Sunday, September 26, 2021

Written Report Guidelines

Q1. What is a report and how do you write it?

A report is a short, sharp, concise document which is written for a particular purpose and audience. It generally sets outs and analyses a situation or problem, often making recommendations for future action. Essays, reports, presentations and research papers are just some examples of documents written in the academic style. Academic writing, when used appropriately, presents a polished and professional image.

Q2. What are the five elements of report writing?

A report typically has four elements:

Executive Summary: a brief section that about the whole report. Usually written after completing the report.

Introduction: Provide a context for the report and outline the structure of the contents. ...

Body:  Data analysis and facts and figures we observe about a particular topic

Conclusion: Bring together the various elements of the report in a clear and concise manner.

Q3. What are the objectives of writing a report?

Objective writing is writing that you can verify through evidence and facts. If you're writing objectively, you must remain as neutral as possible through the use of facts, statistics, and research.

Q4. What are the Different Types of Reports?

While the basics of any report are the same, there are notable differences between academic, business, and technical reports. Types of reports include memos, minutes, lab reports, book reports, progress reports, justification reports, compliance reports, annual reports, and policies and procedures.

Academic Writing: The first thing to note is that academic writing is extremely formal. Typically, it should be free of contractions and any sort of slang. It's also important, generally, to write in the third person, eliminating pronouns like "I" and "we."

Business Writing: Business writing will also take on a formal tone. However, it's allowed to be slightly less buttoned up. The goal in a business report is to present new initiatives and "get things done." Here, things like contractions would be permissible, along with ample imagery and data.

Technical Writing: Technical reports focus on how to do something. While an academic or even a business report will attempt to prove something, a technical report is more descriptive in nature. Also, the report writing format for students and professionals may cite facts and statistics to make their case, but technical reports are more likely to follow a logical, step-by-step approach.

Q5. What are The Fundamental Principles of Report Writing?

The purpose of a report in an academic setting is to communicate. Reports can be written in any field about any subject, from science experiments to mathematical proofs to analyses of literary works.

Be Relevant

The subject of your report should be timely and relevant to your field. Thoroughly research the existing literature about your topic, and clearly define the problem your report will address. In your introduction, discuss why your topic is relevant.

Organize Logically

A report must be organized in a logical and formulaic format. The introduction of your report must state the problem you are addressing and your explanation of the need for the report. The methods section of your report must articulate what you did and how you did it. The methods section must be clear enough for anyone else to follow your steps.

Report Accurately

A report must be well researched and contain factual information. If your findings are not what you expected, you must discuss the difference in the report. Never skew data -- your findings -- or try to fit the data to match what you originally thought. A report should be objective and accurate.

Summarize Succintly

While your introduction should include a thorough explanation of the topic and the reason why your report is important, you may also include a brief description of your findings. This summary should only be a general statement, without any detail or explanation.

Extra links: 

Written Report Guidelines

The written report should have the following sections:

(1). Title pageWritten Report Guidelines

The written report should have the following sections:


(1). Title page

(2). Abstract

(3). Introduction

(4). Materials and Methods

(5). Results

(6). Discussion

(7). Conclusions

(8). References

Description of the content of each of these sections follows. Additional remarks on report preparation and writing style are given at the end.




Title page:


The TITLE PAGE identifies


The full name of the project

The course (ChE E 3810)

The name of the principal author (write NONE if a principal author was not used)

The names of the other group members

The group number





The ABSTRACT is not a part of the body of the report itself. Rather, the abstract is a brief summary of the report contents that is often separately circulated so potential readers can decide whether to read the report. The abstract should very concisely summarize the whole report: why it was written, what was discovered or developed, and what is claimed to be the significance of the effort. The abstract does not include figures or tables, and only the most significant numerical values or results should be given.






The INTRODUCTION should provide a clear statement of the problem posed by the project, and why the problem is of interest. It should reflect the scenario, if available. If needed, the introduction also needs to present background information so that the reader can understand the significance of the problem. A brief summary of the unique approach your group used to solve the problem should be given, possibly also including a concise introduction to theory or concepts used later to analyze and to discuss the results.




Materials and Methods:


The purpose of the MATERIALS AND METHODS section is to describe the materials, apparatus, and procedures used to carry out the measurements. Most importantly, the section needs to provide a clear presentation of how key measurements were obtained and how the measurements were analyzed. This is where the particular approach followed to reach the project's objectives should be described. The detail should be sufficient so that the reader can easily understand what was done. An accurate, schematic diagram depicting the apparatus should be included and referred to in the text as needed (if a diagram has been already provided it can be used in the report, provided that the source is properly referenced). To improve clarity of presentation, this section may be further divided into subsections (ex. a Materials subsection, an Apparatus subsection, a Methods or Procedures subsection, etc.).






The RESULTS section is dedicated to presenting the actual results (i.e. measured and calculated quantities), not to discussing their meaning or intepretation. The results should be summarized using appropriate Tables and Figures (graphs or schematics). Every Figure and Table should have a legend that describes concisely what is contained or shown. Figure legends go below the figure, table legends above the table. Throughout the report, but especially in this section, pay attention to reporting numbers with an appropriate number of significant figures. A formal error analysis (such as, perhaps, was done in Physics lab) is not necessary. Still, features of the data-taking and processing that may have especially contributed to errors should be pointed out. One classical example is the taking of small differences between large numbers; for instance, 11.5+0.2 - 10.8+ 0.3 yields a very large fractional error (about 70 %) on the resulting difference, 0.7+0.5. Another procedure that usually increases error is numerical differentiation.






The DISCUSSION interprets the results in light of the project's objectives. The most important goal of the DISCUSSION section is to interpret the results so that the reader is informed of the insight or answers that the results provide. The DISCUSSION should also present an evaluation of the particular approach taken by the group. For example: Based on the results, how could the experimental procedure be improved? What additional, future work may be warranted? What recommendations can be drawn?






The CONCLUSIONS should summarize the central points made in the Discussion section, reinforcing for the reader the value and implications of the work. If the results were not definitive, specific future work that may be needed can be (briefly) described. The conclusions should never contain "surprises". Therefore, any conclusions should be based on observations and data already discussed. It is considered extremely bad form to introduce new data in the conclusions.






The REFERENCES section should contain complete citations following standard form. The form of the citation depends on the type of source being referenced, and is different for whole books, chapters in books, and articles published in a journal. One good format to follow is that used in the Chemical Engineering Progress journal, published by AIChE. The references should be numbered and listed in the order they were cited in the body of the report. In the text of the report, a particular reference can be cited by using a numerical superscript that corresponds to its number in the reference list. If a reference has not been actually consulted, it should be listed "as discussed in [name of the work that discussed the reference]".




Additional Remarks:


Writing Style


Reports should be as long as they need to be -- no longer. Brevity is desirable, provided the necessary information is properly communicated. Some suggestions: Avoid reproducing standard information, for example, calibration curves. Avoid appendices unless there is a specific reason for them. Consider each sentence - does it meaningfully contribute to the report?


The reports should consider the background of the fictitious person described in the project scenario. The quality of the report can suffer both from overly detailed as well as too incomplete descriptions.


Only the title page, the abstract, the introduction, and the references should start on a separate page; the other sections should not. However, a heading needs to indicate the beginning of each section. Sub-headings within sections can be an excellent way to further organize the report.


While scientific writing does not have to be elegant, it must be precise. To state "The data were plotted and seemed to agree with the theory." is not precise. To state that "The pressure drop across the column in inches of water was plotted on log-log coordinates as a function of air flow rate in cubic feet per minute. The plot, shown in Figure 3, was close to linear and the slope of the best straight line, 1.92, was close to 2, as predicted by theory." is precise. Also, whenever possible, phrases such as "small", "large", "greater than", should be used in conjuction with the actual numbers.


A table or figure should never be inserted into the report without first referring to that table or figure in the text. Reference to a figure should include a brief description of what it contains and what it contributes to the point under consideration. Figures and tables should be merged into the text or placed on a separate page immediately following the first page on which they are mentioned; they should not be collected at the end of the report.


