Friday, September 24, 2021

Poem 1. The Rain : Book 3


1.           The Rain ( Poem)

                                                                         “W.H Davies”





1.      Rich leaves

Wealthy people

thick leaves, plentiful

2.      Poor

Poor people

Thin, timid

3.      Beneath

at a lower level or layer than.

Under, lower, below

4.      Sweet noise

To describe a beautiful song

Pleasant sound, melodious sound, melody

5.      Wondrous

inspiring a feeling of wonder or delight

Bright, marvelous, shining, beaming



This poem is taken from the poem, “The Rain” written by “W.H Davies”


In this poem, the poet has described a great scene of nature. He hears the leaves drinking raindrops. It is nice to hear the sweet music when the raindrops fall on the leaves. He says that when the sun rises, it makes a lovely sight everywhere.


The rain is a great phenomenon of nature. The poet hears the noise of the rain on the leaves of trees. The rich leaves (rich people) are fully wet with water, and waterfalls drop after a drop on poor leaves (poor people) creating a musical sound. This shows the inequality and injustice of poor people by rich people in society.


Write Down the Answers to the Following Questions:

Q.1: What is meant by “Rich Leaves”?

ANS: The rich leaves are those on the treetops. The rich leaves symbolize the upper class of society that enjoys the maximum blessings of nature.

Q.2: What does the poet mean by the “Poor Leaves”?

ANS: The leaves which are on the lower side are called poor leaves because they receive only those drops of rain which are trickled down by the rich leaves.

Q.3: What will happen after the rain stops?

ANS: As the poet watches the rain, he hopes for the sunshine afterward. He will welcome it with joy like all of us. He will enjoy a bright atmosphere.

Q.4: Give the symbolic importance of the rain? OR Write a critical appreciation of the poem?

ANS: Symbolically, this poem expresses optimism. The poet is optimistic that a day will come when every poor person in this world will become a happy person. The word sunshine in the poem stands for happiness.

Q.5: How can a rainy day be enjoyed?

ANS: Rain is a beautiful natural phenomenon. A rainy day can be enjoyed by hearing the musical sound created by the raindrops falling on the leaves. We can take a bath in the shower of rain and enjoy the cool breeze.

Q.6: What happens when the sun shines brightly?

ANS: The sun rays fall on the round raindrops. The raindrops begin shining beautifully. They make the scene lovely on the tree leaves and the grass and plants on the ground.

Q.7: What does the phrase ‘sweet noise’ mean?

ANS: The leaves of the trees are drinking the water. This produces a musical sound. The phrase ‘sweet noise’ refers to this musical sound.




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