Friday, November 13, 2020

Ch 10 : "The Jewel of the World" : Book 2


Ch # 10         “The Jewel of the World”

                                                                            (Philip K. Hitti)

Introduction to the essay:

Philip K. Hitti, a modern historian, describes the grand progress that Muslim Spain made from the 8th to 15th century. It also provides us with information about our glorious past and how we dominantly ruled the world through our industrial and administrative rule. The long Muslim rule over Spain makes us think why Muslim countries do not rise to great heights now.

The title of the Essay:

“The Jewel of the world” is a wonderful description of Muslim rule over Spain”. The title refers to Cordova, the capital of Spain (when Muslims ruled over Spain twelve hundred years ago). It was called the Jewel of the world by a Nun in Germany.

Texted Exercise

Q1. Describe the dramatic escape of Abd-al- Rahman I from Abbasids.

According to the author, one day, Abd-al-Rahman I was in a Bedouin camp on the left bank of the Euphrates River. He saw the Abbasids appearing with their black flags after the Umayyads. He jumped into the river and swam to the other bank and thus escaped from the enemy. This dramatic escape was the result of his timely brave action.

Q2. How did Abd-al-Rahman I deal with the governor of Spain appointed by the Abbasid caliph and what reply (rejoinder) did he convey to the Caliph.

Abd-al-Rahman I cut off the head of the governor of Spain and sent it to the Abbasid Caliph in Damascus. He preserved the head in salt and camphor and wrapped it in a black flag together with his letter of appointment as governor.

Q3 What did the Abbasid caliph say on receiving the head of his governor? why did he utter these words?

After receiving the head of his governor, the Abbasid caliph said, “Thanks be to Allah for having placed the sea between us and such a foe (enemy)!” He uttered this because he feared Abd-al-Rahman and considered the long distance of the sea as a defense from him.

Q4. How did Abd-al-Rahman I improve and beautify the capital of Spain?

Abd-al-Rahman I made arrangements for the supply of pure water to Cordova through an aqueduct and got a wall constructed around it. He got a grand palace built and got foreign plants and fruit tree planted in its garden. He got a grand mosque built and a bridge constructed across the river.

Q5. Give an account of the all-round progress made by the Arabs under Abd-al-Rahman III.

Cordova, the capital, was made a most cultured city in Europe. It had cloth and leather industries like other cities. Spain began producing silk, pottery, and metallic articles. Agriculture made tremendous progress. Trade between Spain and other countries expanded a great deal.

Q6. What did AL-Hakam do to promote learning and scholarship in his caliphate?

Al- Hakam, a scholar, established twenty-seven free school in Cordova through an aqueduct. The university here was in the main mosque which he enlarged. He invited the professors from the East on special salaries. The library in Cordova contained Spain became highly advanced in the cultural field.

Q7. How was Abd-al-Rahman I’s court and the capital?

Abd-al-Rahman I’s court was grand with envoys attending it. Cordova, the capital, had a population of five hundred thousand. It had seven hundred mosques and three hundred public baths. The caliph kept thousands of slaves as bodyguards and an army of one hundred thousand soldiers. With their help, he kept peace and order.

Q8. How was an industry under Abd-al- Rahman III?

Cordova had cloth and leather industries. Wool and silk were woven here and in other Spanish cities. Spain began keeping silkworms like China. She began producing glassware, pottery, things of brass, etc. The country had fine gold and silver mines. Cordova was famous for its iron and lead. Malaga for its rubies and Toledo for its swords. The art of tanning and of making a design on leather was introduced in Spain.

Write Down the meanings and 2 synonyms for each word given below:







Accession of








































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