References must be numbered in the order that they are cited. It is good practice to attribute and acknowledge. The first of these protects against charges of plagiarism. The second gains friends and shows a generous nature.


A suitable font is Times Roman, 12 pt.


A uniform verb tense should be used throughout the report, preferably past tense.


The imperative mood, i.e. as if giving directions or orders, should not be used. The purpose is to state what was done, not to tell other people what to do.


Since the reports are formal, the first person (singular "I" or plural "We") should not be used.


Sentences should not start with "It" unless the object that "It" refers to is absolutely clear from the context.


All text should be double-spaced to allow room for comments.


All pages, including figure pages, should be numbered consecutively.


Overly long sentences should be avoided. Two or more short sentences should be used instead.


An excellent way to improve style and grammar is to have others proofread the report.


Needlessly fancy presentation (bold, italic, or underlined fonts; color in text or figures) should be avoided unless it truly enhances the clarity of the report.




Figures are categorized as either graphs or drawings. Graphs should follow engineering standards, not Excel defaults. Backgrounds should be white, not shaded. Style should be similar to that found in standard engineering textbooks. Grids should be appropriate to what the reader is likely to extract from the figure. Type sizes for coordinates and legends should be appropriate: not too small, not too large. A sans-serif (e.g. Arial) font works well for figure legends and coordinate labels. All legends should be within the graph area, not beside it. Line thickness should be sufficient to provide for good visibility, but not heavier than necessary.


Figures (drawings, schematics) should be kept simple. Fancy art work and three-dimensional renditions can be distracting if used indiscriminately. Below every figure or graph should be a caption that concisely describes what is shown. Figures and graphs should be numbered consecutively.





Tables should be well organized, with unshaded backgrounds. A table should not include columns that have all entries identical. As with Figures, a standard engineering textbook can be used as a guide to good table composition. Tables should be numbered consecutively, and above each table should be a caption describing the table contents.



Some Common Abbreviations Used in Marking


NC = not clear

RW = rewrite

SP = be specific, avoid generalities

RT = rethink, logic appears flawed or missing

curly brackets = grader's comments

Underline = see comments above underlined text

Check mark = good

Check mark with one or more slashes or pluses = very good to excellent


Materials and Methods
DiscussionWritten Report Guidelines

The written report should have the following sections:


(1). Title page

(2). Abstract

(3). Introduction

(4). Materials and Methods

(5). Results

(6). Discussion

(7). Conclusions

(8). References

Description of the content of each of these sections follows. Additional remarks on report preparation and writing style are given at the end.




Title page:


The TITLE PAGE identifies


The full name of the project

The course (ChE E 3810)

The name of the principal author (write NONE if a principal author was not used)

The names of the other group members

The group number





The ABSTRACT is not a part of the body of the report itself. Rather, the abstract is a brief summary of the report contents that is often separately circulated so potential readers can decide whether to read the report. The abstract should very concisely summarize the whole report: why it was written, what was discovered or developed, and what is claimed to be the significance of the effort. The abstract does not include figures or tables, and only the most significant numerical values or results should be given.






The INTRODUCTION should provide a clear statement of the problem posed by the project, and why the problem is of interest. It should reflect the scenario, if available. If needed, the introduction also needs to present background information so that the reader can understand the significance of the problem. A brief summary of the unique approach your group used to solve the problem should be given, possibly also including a concise introduction to theory or concepts used later to analyze and to discuss the results.




Materials and Methods:


The purpose of the MATERIALS AND METHODS section is to describe the materials, apparatus, and procedures used to carry out the measurements. Most importantly, the section needs to provide a clear presentation of how key measurements were obtained and how the measurements were analyzed. This is where the particular approach followed to reach the project's objectives should be described. The detail should be sufficient so that the reader can easily understand what was done. An accurate, schematic diagram depicting the apparatus should be included and referred to in the text as needed (if a diagram has been already provided it can be used in the report, provided that the source is properly referenced). To improve clarity of presentation, this section may be further divided into subsections (ex. a Materials subsection, an Apparatus subsection, a Methods or Procedures subsection, etc.).






The RESULTS section is dedicated to presenting the actual results (i.e. measured and calculated quantities), not to discussing their meaning or intepretation. The results should be summarized using appropriate Tables and Figures (graphs or schematics). Every Figure and Table should have a legend that describes concisely what is contained or shown. Figure legends go below the figure, table legends above the table. Throughout the report, but especially in this section, pay attention to reporting numbers with an appropriate number of significant figures. A formal error analysis (such as, perhaps, was done in Physics lab) is not necessary. Still, features of the data-taking and processing that may have especially contributed to errors should be pointed out. One classical example is the taking of small differences between large numbers; for instance, 11.5+0.2 - 10.8+ 0.3 yields a very large fractional error (about 70 %) on the resulting difference, 0.7+0.5. Another procedure that usually increases error is numerical differentiation.






The DISCUSSION interprets the results in light of the project's objectives. The most important goal of the DISCUSSION section is to interpret the results so that the reader is informed of the insight or answers that the results provide. The DISCUSSION should also present an evaluation of the particular approach taken by the group. For example: Based on the results, how could the experimental procedure be improved? What additional, future work may be warranted? What recommendations can be drawn?






The CONCLUSIONS should summarize the central points made in the Discussion section, reinforcing for the reader the value and implications of the work. If the results were not definitive, specific future work that may be needed can be (briefly) described. The conclusions should never contain "surprises". Therefore, any conclusions should be based on observations and data already discussed. It is considered extremely bad form to introduce new data in the conclusions.






The REFERENCES section should contain complete citations following standard form. The form of the citation depends on the type of source being referenced, and is different for whole books, chapters in books, and articles published in a journal. One good format to follow is that used in the Chemical Engineering Progress journal, published by AIChE. The references should be numbered and listed in the order they were cited in the body of the report. In the text of the report, a particular reference can be cited by using a numerical superscript that corresponds to its number in the reference list. If a reference has not been actually consulted, it should be listed "as discussed in [name of the work that discussed the reference]".




Additional Remarks:


Writing Style


Reports should be as long as they need to be -- no longer. Brevity is desirable, provided the necessary information is properly communicated. Some suggestions: Avoid reproducing standard information, for example, calibration curves. Avoid appendices unless there is a specific reason for them. Consider each sentence - does it meaningfully contribute to the report?


The reports should consider the background of the fictitious person described in the project scenario. The quality of the report can suffer both from overly detailed as well as too incomplete descriptions.


Only the title page, the abstract, the introduction, and the references should start on a separate page; the other sections should not. However, a heading needs to indicate the beginning of each section. Sub-headings within sections can be an excellent way to further organize the report.


While scientific writing does not have to be elegant, it must be precise. To state "The data were plotted and seemed to agree with the theory." is not precise. To state that "The pressure drop across the column in inches of water was plotted on log-log coordinates as a function of air flow rate in cubic feet per minute. The plot, shown in Figure 3, was close to linear and the slope of the best straight line, 1.92, was close to 2, as predicted by theory." is precise. Also, whenever possible, phrases such as "small", "large", "greater than", should be used in conjuction with the actual numbers.


A table or figure should never be inserted into the report without first referring to that table or figure in the text. Reference to a figure should include a brief description of what it contains and what it contributes to the point under consideration. Figures and tables should be merged into the text or placed on a separate page immediately following the first page on which they are mentioned; they should not be collected at the end of the report.


References must be numbered in the order that they are cited. It is good practice to attribute and acknowledge. The first of these protects against charges of plagiarism. The second gains friends and shows a generous nature.


A suitable font is Times Roman, 12 pt.


A uniform verb tense should be used throughout the report, preferably past tense.


The imperative mood, i.e. as if giving directions or orders, should not be used. The purpose is to state what was done, not to tell other people what to do.


Since the reports are formal, the first person (singular "I" or plural "We") should not be used.


Sentences should not start with "It" unless the object that "It" refers to is absolutely clear from the context.


All text should be double-spaced to allow room for comments.


All pages, including figure pages, should be numbered consecutively.


