Friday, November 13, 2020

Ch 8 : “China’s Way to Progress” : Book 2


Ch # 8    “China’s Way to Progress”

                                                                            (Galeazzo Santini)


Galeazzo Santini describes China’s progress after its independence in 1949. The essay lets us compare Pakistan’ slow progress with China’s heroic advancement. It includes various historical allusions and show us inside story of China’s reformation policy. 

Textbook Exercise:

What has the world changed its attitude toward China?

According to the author, after China’s independence in 1949, China became a big power in 20 years. The Chinese depended on themselves. They promoted agriculture, controlled the river and floods and checked population. They improved their industry and foreign trade, languages, and the arts, and village and city life.

Q2. Discuss the Chinese agricultural system.

In China, modern agricultural methods are in use. Agricultural mechanization is being introduced through the system of communes. These communes have been further divided into production brigades and teams. The consideration is to increase per acre yield with upsetting the balance of employment. In this china improved her agricultural system.

Q3. How does China rely on its own resources?

China has seen an industrial, agricultural, and cultural revolution. The Chinese people locally produce all they need and export a lot. They have their own factories and industrial zones. Women and men work together, enjoying many social benefits. They get proper salaries and wages. The Chinese people rely on their own resources. They happily take part in the development of the country.

Q4. Describe a day in the life of a Chinese student. (or) What does the writer say about the life of a 16- year old in China?

A Chinese student gets up at 6 a.m., works in the house, has breakfast and the goes to school at 8. At 11, she comes back for lunch and at 1:30 again goes to school to return at 3. Then at home, she does her homework, rests, reads papers and listens to the radio or watches TV. Often she goes out with other boys and girls to play and enjoys her time.

Q5. Write a note on the Chinese women?

The Chinese women work side by side with men. They are very simple. They have an 8- hour working day and enjoy benefits like free medical treatment, free schooling for children and 56 days’ rest on full salary before childbirth. The Chines women feel satisfied and have high hopes for the future.

Q6. What are the social security benefits provided to Chinese workers?

China introduces many reforms. Firstly, the cost of living in the cities is kept low. Secondly, under the assistance system, every company raises its workers’ salaries. They also get pensions. Thirdly, Free medical treatment is available. The worker’s children are provided with free educational and cheap food in school cafeterias. Lastly, Farmers are helped with machines and advice.

Q7. It is the people and not the things that are decisive.” Discuss in relation to China.

It is the Chinese nation that has taken the country to its present glorious condition. The people have worked unitedly under the guidance of the government. They have not shown selfishness in the development of their country. It is they who will take her to more superpower heights.

Q8. “The heart of the matter is the need to root out selfishness.” Discuss in relation to China?

“The Chinese people have worked selflessly.” They have remained united in their fight against foreign forces. They have succeeded in creating a new world for themselves. They do not think that money, wine and sex are important. They always work hard for national development. They go on improving the country’s condition and their own.

Q9. How is the Chinese system different from the Western system?

The Chinese system is socialistic in which the people own and control the means of production through the government. The Western system is capitalistic which most of the means of production are owned controlled by individuals privately. The Chinese system has caused massive or large-scale growth and progress.

Q10. How is decentralization the most important aspect (facet) of the Chinese system? Or What is economic decentralization in China?

The most important aspect of the Chinese economy is its decentralization. That is, the Chinese industry is not set up at some central paces alone, and is not controlled by one central official organization. We find industries set up in cities, towns, and villages. These industries are locally controlled.

Very Briefly tell how the Chinese province, cities, and villages are equally developed?

The industry is set up in the villages as well as in the cites. All the Chinese provinces are equally developed in the industrial and agricultural field. The Chinese social, economic and political system has developed to great heights on the basis of equality. All parts of the country develop and progress continuously. This makes the country really united and strong.




Write Down the meanings and 2 synonyms for each word given below:




























































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