Saturday, September 25, 2021

1st Year Class Test : Chapter 6 & 7 (A)



Subject: English    Class: First Year                                         Total Marks: 30

Paper :   A                                      



Q.1        Choose the correct option.                               06

1.      'Gentle applause broke up from every hand.

A)     moaning  B) clapping C) chirping  D) whispering

2.      Royal smiles were directed towards him.

A)     comical B) old C) majestic  D) pitiful

3.      It is very damp here sometimes.

A)     noisy  B) humid C) dry  D) sad

4.       She had magnificent blond hair in profusion .

A)     Plenty B) illusion  C) tangled D) prudence

       5.   He did not ____ me.

        (a)    invites           (b)    invite                      (c)      invited                   (d) inviting

       6. He cried as if he _________ mad.

        (a)     is    (b)      has             (c) were        (d)  will




                SUBJECTIVE TYPE:                                                                   24 Marks

 1. Translate the following passage into Urdu.                                                         7 marks

Simple by sticking to it, said Jorkens. He went into politics. They all do in that country. But, he went into them harder than anyone else, and never gave up his ambition. OF course he made speeches, and fine ones, on may other subject; but all the while he stuck to his one idea. The years went by, and the day came when he had power enough to preach his ambition openly, and he told them how the glory of their country and o its ancient throne would be increased if the post of Court acrobat were created.

2. Answer the following questions in 3-5 lines from Book-I.                                    10 marks

 1. What was the subject discussed at the club?

 2. What was the point of view of the parents of Gorgios?

3. What was the condition of the the tonsils of the sick girl?

4. How is the poem, “Hollow Men”, is a criticism of modern man.

5.What is worse than slavery?


Q3.  Write the reference to context of the following lines                                     05 marks

                        What is this life, if full of care

We have no time to stand and stare?

No time to stand beneath the boughs

And stare as long as sheep or cows:

Q4. Explain the following pair of words according to their use in meaningful sentences :02


(1)   Feet, feat             (2) Essay, Assay



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