Thursday, November 12, 2020

Important Idioms

 Important Idioms:




1. Bring to Light

Reveal or disclose something previously hidden or secret

The murderer was brought to light by the police.

2. Dark Horse

someone of hidden abilities/skills

1. Ali is a dark horse as he secured first position in our class.

2. Ayesha is a dark horse. I did not know that she had written a novel.

3. Child’s Play

Easy task

Playing with the fire is not a child’s play.

4. A man of letters

Scholar, intellectual

1. Allama Iqbal was a man of letters.

2. Ali is a well learned man. He is a man of letters

5. Blessing in Disguise

A misfortune turns to be a blessing

Failing in his exams was a blessing in disguise for him as he realized the importance of education.

6. Break the ice

Relieve tension, usually use to start conversation

I talked to him because I wanted to break the ice.

7. A fish out of water

a person in a completely unsuitable environment/ situation.

1. A Muslim without Iman is just like a fish out of water.

2. Ahmad feels like fish out of water in mathematics class.

8. A wild goose chase

 a foolish and hopeless search



Praying for money without hard-work is a wild goose chase.

9. A rainy day

A time of need or trouble

A wise man always saves money for a rainy day.

10. Narrow escape

Barely escaped from an accident

Ali narrowly escaped by an accident on his car on the road.

11. An eye wash

Fabrication, trickery, deceit

The interview is an eye-wash; the candidates has already been selected.

12. At the eleventh hour

At the very last minute

1. I reached the railway station at the eleventh hour. 2. Just minutes before the deadline, he submitted his assignment at the eleventh hour.

13. Around the clock

all day and all night.

He studied hard around the clock to secure first position in his class.

14. Burn mid night oil

To stay awake late at night to work or study:

Ahmed burned the mid night oil to pass the CSS examination.

15. At length

in detail; fully.

He told me at length about his new job.

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At November 13, 2020 at 12:34 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you so much Sir ☺️

At November 13, 2020 at 12:45 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

You have it much more easier .

At November 13, 2020 at 2:45 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Thank u so much Sir☺️😊

At November 13, 2020 at 4:46 PM , Blogger Study with Faseeh said...

Thanks all. Keep reading and sharing the blog.


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