Sunday, September 26, 2021



Q1. What Is Assessment?

Various definitions of assessment and the role it plays in teaching and learning:

Assessment involves the use of empirical data on student learning to refine programs and improve student learning.  Moreover, Assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and development

Q2. Why should we Assess?

There are two general purposes for assessment:
1) to provide more effective instruction, and
2) to evaluate achievement or learning.

Q3. What are the three purposes of assessment?

The purpose of assessment is to provide feedback relative to the three sides of the triangle:  (1) the learners and learning, (2) the teacher and teaching, and (3) the learning experience and environment corresponding to the  components of assessment

Q4. Why Assessment is productive or useful in Education?

 When assessment works best, it does the following:

Provides diagnostic feedback

·         What is the student's knowledge base?

·         What is the student's performance base?

·         What are the student's needs?

·         What has to be taught?

Helps educators set standards

·         What performance demonstrates understanding?

·         What performance demonstrates knowledge?

·         What performance demonstrates mastery?

Evaluates progress

·         How is the student doing?

·         What teaching methods or approaches are most effective?

·         What changes or modifications to a lesson are needed to help the student?

Relates to a student's progress

·         What has the student learned?

·         Can the student talk about new knowledge?

·         Can the student demonstrate and use new skills in other projects?

Motivates performance
For student self-evaluation:

·         Now that I'm in charge of my learning, how am I doing?

·         Now that I know how I'm doing, how can I do better?

·         What else would I like to learn?

For teacher self-evaluation:

·         What is working for the students?

·         What can I do to help the students more?

·         In what direction should we go next?

Q5. What are the assessment process and elaborate on its steps?

The assessment process is the multi-level process which is comprised of the following steps

1. Planning assessment: the assessor develops an assessment plan detailing how each unit or qualification will be assessed. The internal verifier reviews and agrees on the assessment plan to ensure that it is fit for purpose.

2. Selecting assessment methods: the assessor selects the most appropriate assessment methods. Some units or qualifications require specific assessment methods to be used.

3. Devising assessment tasks: the assessor ensures that all assessment tasks are appropriate for the cohort of learners and are accurately mapped to all relevant assessment criteria. The internal verifiers verify the assessment tasks before learners begin the course.

4. Initial assessment: the assessors decide if the chosen units and/or qualifications are suitable for the learners. The assessor considers learners’ previous academic achievements and their pre-course assessment outcomes.

5. Formative assessment: the assessor assesses learners’ progress throughout the duration of the course and provides ongoing feedback and support.

6. Summative assessment: this is the final assessment. The assessor reviews and assesses all the evidence and evaluates whether the learner has demonstrated achievement against all assessment criteria and all learning outcomes.  The internal verifier must approve the validity of the assessment decision before credits are awarded.

7. Course evaluation: learners are asked to provide feedback on their course.  Recognized centers use learners’ feedback to inform the review and development of their courses.

8. Award of credit(s): if the internal verifier agrees with the assessors' judgments, the center can claim credits for all learners who have successfully achieved the unit(s)/qualification.

At this stage, we will carry out external quality assurance.



Assessment is a process which follows a set of four components. These four stages or components are Plan, Do, Check and act. The assessment cycle first plans and formulate a plan to teach students. Secondly, use the plan to effectively do the task of teaching. Thirdly, check whether outcomes the work is according to the plan and outcomes met or not? Lastly, it teaches a way to use the learned knowledge.

Q7. Elaborate various Types of Assessment.

The purpose of assessment is to provide feedback relative to the three sides of the triangle:  (1) the learners and learning, (2) the teacher and teaching, and (3) the learning experience and environment corresponding to the six components of assessment. The following are types of assessment.

1.       Formative Assessment

It is an essential part of teaching and learning. It does not add to the final marks given for the unit; instead, it put into learning through given advice.  Similarly, it also affects what the students and teachers will plan in the future for learning. To inform instruction and provide feedback to students on their learning.


2.       Summative Assessment

It shows the amount of learners’ success in meeting the assessment. Also, it contributes to the final marks given for the unit. These are conducted at the end of the units. For example, the final examination is a type of Summative Assessment. In Addition, it provides data for selection for the next level.  To measure and document the extent to which students have achieved a learning target.


3.       Work Integrated Assessment

It helps to develop student’s skills and capabilities along with educational development. Also, this helps and supports educational staff to design genuine assessments. It designs according to the need of the teacher.

4.       Diagnostic Assessment

Just like formative assessment, diagnostic assessments intended to improve learner’s knowledge. Besides, it looks backward rather than looking forward. It reviews what the learner knows and difficulty that they are facing in learning. To identify preconceptions, errors, type of reasoning, and learning difficulties.

5.       Dynamic Assessment

It measures what students can achieve when teaches about unfamiliar topics or fields. An example can be teaching students Spanish for a short while. The teacher modifies his teachings according to the level of the students.

6.       Norm-referenced assessment

Norm refers to the general perception of a thing in a particular society or culture. This compares a student’s performance against an average norm. This could be the average national norm for the subject, English.

7.       Criterion-referenced Assessment

The performance of every student is judged by a specific principle. Apart from that, the teacher should assure reliability and validity. For example, different standards are generalized to pass the exams.

8.       Ipsative Assessment

It measures the performance of the student in comparison to his previous performance. Also, it helps in keeping in check how well they are undertaking their tasks. Ipsative assessment’s example can be given by comparing the previous grades of the student.

Q8. What are the different kinds of Assessments?



Short Questions:

Q. What are assessment methods?

 Assessment methods are the strategies, techniques, tools, and instruments for collecting information to determine the extent to which students demonstrate desired learning outcomes. Several methods should be used to assess student learning outcomes.

Q. Why is it important to use multiple methods?

 Relying on only one method to provide information about the program will only reflect a part of students’ achievement. A combination of direct and indirect assessment methods should be used. For example, responses from student surveys may be informative, however, when combined with students’ test results they will be more meaningful, valid, and reliable.

Q. What are the direct and indirect methods of assessment?

 Direct methods of assessment ask students to demonstrate their learning while indirect methods ask students to reflect on their learning. Tests, essays, presentations, etc. are generally direct methods of assessment, and indirect methods include surveys and interviews.

Q. What are various methods of Assessment tools?

There is  various method used in modern education but more effective and widely used tools are as follows.

·         Examination (Written/ Oral)

·         Observation (Structural/ Un-structural)

·         Interview (Structural /Un-structural)

·         Assignments

·         Projects and Quiz’s

·         Debates (Defined Criteria)

·         Group Discussion

·         Checklist (Yes/No)

·         Rating scale (1-9)

·         Tabulation

·         Data Analysis

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