Overly long sentences should be avoided. Two or more short sentences should be used instead.


An excellent way to improve style and grammar is to have others proofread the report.


Needlessly fancy presentation (bold, italic, or underlined fonts; color in text or figures) should be avoided unless it truly enhances the clarity of the report.




Figures are categorized as either graphs or drawings. Graphs should follow engineering standards, not Excel defaults. Backgrounds should be white, not shaded. Style should be similar to that found in standard engineering textbooks. Grids should be appropriate to what the reader is likely to extract from the figure. Type sizes for coordinates and legends should be appropriate: not too small, not too large. A sans-serif (e.g. Arial) font works well for figure legends and coordinate labels. All legends should be within the graph area, not beside it. Line thickness should be sufficient to provide for good visibility, but not heavier than necessary.


Figures (drawings, schematics) should be kept simple. Fancy art work and three-dimensional renditions can be distracting if used indiscriminately. Below every figure or graph should be a caption that concisely describes what is shown. Figures and graphs should be numbered consecutively.





Tables should be well organized, with unshaded backgrounds. A table should not include columns that have all entries identical. As with Figures, a standard engineering textbook can be used as a guide to good table composition. Tables should be numbered consecutively, and above each table should be a caption describing the table contents.



Some Common Abbreviations Used in Marking


NC = not clear

RW = rewrite

SP = be specific, avoid generalities

RT = rethink, logic appears flawed or missing

curly brackets = grader's comments

Underline = see comments above underlined text

Check mark = good

Check mark with one or more slashes or pluses = very good to excellent


ConclusionsWritten Report Guidelines

The written report should have the following sections:


(1). Title page

(2). Abstract

(3). Introduction

(4). Materials and Methods

(5). Results

(6). Discussion

(7). Conclusions

(8). References

Description of the content of each of these sections follows. Additional remarks on report preparation and writing style are given at the end.




Title page:


The TITLE PAGE identifies


The full name of the project

The course (ChE E 3810)

The name of the principal author (write NONE if a principal author was not used)

The names of the other group members

The group number





The ABSTRACT is not a part of the body of the report itself. Rather, the abstract is a brief summary of the report contents that is often separately circulated so potential readers can decide whether to read the report. The abstract should very concisely summarize the whole report: why it was written, what was discovered or developed, and what is claimed to be the significance of the effort. The abstract does not include figures or tables, and only the most significant numerical values or results should be given.






The INTRODUCTION should provide a clear statement of the problem posed by the project, and why the problem is of interest. It should reflect the scenario, if available. If needed, the introduction also needs to present background information so that the reader can understand the significance of the problem. A brief summary of the unique approach your group used to solve the problem should be given, possibly also including a concise introduction to theory or concepts used later to analyze and to discuss the results.




Materials and Methods:


The purpose of the MATERIALS AND METHODS section is to describe the materials, apparatus, and procedures used to carry out the measurements. Most importantly, the section needs to provide a clear presentation of how key measurements were obtained and how the measurements were analyzed. This is where the particular approach followed to reach the project's objectives should be described. The detail should be sufficient so that the reader can easily understand what was done. An accurate, schematic diagram depicting the apparatus should be included and referred to in the text as needed (if a diagram has been already provided it can be used in the report, provided that the source is properly referenced). To improve clarity of presentation, this section may be further divided into subsections (ex. a Materials subsection, an Apparatus subsection, a Methods or Procedures subsection, etc.).






The RESULTS section is dedicated to presenting the actual results (i.e. measured and calculated quantities), not to discussing their meaning or intepretation. The results should be summarized using appropriate Tables and Figures (graphs or schematics). Every Figure and Table should have a legend that describes concisely what is contained or shown. Figure legends go below the figure, table legends above the table. Throughout the report, but especially in this section, pay attention to reporting numbers with an appropriate number of significant figures. A formal error analysis (such as, perhaps, was done in Physics lab) is not necessary. Still, features of the data-taking and processing that may have especially contributed to errors should be pointed out. One classical example is the taking of small differences between large numbers; for instance, 11.5+0.2 - 10.8+ 0.3 yields a very large fractional error (about 70 %) on the resulting difference, 0.7+0.5. Another procedure that usually increases error is numerical differentiation.






The DISCUSSION interprets the results in light of the project's objectives. The most important goal of the DISCUSSION section is to interpret the results so that the reader is informed of the insight or answers that the results provide. The DISCUSSION should also present an evaluation of the particular approach taken by the group. For example: Based on the results, how could the experimental procedure be improved? What additional, future work may be warranted? What recommendations can be drawn?






The CONCLUSIONS should summarize the central points made in the Discussion section, reinforcing for the reader the value and implications of the work. If the results were not definitive, specific future work that may be needed can be (briefly) described. The conclusions should never contain "surprises". Therefore, any conclusions should be based on observations and data already discussed. It is considered extremely bad form to introduce new data in the conclusions.






The REFERENCES section should contain complete citations following standard form. The form of the citation depends on the type of source being referenced, and is different for whole books, chapters in books, and articles published in a journal. One good format to follow is that used in the Chemical Engineering Progress journal, published by AIChE. The references should be numbered and listed in the order they were cited in the body of the report. In the text of the report, a particular reference can be cited by using a numerical superscript that corresponds to its number in the reference list. If a reference has not been actually consulted, it should be listed "as discussed in [name of the work that discussed the reference]".




Additional Remarks:


Writing Style


Reports should be as long as they need to be -- no longer. Brevity is desirable, provided the necessary information is properly communicated. Some suggestions: Avoid reproducing standard information, for example, calibration curves. Avoid appendices unless there is a specific reason for them. Consider each sentence - does it meaningfully contribute to the report?


The reports should consider the background of the fictitious person described in the project scenario. The quality of the report can suffer both from overly detailed as well as too incomplete descriptions.


Only the title page, the abstract, the introduction, and the references should start on a separate page; the other sections should not. However, a heading needs to indicate the beginning of each section. Sub-headings within sections can be an excellent way to further organize the report.


While scientific writing does not have to be elegant, it must be precise. To state "The data were plotted and seemed to agree with the theory." is not precise. To state that "The pressure drop across the column in inches of water was plotted on log-log coordinates as a function of air flow rate in cubic feet per minute. The plot, shown in Figure 3, was close to linear and the slope of the best straight line, 1.92, was close to 2, as predicted by theory." is precise. Also, whenever possible, phrases such as "small", "large", "greater than", should be used in conjuction with the actual numbers.


A table or figure should never be inserted into the report without first referring to that table or figure in the text. Reference to a figure should include a brief description of what it contains and what it contributes to the point under consideration. Figures and tables should be merged into the text or placed on a separate page immediately following the first page on which they are mentioned; they should not be collected at the end of the report.


References must be numbered in the order that they are cited. It is good practice to attribute and acknowledge. The first of these protects against charges of plagiarism. The second gains friends and shows a generous nature.


A suitable font is Times Roman, 12 pt.


A uniform verb tense should be used throughout the report, preferably past tense.


The imperative mood, i.e. as if giving directions or orders, should not be used. The purpose is to state what was done, not to tell other people what to do.


Since the reports are formal, the first person (singular "I" or plural "We") should not be used.


Sentences should not start with "It" unless the object that "It" refers to is absolutely clear from the context.


All text should be double-spaced to allow room for comments.


All pages, including figure pages, should be numbered consecutively.


Overly long sentences should be avoided. Two or more short sentences should be used instead.


An excellent way to improve style and grammar is to have others proofread the report.


Needlessly fancy presentation (bold, italic, or underlined fonts; color in text or figures) should be avoided unless it truly enhances the clarity of the report.




Figures are categorized as either graphs or drawings. Graphs should follow engineering standards, not Excel defaults. Backgrounds should be white, not shaded. Style should be similar to that found in standard engineering textbooks. Grids should be appropriate to what the reader is likely to extract from the figure. Type sizes for coordinates and legends should be appropriate: not too small, not too large. A sans-serif (e.g. Arial) font works well for figure legends and coordinate labels. All legends should be within the graph area, not beside it. Line thickness should be sufficient to provide for good visibility, but not heavier than necessary.


