Monday, September 27, 2021



As you improve your English writing skills, your teachers will begin asking you to

write paragraphs. 

A paragraph is a unit of information. Paragraphs usually contain several sentences

grouped together around a main idea. Learning how to write an organized paragraph

will improve your essays and demonstrate your thinking skills.

Basic paragraphs include three elements:

• The topic sentence, often found at the beginning of the paragraph, tells the

reader the main idea, or topic, of the paragraph.

• The sentences following the topic sentence contain supporting details that

develop the main idea of the paragraph. Supporting details may include facts

or quotes from your research, personal anecdotes, or other information.

• At the end of the sentence is a concluding sentence that summarizes the main

point of the paragraph.

Here is a simple example paragraph.

Roasting a chicken is very simple. The only ingredients you need for a perfect

roasted chicken are the chicken, some salt, and an onion or lemon to stuff in the

chicken. Once you have your ingredients, rub salt on the outside of the chicken and

let it sit at room temperature for one hour. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. After

the chicken has been salted for one hour, stuff it with the onion or lemon and put it

in the oven. Roast it for 15 minutes per pound. Once the chicken is done, pull it out

of the oven and let it rest for at least 10 minutes. After that, you will have a perfect

roasted chicken for you and your family to enjoy.

In this example, “Roasting a chicken is very simple” is the topic sentence. The

sentences that follow provide supporting details. The last sentence sums up the point

of the paragraph.

Effective Paragraphs: Components and Development

 What is a paragraph?

A paragraph is a collection of sentences dealing with a single topic. It should be 

unified, coherent, and well-developed. Typically, you want to keep one idea to one 


 Elements of a Paragraph

A paragraph is made up of a topic sentence, the developing details, and a 

concluding sentence. 

o Topic Sentence: 

 The topic sentence expresses the main point of the paragraph. The topic 

sentence is typically the first sentence of the paragraph. It helps your 

reader to understand what the topic of your paragraph is going to be. The 

purpose of the topic sentence is to state the main point of the paragraph 

and to give the paragraph a sense of direction.

o Concluding Sentence:

 The concluding sentence is the ending line of the paragraph. It should 

restate the main idea of the paragraph. 

o Adequate Development

 It is important to fully develop and discuss the topic of your paragraph. If 

your paragraph is only 2-3 sentences, there is a good chance that you have 

not developed it enough. 

 Here are some ways you can develop and support your topic:

1. Use examples

2. Tell a story illustrating the idea

3. Compare and Contrast

4. Give data (such as facts, statistics, etc)

A good way to think of a paragraph and how it is structured is like a sandwich. 

The topic sentence is the top layer of bread, the concluding sentence is the bottom layer, 

and all of the developing details in-between are the meat and other goods of the 


 When to Start a New Paragraph

It can be difficult to know when to start a new paragraph sometimes. Typically, if 

you find yourself beginning to transition to a new idea, it is best to start a new paragraph. 

Here are some other times when you may want to start a new paragraph:

 To contrast information

 To break up dense text—long paragraphs can be taxing to the reader. When 

you find that your paragraph is exceeding a page, you may wish to start 

thinking of ways to separate that paragraph into smaller paragraphs. First, 

look for areas that start new ideas and split the paragraph there. 

How to Write a Good Paragraph: A Step-by-Step Guide

Writing well composed academic paragraphs can be tricky. The following is a guide on how to draft, expand,

refine, and explain your ideas so that you write clear, well-developed paragraphs and discussion posts: 

Step 1: Decide the Topic of Your Paragraph

Before you can begin writing, you need to know what you are writing about. First, look at the writing prompt 

or assignment topic. As you look at the prompt, note any key terms or repeated phrases because you will 

want to use those words in your response. Then ask yourself: 

• On what topic am I supposed to be writing?

• What do I know about this topic already?

• If I don’t know how to respond to this assignment, where can I go to find some answers? 

• What does this assignment mean to me? How do I relate to it?

