Sunday, September 26, 2021

Facts & Opinions



Facts & Opinions 

Q1. Define the difference between Facts & Opinions.

A fact is a statement that is true and can be verified objectively, or proven. In other words, a fact is true and correct no matter what. An opinion, however, is a statement that holds an element of belief; it tells how someone feels. An opinion is not always true and cannot be proven.

Q2. What is the difference between the statement of opinion and statement of fact?

The difference between fact and opinion, we might propose the following definitions:

A statement of fact is one that has objective content and is well-supported by the available evidence. Facts are useful to inform or make an argument.


·         The United States was established in 1776.

·         The pH levels in acids are lower than pH levels in alkalines.

·         The Capital of Pakistan is Islamabad.

·         Dogs have fur.

·         The Beatles were a band.

·         The last day of school is May 22nd.


A statement of opinion is one whose content is either subjective or else not well supported by the available evidence.  Opinions are useful to persuade, but careful readers and listeners will notice and demand evidence to back them up.


·         That was a good movie.

·         Strawberries taste better blueberries.

·         Shah Rukh Khan is the finest actor alive.

·         The death penalty is wrong.

·         Dog fur is pretty.

·         The Beatles sang great songs.

·         May 22nd is the best day of the year.

Q3. Explain the Purpose of Facts and Opinions in Education?

Instructing University students on the terms and concepts of fact and opinion is difficult. We teach facts and opinions as a reading and analytic skill necessary for understanding and mentally processing text. Knowing the difference between fact and opinion helps readers make sense of information. Outside of reading and writing, children will come to recognize facts and opinions in their language. Instruction of facts and opinions builds on high-level thinking skills, such as explaining, proving, and defending. Examples of facts and opinions are.

Q4. What are the Key Differences Between Fact and Opinion?

The difference between fact and opinion on the following grounds:

·         The fact is described as the statement that can be verified or proved to be true. The opinion is an expression of judgment or belief about something.

·         Fact relies on observation or research while opinion is based on assumption.

·         The fact is an objective reality whereas opinion is a subjective statement.

·         Facts can be verified with the help of evidence or statistics. On the contrary, opinion is not supported by any evidence.

·         Facts explain what actually happened. Unlike an opinion, that represents a perception about something.

·         One important feature of the fact is that it is universal and does not differ from person to person. As against this, every human being has a different opinion on a particular subject and so, it varies from one person to another.

·         Facts are shown with unbiased words; however, opinion is expressed with biased words.

·         Facts can change anybody’s opinion, but vice versa is not possible.

·         Facts are real information and so it cannot be challenged or debated, but if we talk about opinions, they can be debated.


Therefore, to know the reliability and utility of information or statement, it is vital to understand the differences between fact and opinion, so as to evaluate things and draw conclusions. While reading comprehension, it is hard to identify, whether a given expression is a fact or an opinion, as they are quite commonly juxtaposed by the writers. Facts are always one step ahead of opinions as facts can be proved to be right or accurate, whereas opinion may also be right but they cannot be proved as true.


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