Figures (drawings, schematics) should be kept simple. Fancy art work and three-dimensional renditions can be distracting if used indiscriminately. Below every figure or graph should be a caption that concisely describes what is shown. Figures and graphs should be numbered consecutively.





Tables should be well organized, with unshaded backgrounds. A table should not include columns that have all entries identical. As with Figures, a standard engineering textbook can be used as a guide to good table composition. Tables should be numbered consecutively, and above each table should be a caption describing the table contents.



Some Common Abbreviations Used in Marking


NC = not clear

RW = rewrite

SP = be specific, avoid generalities

RT = rethink, logic appears flawed or missing

curly brackets = grader's comments

Underline = see comments above underlined text

Check mark = good

Check mark with one or more slashes or pluses = very good to excellent


ReferencesWritten Report Guidelines

The written report should have the following sections:


(1). Title page

(2). Abstract

(3). Introduction

(4). Materials and Methods

(5). Results

(6). Discussion

(7). Conclusions

(8). References

Description of the content of each of these sections follows. Additional remarks on report preparation and writing style are given at the end.




Title page:


The TITLE PAGE identifies


The full name of the project

The course (ChE E 3810)

The name of the principal author (write NONE if a principal author was not used)

The names of the other group members

The group number





The ABSTRACT is not a part of the body of the report itself. Rather, the abstract is a brief summary of the report contents that is often separately circulated so potential readers can decide whether to read the report. The abstract should very concisely summarize the whole report: why it was written, what was discovered or developed, and what is claimed to be the significance of the effort. The abstract does not include figures or tables, and only the most significant numerical values or results should be given.






The INTRODUCTION should provide a clear statement of the problem posed by the project, and why the problem is of interest. It should reflect the scenario, if available. If needed, the introduction also needs to present background information so that the reader can understand the significance of the problem. A brief summary of the unique approach your group used to solve the problem should be given, possibly also including a concise introduction to theory or concepts used later to analyze and to discuss the results.




Materials and Methods:


The purpose of the MATERIALS AND METHODS section is to describe the materials, apparatus, and procedures used to carry out the measurements. Most importantly, the section needs to provide a clear presentation of how key measurements were obtained and how the measurements were analyzed. This is where the particular approach followed to reach the project's objectives should be described. The detail should be sufficient so that the reader can easily understand what was done. An accurate, schematic diagram depicting the apparatus should be included and referred to in the text as needed (if a diagram has been already provided it can be used in the report, provided that the source is properly referenced). To improve clarity of presentation, this section may be further divided into subsections (ex. a Materials subsection, an Apparatus subsection, a Methods or Procedures subsection, etc.).






The RESULTS section is dedicated to presenting the actual results (i.e. measured and calculated quantities), not to discussing their meaning or intepretation. The results should be summarized using appropriate Tables and Figures (graphs or schematics). Every Figure and Table should have a legend that describes concisely what is contained or shown. Figure legends go below the figure, table legends above the table. Throughout the report, but especially in this section, pay attention to reporting numbers with an appropriate number of significant figures. A formal error analysis (such as, perhaps, was done in Physics lab) is not necessary. Still, features of the data-taking and processing that may have especially contributed to errors should be pointed out. One classical example is the taking of small differences between large numbers; for instance, 11.5+0.2 - 10.8+ 0.3 yields a very large fractional error (about 70 %) on the resulting difference, 0.7+0.5. Another procedure that usually increases error is numerical differentiation.






The DISCUSSION interprets the results in light of the project's objectives. The most important goal of the DISCUSSION section is to interpret the results so that the reader is informed of the insight or answers that the results provide. The DISCUSSION should also present an evaluation of the particular approach taken by the group. For example: Based on the results, how could the experimental procedure be improved? What additional, future work may be warranted? What recommendations can be drawn?






The CONCLUSIONS should summarize the central points made in the Discussion section, reinforcing for the reader the value and implications of the work. If the results were not definitive, specific future work that may be needed can be (briefly) described. The conclusions should never contain "surprises". Therefore, any conclusions should be based on observations and data already discussed. It is considered extremely bad form to introduce new data in the conclusions.






The REFERENCES section should contain complete citations following standard form. The form of the citation depends on the type of source being referenced, and is different for whole books, chapters in books, and articles published in a journal. One good format to follow is that used in the Chemical Engineering Progress journal, published by AIChE. The references should be numbered and listed in the order they were cited in the body of the report. In the text of the report, a particular reference can be cited by using a numerical superscript that corresponds to its number in the reference list. If a reference has not been actually consulted, it should be listed "as discussed in [name of the work that discussed the reference]".




Additional Remarks:


Writing Style


Reports should be as long as they need to be -- no longer. Brevity is desirable, provided the necessary information is properly communicated. Some suggestions: Avoid reproducing standard information, for example, calibration curves. Avoid appendices unless there is a specific reason for them. Consider each sentence - does it meaningfully contribute to the report?


The reports should consider the background of the fictitious person described in the project scenario. The quality of the report can suffer both from overly detailed as well as too incomplete descriptions.


Only the title page, the abstract, the introduction, and the references should start on a separate page; the other sections should not. However, a heading needs to indicate the beginning of each section. Sub-headings within sections can be an excellent way to further organize the report.


While scientific writing does not have to be elegant, it must be precise. To state "The data were plotted and seemed to agree with the theory." is not precise. To state that "The pressure drop across the column in inches of water was plotted on log-log coordinates as a function of air flow rate in cubic feet per minute. The plot, shown in Figure 3, was close to linear and the slope of the best straight line, 1.92, was close to 2, as predicted by theory." is precise. Also, whenever possible, phrases such as "small", "large", "greater than", should be used in conjuction with the actual numbers.


A table or figure should never be inserted into the report without first referring to that table or figure in the text. Reference to a figure should include a brief description of what it contains and what it contributes to the point under consideration. Figures and tables should be merged into the text or placed on a separate page immediately following the first page on which they are mentioned; they should not be collected at the end of the report.


References must be numbered in the order that they are cited. It is good practice to attribute and acknowledge. The first of these protects against charges of plagiarism. The second gains friends and shows a generous nature.


A suitable font is Times Roman, 12 pt.


A uniform verb tense should be used throughout the report, preferably past tense.


The imperative mood, i.e. as if giving directions or orders, should not be used. The purpose is to state what was done, not to tell other people what to do.


Since the reports are formal, the first person (singular "I" or plural "We") should not be used.


Sentences should not start with "It" unless the object that "It" refers to is absolutely clear from the context.


All text should be double-spaced to allow room for comments.


All pages, including figure pages, should be numbered consecutively.


Overly long sentences should be avoided. Two or more short sentences should be used instead.


An excellent way to improve style and grammar is to have others proofread the report.


Needlessly fancy presentation (bold, italic, or underlined fonts; color in text or figures) should be avoided unless it truly enhances the clarity of the report.




Figures are categorized as either graphs or drawings. Graphs should follow engineering standards, not Excel defaults. Backgrounds should be white, not shaded. Style should be similar to that found in standard engineering textbooks. Grids should be appropriate to what the reader is likely to extract from the figure. Type sizes for coordinates and legends should be appropriate: not too small, not too large. A sans-serif (e.g. Arial) font works well for figure legends and coordinate labels. All legends should be within the graph area, not beside it. Line thickness should be sufficient to provide for good visibility, but not heavier than necessary.


Figures (drawings, schematics) should be kept simple. Fancy art work and three-dimensional renditions can be distracting if used indiscriminately. Below every figure or graph should be a caption that concisely describes what is shown. Figures and graphs should be numbered consecutively.





Tables should be well organized, with unshaded backgrounds. A table should not include columns that have all entries identical. As with Figures, a standard engineering textbook can be used as a guide to good table composition. Tables should be numbered consecutively, and above each table should be a caption describing the table contents.



