Friday, September 24, 2021

13. Role of Women in Society: Essay


13. Role of Women in Society







Achievements by Pakistani Women



1.   Brigham Young Says, “You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.”

Women are the inherent and integral part of our society and cannot be neglected due to their less power and authority. They are created as a companion for men and men have to make her walk with them in the course of life.

The basic unit of society is a woman. A woman makes a family, the family makes a home and homes make a society. So we should never think that a society would come into existence without the contribution of women. We all know that without education, no development is possible. Here we have forgotten that the very first and best school of a child is its mother’s lap.

A good healthy society doesn’t automatically emerge on its own and stands firm but it needs to emerge and for its emergence women play a pivotal role. These all are the basic fundamentals of a good society and women are the main contributors in building up a strong society.

 2   Arabia, the origin of Islam, in pre-Islamic ages was wrapped all over by a blanket of evil deeds, wicked thoughts, and immorality. Women were the most affected during that time. They were treated like animals. They were only considered lesser beings. The newborn baby girls were buried alive as they thought girls were a curse for the family and society. With the advent of Islam, the women got the respect and status in the society that she ever deserved. It the woman who is a mother and Islam has taught us that “paradise lies under the feet of mother”. As a Muslim, from this, we can judge women’s respect and importance in our life and society.

3  The western countries have tremendously developed in all fields of life. Their education, their health departments, the departments of information technology are the in the highest rankings. In western countries, men and women are working shoulder to shoulder in the same pace and both are contributing and playing their parts equally in the developmental processes. Like this there is competition and where there is competition there is invention and invention leads to massive developments.

"Feminism isn't about making women strong. Women are already strong. It's about changing the way the world perceives that strength." —G.D. Anderson

4.    Pakistan is an Islamic country and exists and functions in the context of its unique set of historical, social, economic and political circumstances. Women within Islamic boundaries can take part in all activities whether they belong to financial, national, international, social or domestic affairs. Women population of our country is greater than that of men population. If such a big portion of the population is kept behind, then it’s difficult to progress with due speed and we will obviously lag behind the developed countries. Pakistan is an underdeveloped country and most of its population is of the youth.

5. The role of Pakistani women in their families revolves around well-established conventions of male supremacy and female sub ordinance. Here the complete responsibility lies on the shoulders of the male to educate and encourage the females to step forward and to play their role in developmental processes. Women are not only for home-making and child-rearing. It’s a golden chance for Pakistan to rightly utilize the youth’s energies. Women are more productive than men; if in Pakistan they are given the right platform they will smoothly carry the nation towards development.

6. Pakistani women are now advancing in education and creating new platforms for themselves. They are not too behind than Western countries in any social, economic, political and even athletic competitions. To support my stance and validity, I have political examples of Fatima Jinnah, Begum Ra’ana Liaquat Ali Khan, Benazir Bhutto Shaheed. Their hardships and struggle are known by all and sundry. Marium Mukhtar will always have remembered as the first lady pilot of the Pakistan Air force.  Muniba Mazari, a differently abled woman, who shows a huge optimistic side of Pakistan with her motivational speeches is Pakistan’s first female Goodwill Ambassador by the United Nations for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women.

 Dr. Nergis Mavalvala, a Pakistan- born astrophysicist played a vital role in the discovery of gravitational waves. Syeda Ghulam Fatima was presented with the Clinton Global Citizen Awards 2015 for leadership and civil society. Even, as a child our women playing their roles like youngest IT professional and expert, Arfa Abdul Karim Randhawa and Nobel Peace award winner, Malala Yousafzai. There are also many names, those who showed Pakistan’s positive and bright side and it also motivates us about this that if a woman is well equipped with the right education and have enthusiasm about her goal. She achieves everything that she desires.

 "There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish." —Michelle Obama

In order for a society to be a pure society, both men and women should think, dress and behave in ways that allow pure thoughts and actions to dominate the way of life and create a social climate conducive to the achievement of the real goal of life.


(830 words)





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