Saturday, September 25, 2021

1st Year English Class Test : Chapter 6 & 7 (B)

Subject: English    Class: First Year                                         Total Marks: 30


                                                            Paper :   B

                OBJECTIVE TYPE            06


Q.1        Choose the correct option.                                                                                06

1.      He wore down opposing arguments.

A)     forget  B) abandoned C) overcame  D) accepted

2.      A young athlete at court exhibiting perfect physical fitness.

A)     standing B) staying  C) looking  D) showing

3.      She fought, with clenched teeth, desperately .

A)     recklessly  B) inwardly  C) hysterically  D) timidly

4.       She had magnificent blond hair in profusion .

A)     Plenty B) illusion  C) tangled D) prudence

       5.   He ____ me last week.

        (a)    meet          (b)    met                      (c)      will meet                 (d) have meet

       6. He cried as if he _________ mad.

        (a)     is    (b)      has             (c) were        (d)  will




                SUBJECTIVE TYPE:                                                                   24 Marks

 1. Translate the following passage into Urdu.                                                         7 marks

Then I grasped the child’s head with my left hand and tried to get the wooden tongue depressor between her teeth. She fought, with clenched teeth, desperately! But now I also had grown furious- at a child. I tried to hold myself down but I couldn’t. I know how to  expose a throat for inspections. And I did my best. When finally I got the wooden spatula behind the last teeth and just the point of it in to the moth cavity, she opened up for an instant.

2. Answer the following questions in 3-5 lines from Book-I.                                    10 marks

 1. What was the viewpoint of the parents of Gorgios?

 2. What was the behaviour of the child with the doctor?

3. Why did the parents rebuke her?

4. What is the theme of the poem “ Leisure”.

5.What do stuffed men mean?


Q3.  Write an application to your principal on “ remission of library fine”            7 marks



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