Some Common Abbreviations Used in Marking


NC = not clear

RW = rewrite

SP = be specific, avoid generalities

RT = rethink, logic appears flawed or missing

curly brackets = grader's comments

Underline = see comments above underlined text

Check mark = good

Check mark with one or more slashes or pluses = very good to excellent


Description of the content of each of these sections follows. Additional remarks on Written Report Guidelines

The written report should have the following sections:

Written Report Guidelines

The written report should have the following sections:


(1). Title page

(2). Abstract

(3). Introduction

(4). Materials and Methods

(5). Results

(6). Discussion

(7). Conclusions

(8). References

Description of the content of each of these sections follows. Additional remarks on report preparation and writing style are given at the end.




Title page:


The TITLE PAGE identifies


The full name of the project

The course (ChE E 3810)

The name of the principal author (write NONE if a principal author was not used)

The names of the other group members

The group number





The ABSTRACT is not a part of the body of the report itself. Rather, the abstract is a brief summary of the report contents that is often separately circulated so potential readers can decide whether to read the report. The abstract should very concisely summarize the whole report: why it was written, what was discovered or developed, and what is claimed to be the significance of the effort. The abstract does not include figures or tables, and only the most significant numerical values or results should be given.






The INTRODUCTION should provide a clear statement of the problem posed by the project, and why the problem is of interest. It should reflect the scenario, if available. If needed, the introduction also needs to present background information so that the reader can understand the significance of the problem. A brief summary of the unique approach your group used to solve the problem should be given, possibly also including a concise introduction to theory or concepts used later to analyze and to discuss the results.




Materials and Methods:


The purpose of the MATERIALS AND METHODS section is to describe the materials, apparatus, and procedures used to carry out the measurements. Most importantly, the section needs to provide a clear presentation of how key measurements were obtained and how the measurements were analyzed. This is where the particular approach followed to reach the project's objectives should be described. The detail should be sufficient so that the reader can easily understand what was done. An accurate, schematic diagram depicting the apparatus should be included and referred to in the text as needed (if a diagram has been already provided it can be used in the report, provided that the source is properly referenced). To improve clarity of presentation, this section may be further divided into subsections (ex. a Materials subsection, an Apparatus subsection, a Methods or Procedures subsection, etc.).






The RESULTS section is dedicated to presenting the actual results (i.e. measured and calculated quantities), not to discussing their meaning or intepretation. The results should be summarized using appropriate Tables and Figures (graphs or schematics). Every Figure and Table should have a legend that describes concisely what is contained or shown. Figure legends go below the figure, table legends above the table. Throughout the report, but especially in this section, pay attention to reporting numbers with an appropriate number of significant figures. A formal error analysis (such as, perhaps, was done in Physics lab) is not necessary. Still, features of the data-taking and processing that may have especially contributed to errors should be pointed out. One classical example is the taking of small differences between large numbers; for instance, 11.5+0.2 - 10.8+ 0.3 yields a very large fractional error (about 70 %) on the resulting difference, 0.7+0.5. Another procedure that usually increases error is numerical differentiation.






The DISCUSSION interprets the results in light of the project's objectives. The most important goal of the DISCUSSION section is to interpret the results so that the reader is informed of the insight or answers that the results provide. The DISCUSSION should also present an evaluation of the particular approach taken by the group. For example: Based on the results, how could the experimental procedure be improved? What additional, future work may be warranted? What recommendations can be drawn?






The CONCLUSIONS should summarize the central points made in the Discussion section, reinforcing for the reader the value and implications of the work. If the results were not definitive, specific future work that may be needed can be (briefly) described. The conclusions should never contain "surprises". Therefore, any conclusions should be based on observations and data already discussed. It is considered extremely bad form to introduce new data in the conclusions.






The REFERENCES section should contain complete citations following standard form. The form of the citation depends on the type of source being referenced, and is different for whole books, chapters in books, and articles published in a journal. One good format to follow is that used in the Chemical Engineering Progress journal, published by AIChE. The references should be numbered and listed in the order they were cited in the body of the report. In the text of the report, a particular reference can be cited by using a numerical superscript that corresponds to its number in the reference list. If a reference has not been actually consulted, it should be listed "as discussed in [name of the work that discussed the reference]".




Additional Remarks:


Writing Style


Reports should be as long as they need to be -- no longer. Brevity is desirable, provided the necessary information is properly communicated. Some suggestions: Avoid reproducing standard information, for example, calibration curves. Avoid appendices unless there is a specific reason for them. Consider each sentence - does it meaningfully contribute to the report?


The reports should consider the background of the fictitious person described in the project scenario. The quality of the report can suffer both from overly detailed as well as too incomplete descriptions.


Only the title page, the abstract, the introduction, and the references should start on a separate page; the other sections should not. However, a heading needs to indicate the beginning of each section. Sub-headings within sections can be an excellent way to further organize the report.


While scientific writing does not have to be elegant, it must be precise. To state "The data were plotted and seemed to agree with the theory." is not precise. To state that "The pressure drop across the column in inches of water was plotted on log-log coordinates as a function of air flow rate in cubic feet per minute. The plot, shown in Figure 3, was close to linear and the slope of the best straight line, 1.92, was close to 2, as predicted by theory." is precise. Also, whenever possible, phrases such as "small", "large", "greater than", should be used in conjuction with the actual numbers.


A table or figure should never be inserted into the report without first referring to that table or figure in the text. Reference to a figure should include a brief description of what it contains and what it contributes to the point under consideration. Figures and tables should be merged into the text or placed on a separate page immediately following the first page on which they are mentioned; they should not be collected at the end of the report.


References must be numbered in the order that they are cited. It is good practice to attribute and acknowledge. The first of these protects against charges of plagiarism. The second gains friends and shows a generous nature.


A suitable font is Times Roman, 12 pt.


A uniform verb tense should be used throughout the report, preferably past tense.


The imperative mood, i.e. as if giving directions or orders, should not be used. The purpose is to state what was done, not to tell other people what to do.


Since the reports are formal, the first person (singular "I" or plural "We") should not be used.


Sentences should not start with "It" unless the object that "It" refers to is absolutely clear from the context.


All text should be double-spaced to allow room for comments.


All pages, including figure pages, should be numbered consecutively.


Overly long sentences should be avoided. Two or more short sentences should be used instead.


An excellent way to improve style and grammar is to have others proofread the report.


Needlessly fancy presentation (bold, italic, or underlined fonts; color in text or figures) should be avoided unless it truly enhances the clarity of the report.




Figures are categorized as either graphs or drawings. Graphs should follow engineering standards, not Excel defaults. Backgrounds should be white, not shaded. Style should be similar to that found in standard engineering textbooks. Grids should be appropriate to what the reader is likely to extract from the figure. Type sizes for coordinates and legends should be appropriate: not too small, not too large. A sans-serif (e.g. Arial) font works well for figure legends and coordinate labels. All legends should be within the graph area, not beside it. Line thickness should be sufficient to provide for good visibility, but not heavier than necessary.


Figures (drawings, schematics) should be kept simple. Fancy art work and three-dimensional renditions can be distracting if used indiscriminately. Below every figure or graph should be a caption that concisely describes what is shown. Figures and graphs should be numbered consecutively.





Tables should be well organized, with unshaded backgrounds. A table should not include columns that have all entries identical. As with Figures, a standard engineering textbook can be used as a guide to good table composition. Tables should be numbered consecutively, and above each table should be a caption describing the table contents.



Some Common Abbreviations Used in Marking


NC = not clear

RW = rewrite

SP = be specific, avoid generalities

RT = rethink, logic appears flawed or missing

curly brackets = grader's comments

Underline = see comments above underlined text

Check mark = good

Check mark with one or more slashes or pluses = very good to excellent



(1). Title page

(2). Abstract

(3). Introduction

(4). Materials and Methods

(5). Results

(6). Discussion

(7). Conclusions

(8). References

Description of the content of each of these sections follows. Additional remarks on report preparation and writing style are given at the end.




Title page:


The TITLE PAGE identifies


The full name of the project

The course (ChE E 3810)

The name of the principal author (write NONE if a principal author was not used)

The names of the other group members

The group number





The ABSTRACT is not a part of the body of the report itself. Rather, the abstract is a brief summary of the report contents that is often separately circulated so potential readers can decide whether to read the report. The abstract should very concisely summarize the whole report: why it was written, what was discovered or developed, and what is claimed to be the significance of the effort. The abstract does not include figures or tables, and only the most significant numerical values or results should be given.






