Friday, September 24, 2021

The Rain: Dialogue

 The Rain: Dialogue 

Teacher: Good morning, dear viewer, welcome to the English Speaking Practice class. how are you doing?

Student: Good morning, Sir. I am doing well. And you?

Teacher:  I’m great, thank you. Today we will talk about the weather and rain cycle. Why Rain is so much important to us and the environment.

Student: That is intriguing. Rain is generally considered a sign of good luck. As rain mainly symbolizes change, renewal, fertility, and life in general. I always fantasize about rain and some deserted place where I can spend some time in seclusion.

Teacher: let us go outside to watch actual rain.

Student: I agree with you. Rain is an important cycle of natural phenomena. Rain and snow are key elements in the Earth's water cycle, which is vital to all life on Earth. Rainfall is the main way that the water in the skies comes down to Earth, where it fills our lakes and rivers, recharges the underground aquifers, and provides drinks to plants and animals.

Teacher: Yes,  you are quite right.

Student: Give me full authority to speak. I am excited to participate in this spoken session.

Teacher: Okay. As you wish dear. Today our topic is “Rain”. Rain is a natural phenomenon. It is an important factor to maintain the water cycle and environmental control. In nutshell, we can say that rain is an inevitable part of human life.

Student: Inevitable?

Teacher: inevitable means unavoidable, inescapable, or certain. Just silently watch this weather.

student: Oh, that is great Rain is rain, right? It's wet and falls from the sky. It's not quite so simple.

Teacher: Such lovely weather. I can feel a pleasant breeze is blowing there. It is heavy rain with thunder.

Student: Many poets, writers, and even films have described the rain as a beautiful act of nature.

Teacher: I remember, when I was a child I read the poem “The Rain” by W.H Davies. The couplet is still mesmerizing which goes like this “ I hear leaves drinking rain; I hear rich leaves on top

“Giving the poor beneath

Drop after drop”

Student: Sir, we can correlate this couplet with this scene. Watch it closely.

Teacher That is a keen observation. Here, I will try to improve my vocabulary which is related to rain. When it is very light rain, we call it drizzling. Raining is called for just a normal type of rain. When it becomes a little bit fast and heavy, we call it pouring. When it becomes intense and greater than pouring, we call it lashing. For very heavy rain, when it rains it has huge intensity and bucket ranging we call it bucketing down or in idiomatic expression, we call it Raining cats and dogs.

Student:  I didn’t know that rain has so much vast vocabulary.

Teacher: Yes, offcourse.

Student: look lots of greenery there. It is a pleasant vibe here. I wish I could stand there.

Teacher: There are many idioms related to rain in the English language. Each Idiom describes some meaning expression and it will help yours to spice up your language. Now. Speak these idioms and their meaning as they will appear in the dialogue box.

Student:  Okay, Sir, the first idiom we have is   “Under the weather” it means that you don’t feel well. A “fair-weather friend” is someone who’s only around when things are going well—when you’re having fun, in a good mood, or have money to spend. Another idiom is “It’s raining cats and dogs”, this means it’s raining very heavily. The next idiom is “saving for a rainy day”, rain is back to being unpleasant in this idiom. We call it a rainy day when things are going wrong financially. If you know someone who’s trying to reach an impossible goal, you can say that they’re “chasing rainbows.”

Teacher: Oh, great you have such a good grip on idiomatic expressions. Now! let's enjoy this beautiful weather for a while.

Teacher: dear viewer, Is this video helpful for you

Student: Yes. It removes my hesitation and expanded my vocabulary.

Teacher: So, we will end it like Bollywood dialogue that “Now the weather is clear. If you and I have any connection, then the next time it rains ... we both will meet automatically”. Now I hope we will meet again in our next video of the English Speaking Class. Enjoy the lustrous weather.

Student: It’s a pleasure to meet you, professor. Thank you so much for helping us.



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