After looking at the prompt and doing some additional reading and research, you should better understand

your topic and what you need to discuss. 

Step 2: Develop a Topic Sentence

Before writing a paragraph, it is important to think first about the topic and then what you want to say about 

the topic. Most often, the topic is easy, but the question then turns to what you want to say about the topic. 

This concept is sometimes called the controlling idea.

Strong paragraphs are typically about one main idea or topic, which is often explicitly stated in a topic 

sentence. Good topic sentences should always contain both (1) a topic and (2) a controlling idea. 

The topic – The main subject matter or idea covered in the paragraph.

The controlling idea – This idea focuses the topic by providing direction to the composition.

Read the following topic sentences. They all contain a topic (in orange) and a controlling idea (in purple). 

When your paragraphs contain a clearly stated topic sentence such as one of the following, your reader will 

know what to expect and, therefore, understand your ideas better.

Examples of topic sentences:

• People can avoid plagiarizing by taking certain precautions.

• There are several advantages to online education.

• Effective leadership requires specific qualities that anyone can develop.

Step 3: Demonstrate Your Point

After stating your topic sentence, you need to provide information to prove, illustrate, clarify, and/or 

exemplify your point. 

Ask yourself:

• What examples can I use to support my point?

• What information can I provide to help clarify my thoughts?

• How can I support my point with specific data, experiences, or other factual material? 

• What information does the reader need to know in order to see my point?

Here is a list of the kinds of information you can add to your paragraph:

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• Facts, details, reasons, examples

• Information from the readings or class discussions 

• Paraphrases or short quotations

• Statistics, polls, percentages, data from research studies

• Personal experience, stories, anecdotes, examples from your life 

Sometimes, adding transitional or introductory phrases like: for example, for instance, first, second, or last

can help guide the reader. Also, make sure you are citing your sources appropriately.

Step 4: Give Your Paragraph Meaning

After you have given the reader enough information to see and understand your point, you need to explain 

why this information is relevant, meaningful, or interesting. 

Ask yourself:

• What does the provided information mean?

• How does it relate to your overall point, argument, or thesis?

• Why is this information important/significant/meaningful?

• How does this information relate to the assignment or course I am taking?

Step 5: Conclude 

After illustrating your point with relevant information, add a concluding sentence. Concluding sentences 

link one paragraph to the next and provide another device for helping you ensure your paragraph is unified. 

While not all paragraphs include a concluding sentence, you should always consider whether one is 

appropriate. Concluding sentences have two crucial roles in paragraph writing: 

First, they draw together the information you have presented to elaborate your controlling idea by:

• Summarizing the point(s) you have made. 

• Repeating words or phrases from the topic sentence. 

• Using linking words that indicate that conclusions are being drawn (e.g., therefore, thus, 


Second, they often link the current paragraph to the following paragraph. They may anticipate the topic 

sentence of the next paragraph by: 

• Introducing a word/phrase or new concept which will then be picked up in the topic sentence of 

the next paragraph. 

• Using words or phrases that point ahead (e.g., the following, another, other).

Step 6: Look Over and Proofread

The last step in good paragraph writing is proofreading and revision. Before you submit your writing, look 

over your work at least one more time. Try reading your paragraph out loud to make sure it makes sense. 

Also, ask yourself these questions: 

• Does my paragraph answer the prompt and support my thesis?

• Does it make sense? Does it use the appropriate academic voice?

View additional proofreading tips and editing strategies.


Plan a paragraph based on the format discussed in this handout.

What is the main idea of your paragraph? ____________________________________

What is the topic sentence of your paragraph, based on your main idea?



What is a supporting detail you can use to develop this main idea?



What is another supporting detail you can use to develop this main idea?



What is another supporting detail you can use to develop this main idea?



Write a concluding sentence using your main idea and supporting details.



Now put the ideas you've listed above into a complete paragraph. If you want to

make sure that you've written a strong paragraph, feel free to bring your work to the

English Center for a tutor to check.

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