The INTRODUCTION should provide a clear statement of the problem posed by the project, and why the problem is of interest. It should reflect the scenario, if available. If needed, the introduction also needs to present background information so that the reader can understand the significance of the problem. A brief summary of the unique approach your group used to solve the problem should be given, possibly also including a concise introduction to theory or concepts used later to analyze and to discuss the results.




Materials and Methods:


The purpose of the MATERIALS AND METHODS section is to describe the materials, apparatus, and procedures used to carry out the measurements. Most importantly, the section needs to provide a clear presentation of how key measurements were obtained and how the measurements were analyzed. This is where the particular approach followed to reach the project's objectives should be described. The detail should be sufficient so that the reader can easily understand what was done. An accurate, schematic diagram depicting the apparatus should be included and referred to in the text as needed (if a diagram has been already provided it can be used in the report, provided that the source is properly referenced). To improve clarity of presentation, this section may be further divided into subsections (ex. a Materials subsection, an Apparatus subsection, a Methods or Procedures subsection, etc.).






The RESULTS section is dedicated to presenting the actual results (i.e. measured and calculated quantities), not to discussing their meaning or intepretation. The results should be summarized using appropriate Tables and Figures (graphs or schematics). Every Figure and Table should have a legend that describes concisely what is contained or shown. Figure legends go below the figure, table legends above the table. Throughout the report, but especially in this section, pay attention to reporting numbers with an appropriate number of significant figures. A formal error analysis (such as, perhaps, was done in Physics lab) is not necessary. Still, features of the data-taking and processing that may have especially contributed to errors should be pointed out. One classical example is the taking of small differences between large numbers; for instance, 11.5+0.2 - 10.8+ 0.3 yields a very large fractional error (about 70 %) on the resulting difference, 0.7+0.5. Another procedure that usually increases error is numerical differentiation.






The DISCUSSION interprets the results in light of the project's objectives. The most important goal of the DISCUSSION section is to interpret the results so that the reader is informed of the insight or answers that the results provide. The DISCUSSION should also present an evaluation of the particular approach taken by the group. For example: Based on the results, how could the experimental procedure be improved? What additional, future work may be warranted? What recommendations can be drawn?






The CONCLUSIONS should summarize the central points made in the Discussion section, reinforcing for the reader the value and implications of the work. If the results were not definitive, specific future work that may be needed can be (briefly) described. The conclusions should never contain "surprises". Therefore, any conclusions should be based on observations and data already discussed. It is considered extremely bad form to introduce new data in the conclusions.






The REFERENCES section should contain complete citations following standard form. The form of the citation depends on the type of source being referenced, and is different for whole books, chapters in books, and articles published in a journal. One good format to follow is that used in the Chemical Engineering Progress journal, published by AIChE. The references should be numbered and listed in the order they were cited in the body of the report. In the text of the report, a particular reference can be cited by using a numerical superscript that corresponds to its number in the reference list. If a reference has not been actually consulted, it should be listed "as discussed in [name of the work that discussed the reference]".




Additional Remarks:


Writing Style


Reports should be as long as they need to be -- no longer. Brevity is desirable, provided the necessary information is properly communicated. Some suggestions: Avoid reproducing standard information, for example, calibration curves. Avoid appendices unless there is a specific reason for them. Consider each sentence - does it meaningfully contribute to the report?


The reports should consider the background of the fictitious person described in the project scenario. The quality of the report can suffer both from overly detailed as well as too incomplete descriptions.


Only the title page, the abstract, the introduction, and the references should start on a separate page; the other sections should not. However, a heading needs to indicate the beginning of each section. Sub-headings within sections can be an excellent way to further organize the report.


While scientific writing does not have to be elegant, it must be precise. To state "The data were plotted and seemed to agree with the theory." is not precise. To state that "The pressure drop across the column in inches of water was plotted on log-log coordinates as a function of air flow rate in cubic feet per minute. The plot, shown in Figure 3, was close to linear and the slope of the best straight line, 1.92, was close to 2, as predicted by theory." is precise. Also, whenever possible, phrases such as "small", "large", "greater than", should be used in conjuction with the actual numbers.


A table or figure should never be inserted into the report without first referring to that table or figure in the text. Reference to a figure should include a brief description of what it contains and what it contributes to the point under consideration. Figures and tables should be merged into the text or placed on a separate page immediately following the first page on which they are mentioned; they should not be collected at the end of the report.


References must be numbered in the order that they are cited. It is good practice to attribute and acknowledge. The first of these protects against charges of plagiarism. The second gains friends and shows a generous nature.


A suitable font is Times Roman, 12 pt.


A uniform verb tense should be used throughout the report, preferably past tense.


The imperative mood, i.e. as if giving directions or orders, should not be used. The purpose is to state what was done, not to tell other people what to do.


Since the reports are formal, the first person (singular "I" or plural "We") should not be used.


Sentences should not start with "It" unless the object that "It" refers to is absolutely clear from the context.


All text should be double-spaced to allow room for comments.


All pages, including figure pages, should be numbered consecutively.


Overly long sentences should be avoided. Two or more short sentences should be used instead.


An excellent way to improve style and grammar is to have others proofread the report.


Needlessly fancy presentation (bold, italic, or underlined fonts; color in text or figures) should be avoided unless it truly enhances the clarity of the report.




Figures are categorized as either graphs or drawings. Graphs should follow engineering standards, not Excel defaults. Backgrounds should be white, not shaded. Style should be similar to that found in standard engineering textbooks. Grids should be appropriate to what the reader is likely to extract from the figure. Type sizes for coordinates and legends should be appropriate: not too small, not too large. A sans-serif (e.g. Arial) font works well for figure legends and coordinate labels. All legends should be within the graph area, not beside it. Line thickness should be sufficient to provide for good visibility, but not heavier than necessary.


Figures (drawings, schematics) should be kept simple. Fancy art work and three-dimensional renditions can be distracting if used indiscriminately. Below every figure or graph should be a caption that concisely describes what is shown. Figures and graphs should be numbered consecutively.





Tables should be well organized, with unshaded backgrounds. A table should not include columns that have all entries identical. As with Figures, a standard engineering textbook can be used as a guide to good table composition. Tables should be numbered consecutively, and above each table should be a caption describing the table contents.



Some Common Abbreviations Used in MarkingWritten Report Guidelines

The written report should have the following sections:


(1). Title page

(2). Abstract

(3). Introduction

(4). Materials and Methods

(5). Results

(6). Discussion

(7). Conclusions

(8). References

Description of the content of each of these sections follows. Additional remarks on report preparation and writing style are given at the end.




Title page:


The TITLE PAGE identifies


The full name of the project

The course (ChE E 3810)

The name of the principal author (write NONE if a principal author was not used)

The names of the other group members

The group number





The ABSTRACT is not a part of the body of the report itself. Rather, the abstract is a brief summary of the report contents that is often separately circulated so potential readers can decide whether to read the report. The abstract should very concisely summarize the whole report: why it was written, what was discovered or developed, and what is claimed to be the significance of the effort. The abstract does not include figures or tables, and only the most significant numerical values or results should be given.






The INTRODUCTION should provide a clear statement of the problem posed by the project, and why the problem is of interest. It should reflect the scenario, if available. If needed, the introduction also needs to present background information so that the reader can understand the significance of the problem. A brief summary of the unique approach your group used to solve the problem should be given, possibly also including a concise introduction to theory or concepts used later to analyze and to discuss the results.




Materials and Methods:


The purpose of the MATERIALS AND METHODS section is to describe the materials, apparatus, and procedures used to carry out the measurements. Most importantly, the section needs to provide a clear presentation of how key measurements were obtained and how the measurements were analyzed. This is where the particular approach followed to reach the project's objectives should be described. The detail should be sufficient so that the reader can easily understand what was done. An accurate, schematic diagram depicting the apparatus should be included and referred to in the text as needed (if a diagram has been already provided it can be used in the report, provided that the source is properly referenced). To improve clarity of presentation, this section may be further divided into subsections (ex. a Materials subsection, an Apparatus subsection, a Methods or Procedures subsection, etc.).






