Friday, November 13, 2020

Ch 9 : “Hunger and Population Explosion” : Book 2

 Ch #9   “Hunger and Population Explosion”

                                                                            (Anna McKenzie)

Introduction to the essay:

Anna Mckenzie’s essay deals with the absolute hunger and population problem. The Western countries and some advanced countries of the East have almost solved it. They have controlled their population growth, but if we look at our motherland, we come to know that we are still staggering with this horrendous problem.

(b) The title of the essay

The title means that the explosion of population growth is causing or will cause more and more hunger. A very quick rise in population is, in fact, “population explosion”. Food production cannot or will not keep pace with (cannot go up with) the rise (increase) in population.

Textbook Exercise:

Q1. What does hunger mean on a large scale as viewed by the author?

According to the author, hunger on a large scale means never having enough or much to eat. It does not mean missing one meal or not eating for a whole day. It rather means never having enough food to eat. It also means that when a person eats his food or meal, he is not satisfied, but desires to eat more.

Q2. What does famine mean> Describe some great famines of the past?

Famine means an extreme shortage of food when people, in general, begin dying of hunger. The first great famine was the seven- years’ famine in Egypt during the time of the Prophet Joseph (peace be upon him). Later, the first great famine was in China during the 19th century. The second was in Russia in 1921-22. Another great famine in India was in 1770 in which ten million people died.

Q3. How do famines occur (take place)?

Famines occur when there are too many people and the food is not enough. Famines occur when crops fail because of diseases of the plants. There are also famines when crops fail because of a shortage of rains. Any country that does not keep large food stores is affected by a famine badly.

Q4. What is the main reason for the population increase today?

According to the author, the main reason is that the number of people born in any year is greater than the number who die. Now reduction in population by war is not much possible. Modern medicine and surgery have also put an end to a quick reduction in population by disease and death. So the population is rising fast. However, the rapidly rising population of the world cannot be fed completely and for long.

Q5. What is meant by birth rate and death rate and how do they affect the population of a country?

Birth rate means the number of births per 1,000 population and death rate means the number of death per 1,000 populations. If the birth rate is greater than the death rate., the population will increase. If the death rate is greater than the birth rate, the population will decrease.

Q6. What do you understand from “public-health measures”? Explain this term.

Public health measures mean steps to improve the facilities of medical treatment and living conditions of the people. The people are told about better foods, pure water, and clean living. They are informed about proper medical treatment. They are educated and trained in better ways of living.

Q7. Account for (explain) the high birth rate in the underdeveloped or developing countries?

The people of under-developed countries are mostly poor and uneducated. They consider children are only earning tools and believe in larger families. Moreover, they do not know much about modern birth-control methods. Therefore, birth rates in these countries are dangerously high.

Q8.  Why is the birth rate not so high in the more advanced countries?

In them, people are mostly educated having high incomes and social security. They know about and use modern birth-control methods. They believe in smaller families. They can provide better and more facilities to a smaller number of children. Smaller families have fewer needs and the government can look after them well.

Q9. Give a brief account (description of the poor economic conditions prevailing (existing) in the underdeveloped countries.

The population is increasing fast. Most people are poor and illiterate. Villagers earn their living with great difficulty. Industrial progress is slow. Electricity is not enough. The roads are broken or narrow Hospitals, schools, and colleges are not many. Medical and educational facilities are not enough. Exports are mostly of raw material.

Q10. What does true hunger mean?

Firstly, true hunger means never having enough to eat. Secondly, it means that one is not satisfied with what one has to eat. Thirdly, it means one is not sure of where the next meal is coming from or whether it will come at all. Lastly, Hunger can turn a human being into a beast or a criminal.

Write Down the meanings and 2 synonyms for each word given below:

















































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