           B) made out    C) took on       D) got on

5.         What was the news Laura told her parents?

            A) the war on Earth    B) the death of the people      C) arrival of a rocket   D) of breakfast

6.         What did they feel on the Mars after the attack on Earth?

A) drenched    B) stranded      C) secluded     D) surrendered


SUBJECTIVE TYPE                                                   24


Q.1:     Translate the following paragraph into Urdu.                                 08

            He looked with dismay at their house. Even the house. The wind’s done something to it. The air’s burned it. The fog at night. The boards, all warped out of shape. It’s not an Earthman’s house anymore.”

Q.2:     Answer the following questions in 3-5 lines from Book-I.                                                   08

1.         What did they want to grow on Mars?

2.         What was the condition of their house?

3.         How a rainy day can be enjoyed?  (The Rain)

4.         What does the “Night Mail” bring?


Q3.      Write down the pairs of words with suitable sentences.                   03

1.      Allusion, Illusion               2.Amiable, Amicable              3.Bough, Bow


Q4.      Explain the following lines with reference to context.                       05


                        “ And since to look at things in bloom         Twenty will not come again,

                        And take from seventy Springs a score,       It only leaves me fifty more.”




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