Saturday, September 25, 2021

2nd Year English : Test C


Class:   Second year               Subject   English                                                        

                                                 PAPER: C        

OBJECTIVE TYPE                    07                            

Q.1        Choose the correct option.

1.         The writer held his money clutched in a crumpled ball.

            A) folded         B)   basket ball             C) amalgam    D) stock

2.         The manager was a grave, serious man.

            A) rash             B) serious         C) bald          D) slow

3.         He looked timidly round at the clerks.

            A) minutely     B) cowardly C) differently        D) happily

4.         Lysozyme was forerunner of penicillin.

            A) destroyer    B) predecessor            C) feeder         D) breeder

5.         Fleming provoked other scientist to seek new antibiotics.

            A) incited         B) discouraged            C) joined   D) collaborated

6.         Chips had a mediocre degree.

            A) bad              B) average       C) exceptional   D) ordinary

7.         He re-saw the glorious hump of the Gable.

            A) dismal         B) grand          C) dark             D) unwanted

SUBJECTIVE TYPE                                                   23                                          

Q.2      Answer the following questions.                                                        08

1.         Why did the manager come to think that Leacock had an awful secret to reveal?

2.         Was Fleming proud of his discovery?

3.         What was the political views of Katherine?

4.         When and where were Mr. Chips and Katherine married?

Q.3      Use the following idioms into meaningful sentences of your own.              08

               1.        Add fuel to fire                   2. Above board

            3.  A wild goose chase       4.   Beat about the bush

Q.4      Translate the following passage into English.                                              07

                یہ سچ ہے کہ مثالی طالبعلم  ہونا مشکل ہے۔ لیکن یہ  ناممکن نہیں ۔  کردار اور انسان کی نفسیات کا علم حاصل کر لیا جائے تو کچھ مشکل نہیں رہتا۔ مثالی طالبعلم وہ ہے جو اپنے مقاصد کو بھی نظر انداز نہیں کرتا۔ زندگی میں بہت سے مراحل پر امید ٹوٹنے لگتی ہے  ، لیکن اسی موقع پر ثابت قدمی دکھانا ایک عظیم انسان ہونے کی سب سے بڑی دلیل ہے۔





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