The RESULTS section is dedicated to presenting the actual results (i.e. measured and calculated quantities), not to discussing their meaning or intepretation. The results should be summarized using appropriate Tables and Figures (graphs or schematics). Every Figure and Table should have a legend that describes concisely what is contained or shown. Figure legends go below the figure, table legends above the table. Throughout the report, but especially in this section, pay attention to reporting numbers with an appropriate number of significant figures. A formal error analysis (such as, perhaps, was done in Physics lab) is not necessary. Still, features of the data-taking and processing that may have especially contributed to errors should be pointed out. One classical example is the taking of small differences between large numbers; for instance, 11.5+0.2 - 10.8+ 0.3 yields a very large fractional error (about 70 %) on the resulting difference, 0.7+0.5. Another procedure that usually increases error is numerical differentiation.






The DISCUSSION interprets the results in light of the project's objectives. The most important goal of the DISCUSSION section is to interpret the results so that the reader is informed of the insight or answers that the results provide. The DISCUSSION should also present an evaluation of the particular approach taken by the group. For example: Based on the results, how could the experimental procedure be improved? What additional, future work may be warranted? What recommendations can be drawn?






The CONCLUSIONS should summarize the central points made in the Discussion section, reinforcing for the reader the value and implications of the work. If the results were not definitive, specific future work that may be needed can be (briefly) described. The conclusions should never contain "surprises". Therefore, any conclusions should be based on observations and data already discussed. It is considered extremely bad form to introduce new data in the conclusions.






The REFERENCES section should contain complete citations following standard form. The form of the citation depends on the type of source being referenced, and is different for whole books, chapters in books, and articles published in a journal. One good format to follow is that used in the Chemical Engineering Progress journal, published by AIChE. The references should be numbered and listed in the order they were cited in the body of the report. In the text of the report, a particular reference can be cited by using a numerical superscript that corresponds to its number in the reference list. If a reference has not been actually consulted, it should be listed "as discussed in [name of the work that discussed the reference]".




Additional Remarks:


Writing Style


Reports should be as long as they need to be -- no longer. Brevity is desirable, provided the necessary information is properly communicated. Some suggestions: Avoid reproducing standard information, for example, calibration curves. Avoid appendices unless there is a specific reason for them. Consider each sentence - does it meaningfully contribute to the report?


The reports should consider the background of the fictitious person described in the project scenario. The quality of the report can suffer both from overly detailed as well as too incomplete descriptions.


Only the title page, the abstract, the introduction, and the references should start on a separate page; the other sections should not. However, a heading needs to indicate the beginning of each section. Sub-headings within sections can be an excellent way to further organize the report.


While scientific writing does not have to be elegant, it must be precise. To state "The data were plotted and seemed to agree with the theory." is not precise. To state that "The pressure drop across the column in inches of water was plotted on log-log coordinates as a function of air flow rate in cubic feet per minute. The plot, shown in Figure 3, was close to linear and the slope of the best straight line, 1.92, was close to 2, as predicted by theory." is precise. Also, whenever possible, phrases such as "small", "large", "greater than", should be used in conjuction with the actual numbers.


A table or figure should never be inserted into the report without first referring to that table or figure in the text. Reference to a figure should include a brief description of what it contains and what it contributes to the point under consideration. Figures and tables should be merged into the text or placed on a separate page immediately following the first page on which they are mentioned; they should not be collected at the end of the report.


References must be numbered in the order that they are cited. It is good practice to attribute and acknowledge. The first of these protects against charges of plagiarism. The second gains friends and shows a generous nature.


A suitable font is Times Roman, 12 pt.


A uniform verb tense should be used throughout the report, preferably past tense.


The imperative mood, i.e. as if giving directions or orders, should not be used. The purpose is to state what was done, not to tell other people what to do.


Since the reports are formal, the first person (singular "I" or plural "We") should not be used.


Sentences should not start with "It" unless the object that "It" refers to is absolutely clear from the context.


All text should be double-spaced to allow room for comments.


All pages, including figure pages, should be numbered consecutively.


Overly long sentences should be avoided. Two or more short sentences should be used instead.


An excellent way to improve style and grammar is to have others proofread the report.


Needlessly fancy presentation (bold, italic, or underlined fonts; color in text or figures) should be avoided unless it truly enhances the clarity of the report.




Figures are categorized as either graphs or drawings. Graphs should follow engineering standards, not Excel defaults. Backgrounds should be white, not shaded. Style should be similar to that found in standard engineering textbooks. Grids should be appropriate to what the reader is likely to extract from the figure. Type sizes for coordinates and legends should be appropriate: not too small, not too large. A sans-serif (e.g. Arial) font works well for figure legends and coordinate labels. All legends should be within the graph area, not beside it. Line thickness should be sufficient to provide for good visibility, but not heavier than necessary.


Figures (drawings, schematics) should be kept simple. Fancy art work and three-dimensional renditions can be distracting if used indiscriminately. Below every figure or graph should be a caption that concisely describes what is shown. Figures and graphs should be numbered consecutively.





Tables should be well organized, with unshaded backgrounds. A table should not include columns that have all entries identical. As with Figures, a standard engineering textbook can be used as a guide to good table composition. Tables should be numbered consecutively, and above each table should be a caption describing the table contents.



Some Common Abbreviations Used in Marking


NC = not clear

RW = rewrite

SP = be specific, avoid generalities

RT = rethink, logic appears flawed or missing

curly brackets = grader's comments

Underline = see comments above underlined text

Check mark = good

Check mark with one or more slashes or pluses = very good to excellent




NC = not clear

RW = rewrite

SP = be specific, avoid generalities

RT = rethink, logic appears flawed or missing

curly brackets = grader's comments

Underline = see comments above underlined text

Check mark = good

Check mark with one or more slashes or pluses = very good to excellent


report preparation and writing style are given at the end.

Title page:

The TITLE PAGE identifies

·  The full name of the project

·  The course (ChE E 3810)

·  The name of the principal author (write NONE if a principal author was not used)

·  The names of the other group members

·  The group number


The ABSTRACT is not a part of the body of the report itself. Rather, the abstract is a brief summary of the report contents that is often separately circulated so potential readers can decide whether to read the report. The abstract should very concisely summarize the whole report: why it was written, what was discovered or developed, and what is claimed to be the significance of the effort. The abstract does not include figures or tables, and only the most significant numerical values or results should be given.


The INTRODUCTION should provide a clear statement of the problem posed by the project, and why the problem is of interest. It should reflect the scenario, if available. If needed, the introduction also needs to present background information so that the reader can understand the significance of the problem. A brief summary of the unique approach your group used to solve the problem should be given, possibly also including a concise introduction to theory or concepts used later to analyze and to discuss the results.

Materials and Methods:

The purpose of the MATERIALS AND METHODS section is to describe the materials, apparatus, and procedures used to carry out the measurements. Most importantly, the section needs to provide a clear presentation of how key measurements were obtained and how the measurements were analyzed. This is where the particular approach followed to reach the project's objectives should be described. The detail should be sufficient so that the reader can easily understand what was done. An accurate, schematic diagram depicting the apparatus should be included and referred to in the text as needed (if a diagram has been already provided it can be used in the report, provided that the source is properly referenced). To improve clarity of presentation, this section may be further divided into subsections (ex. a Materials subsection, an Apparatus subsection, a Methods or Procedures subsection, etc.).


The RESULTS section is dedicated to presenting the actual results (i.e. measured and calculated quantities), not to discussing their meaning or intepretation. The results should be summarized using appropriate Tables and Figures (graphs or schematics). Every Figure and Table should have a legend that describes concisely what is contained or shown. Figure legends go below the figure, table legends above the table. Throughout the report, but especially in this section, pay attention to reporting numbers with an appropriate number of significant figures. A formal error analysis (such as, perhaps, was done in Physics lab) is not necessary. Still, features of the data-taking and processing that may have especially contributed to errors should be pointed out. One classical example is the taking of small differences between large numbers; for instance, 11.5+0.2 - 10.8+ 0.3 yields a very large fractional error (about 70 %) on the resulting difference, 0.7+0.5. Another procedure that usually increases error is numerical differentiation.


