Friday, September 24, 2021

8. Patriotism / Why I love Pakistan : Essay

 8.  Patriotism / Why I love Pakistan


1.      Introduction

2.      Definition of a true patriot

3.      Patriotism is a great virtue

4.      Love and loyalty for one’s country

5.      Patriotic spirit and Pakistan

6.      Culture and civilization

7.      Patriotism is zealous love

8.      Patriotism brings out compassion, courage and work ethics

9.      Fountain of love for one’s country

10.  Conclusion


“Such is the patriot’s boast, where we roam

His first, best country ever is at home” 

  ( Oliver Goldsmith)

Men have always taken pride in loving their countries above everything else. From ancient times to the modern age, people have been laying their lives for the honor of their “motherland”. The love of one’s country has become an accepted virtue among freedom-loving nations.

Islam teaches us a beautiful lesson about patriotism. Patriotism is of great virtue if it comes to defend one’s country. Loving own country and its people is a good trait of the Muslims. Our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“Love of your country (patriotism) is a part of your faith.” 

Patriotism is developed by working in the interest of motherland. Motherland can be loved by defending its independence, contributing to its development, not helping anyone in subversive activities, by the maintenance of national resources, self-sacrifice in the interest of the country.

“A man's country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle and patriotism is loyalty to that principle.”

                                                                                                               (George William Curtis)

Patriotism means love and loyalty to one’s country. A true patriot would willingly die for the honor of his country if there is a danger to her freedom. It is one of the most exalted and inspiring experiences. Many times, even the weaker nations fought so bravely against the aggressor that the whole world was surprised.  The Greeks were ideal patriots. Each of them became a soldier when the country was in danger. From this flowed their respect for the freedom of the people. The history and literature of all the nations of the whole area full of such evidence that shows how a citizen of free nations was ennobled by the love of their country.

In history, we can find out many extraordinary men who fought with courage and valor for the honor of their country. Porus, an ordinary Indian prince, fought against Alexander the Great. We cannot forget or under-estimate the patriotism and determination of Tipu Sultan who fought against the armies of the English and Marathas. A true Patriot, the love of his country and stirred to action by his deep concern for the freedom of the Indians against the treacherous rule of the East India Company. The Germans were a great example of the patriot people in the 20th century who defeated the whole world because they loved their country above anything else.

 Quaid-e –Azam laid great stress upon such a patriotic spirit. As a true patriot and lover of my country, I love Pakistan more than my own life because my actual existence once has no value apart from it. I love it because I own life to it.

The reason for my love of Pakistan is since the decline of the Muslim rule in Indo- Pakistan, the Muslims had a very bad time. With the effort of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, his friend, and followers, The Muslims of this country realized their condition. Under the inspiring leadership of Quaid –e- Azam, they fought for the creation of Pakistan. Pakistan came into being in August 1947 for which we had to give great sacrifices. The wealth, ammunition and landed property do not constitute a nation. Pakistanis are good at heart; they are straight forward and sincere. They are honest, reliable and trustworthy.

“Few individuals significantly alter the course of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly anyone can be credited with creating a nation-state. Mohammad Ali Jinnah did all three.” 
                                                                                               (Stanley Wolpert, 
Jinnah of Pakistan)

The culture and civilization of this country are felt in my blood. What I am is very deeply connected with Pakistan and can’t be separated from it as a part of the body can’t be separated from it without bitter pain. The atmosphere around me is the outcome of centuries of development. I am proud of the cultural heritage of Pakistan which sustain me and my countrymen.n

“I love the country because it is my own just as my parents and the home, I live in are my own.”

Pakistan came into being by the struggles and efforts by the Muslims of the sub-continent who wanted to spend their lives according to the will of Allah Almighty. But the English and Hindus were extremely annoyed by the formation of new Islamic land; Pakistan, so they created and financed many problems for our motherland.

Patriotism is the zealous love for one’s country.  It’s like an enchanting love that every citizen carries.  When India through its impotent army and blinded media wanted to bark at the pious land of Pakistan but the Pakistani army defeated them on every level either it was national/ international or news/ social media. Pakistani army forced them to acknowledge their lies and to lick the dust by accepting it. I am truly proud of the institutions of Pakistan either they are administrative or political ones.

“Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.”

 (Mark Twain)

Love for Pakistan is in all our hearts.  We may not always know it until the call comes upon us.  Patriotism brings out compassion, courage, work ethics, and bravery in us all. In the end, I should say that I love Pakistan because it is the fountain of my life, safety, and honor. To have no love for it means to have no love for my own self.

“Swim or sink, live or die, survive or perish

With my country was my unalterable determination.”                             

     (John Adams)

(950 words)



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