The DISCUSSION interprets the results in light of the project's objectives. The most important goal of the DISCUSSION section is to interpret the results so that the reader is informed of the insight or answers that the results provide. The DISCUSSION should also present an evaluation of the particular approach taken by the group. For example: Based on the results, how could the experimental procedure be improved? What additional, future work may be warranted? What recommendations can be drawn?


The CONCLUSIONS should summarize the central points made in the Discussion section, reinforcing for the reader the value and implications of the work. If the results were not definitive, specific future work that may be needed can be (briefly) described. The conclusions should never contain "surprises". Therefore, any conclusions should be based on observations and data already discussed. It is considered extremely bad form to introduce new data in the conclusions.


The REFERENCES section should contain complete citations following standard form. The form of the citation depends on the type of source being referenced, and is different for whole books, chapters in books, and articles published in a journal. One good format to follow is that used in the Chemical Engineering Progress journal, published by AIChE. The references should be numbered and listed in the order they were cited in the body of the report. In the text of the report, a particular reference can be cited by using a numerical superscript that corresponds to its number in the reference list. If a reference has not been actually consulted, it should be listed "as discussed in [name of the work that discussed the reference]".

Additional Remarks:

Writing Style

·  Reports should be as long as they need to be -- no longer. Brevity is desirable, provided the necessary information is properly communicated. Some suggestions: Avoid reproducing standard information, for example, calibration curves. Avoid appendices unless there is a specific reason for them. Consider each sentence - does it meaningfully contribute to the report?

·  The reports should consider the background of the fictitious person described in the project scenario. The quality of the report can suffer both from overly detailed as well as too incomplete descriptions.

·  Only the title page, the abstract, the introduction, and the references should start on a separate page; the other sections should not. However, a heading needs to indicate the beginning of each section. Sub-headings within sections can be an excellent way to further organize the report.

·  While scientific writing does not have to be elegant, it must be precise. To state "The data were plotted and seemed to agree with the theory." is not precise. To state that "The pressure drop across the column in inches of water was plotted on log-log coordinates as a function of air flow rate in cubic feet per minute. The plot, shown in Figure 3, was close to linear and the slope of the best straight line, 1.92, was close to 2, as predicted by theory." is precise. Also, whenever possible, phrases such as "small", "large", "greater than", should be used in conjuction with the actual numbers. 

·  A table or figure should never be inserted into the report without first referring to that table or figure in the text. Reference to a figure should include a brief description of what it contains and what it contributes to the point under consideration. Figures and tables should be merged into the text or placed on a separate page immediately following the first page on which they are mentioned; they should not be collected at the end of the report.

·  References must be numbered in the order that they are cited. It is good practice to attribute and acknowledge. The first of these protects against charges of plagiarism. The second gains friends and shows a generous nature.

·  A suitable font is Times Roman, 12 pt.

·  A uniform verb tense should be used throughout the report, preferably past tense.

·  The imperative mood, i.e. as if giving directions or orders, should not be used. The purpose is to state what was done, not to tell other people what to do.

·  Since the reports are formal, the first person (singular "I" or plural "We") should not be used.

·  Sentences should not start with "It" unless the object that "It" refers to is absolutely clear from the context.

·  All text should be double-spaced to allow room for comments.

·  All pages, including figure pages, should be numbered consecutively.

·  Overly long sentences should be avoided. Two or more short sentences should be used instead.

·  An excellent way to improve style and grammar is to have others proofread the report.

·  Needlessly fancy presentation (bold, italic, or underlined fonts; color in text or figures) should be avoided unless it truly enhances the clarity of the report.


Figures are categorized as either graphs or drawings. Graphs should follow engineering standards, not Excel defaults. Backgrounds should be white, not shaded. Style should be similar to that found in standard engineering textbooks. Grids should be appropriate to what the reader is likely to extract from the figure. Type sizes for coordinates and legends should be appropriate: not too small, not too large. A sans-serif (e.g. Arial) font works well for figure legends and coordinate labels. All legends should be within the graph area, not beside it. Line thickness should be sufficient to provide for good visibility, but not heavier than necessary.

Figures (drawings, schematics) should be kept simple. Fancy art work and three-dimensional renditions can be distracting if used indiscriminately. Below every figure or graph should be a caption that concisely describes what is shown. Figures and graphs should be numbered consecutively. 


Tables should be well organized, with unshaded backgrounds. A table should not include columns that have all entries identical. As with Figures, a standard engineering textbook can be used as a guide to good table composition. Tables should be numbered consecutively, and above each table should be a caption describing the table contents.

Report Writing


A date should be written to the right side. It can be written in the following format

British Format

British: Day-Month-Year

the Fourteenth of March, 2016

14th March 2016

14 March 2016




American Format

American: Month-Day-Year

March Fourteenth, 2016

March 14th, 2016

March 14, 2016




Both formats are accepted.


In "To" we write to whom we are writing the report. Generally, it's written to the editor.


Who is writing the report? If you're acting as a reporter, you can be a chief reporter.


What your letter is about. It should be underlined.


In the introduction, you write briefly who you are. What you have done before. What you will write in the report.


In a report, it should be explained in detail. Statistics data can be given in the table, for example, you can write 20 bikes, 10 cars and 5 cycles were stolen in March, April, and May respectively by writing the data in the table  . Write where did you travel to write the report. You can make it appealing in so many other ways.


What you have explained in the report, you depict in 3 to 5 lines. Write what you exactly want to tell).


You can give suggestions how the problem can be eradicated and eliminated in points.


It doesn't mean you will your sign. It is against the rule. You will just write ABC. (Right Side)


Q: As a newspaper reporter make a survey report for your newspaper on "Drug Addiction".

Your report should cover the following points: (8 Marks) | Taken From English Paper

1. Prevalence of drug addiction in society.

2. It is harmful to our youth and nation.

3. Suggestions to put an end to this evil.


Report on the Prevalence of drug addiction in society.

To: The Editor, the Dawn

From: A Chief Reporter

Subject: Issue of Drug Addiction in the Society

                I am a chief reporter, and I have compiled a number of reports on terrorism, load shedding, and smuggling in the Dawn, the Nation and the Tribune. These reports helped to bring a significant improvement in society. In this report, I will shed light on the issue of drug addiction.

                It has no doubt that drug addiction has hit all regions and all sections of our society. It is found in rural and urban areas, among the poor and the rich, among the men and the women. But it is most overwhelmingly practiced by young boys and girls in hostels in almost all educational and technical institutions.

This takes place through drug mafia who has further links with formidable terrorists and smugglers. And in the process, many long men and young women in our country fall victim to this diabolical habit. Pakistan, through its ISI, is indulging in a proxy war in Kashmir against India with the help of money earned through this drug mafia. These drugs and terrorism have adamant links.
This habit becomes so confirmed that the victim becomes a slave to the drug. If he or she doesn't take it regularly, he or she feels something missing and even significantly depressed with acute pain and numbness in legs and arms. Drugs are of many kinds like opium, heroin, ganja, charas, etc.

This situation is worsening day by day. This circumstance is creating a lot of difficulties for the people.

               Eradicating the enigma of drug addiction is really important without it, our youth will destroy themselves and the country. It's the best time to take action on it, later we will only repent.

                 I suggest you the following steps to be taken in this regard:

1. Make treatment available on request like any other.
2. Prevent drug abuse by investing in the youth and providing them with accurate information.
3. Focus law enforcement resources on the most dangerous and violent criminals
4. International drug control efforts should be demilitarized and focus on economic development.
5. Restore justice to the Pakistani justice system.
6. Make prevention of HIV and other blood-borne diseases a top priority.




                                                                                                                                      Chief Reporter



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