Friday, September 24, 2021

4. Global Warming : Essay


4.  Global Warming


1.      Introduction

2.      A great threat to our future

3.      Changes in the weather pattern

4.      Extreme heat and drought

5.      Seasonal temperatures variations and wind patterns  

6.      Sea level rises

7.      Cheap and renewable resources as a solution

8.      Geoengineering and recycling

9.      Reduce deforestation and plant trees

10.  Conclusion

“Global warming isn't a prediction. It is happening.”

(James Hansen)

Global warming is a threat to our future. It can be defined as “a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants.” Global warming is not a prediction. It is happening right now. It is a current increase in temperature of the Earth `s atmosphere, water, and surface. Human activities produce greenhouse gases that accumulate in the atmosphere and cause problems our planet faces today. Global warming can do more than just melt polar ice and change weather patterns throughout the world.

Basically, it is in human nature to destroy the natural environment for his inner pleasure and personal interest. We should be aware of this misfortune that is and will happen to our environment. It can change our maps, displace people from tropical islands and cities, and cause famine. We should stop deforestations, reduce carbon emissions, and fight misinformation. People should be prepared for the inevitable consequences of global warming. It is today`s reality and we should be responsible for doing so much harm to our planet Earth. One of the most obvious effects of global warming is extreme weather. The weather patterns are rapidly changing in all parts of the world. The increased rainfall in certain regions affects the balance that animals and plants need to survive. Climate changes cause health problems, animal migration, and the lack of food resources.

 Extreme heat and droughts in diverse regions of our planet have become disastrous to human health. The frequency of the heavy precipitation has led to a greater prevalence of floods. Global warming creates more natural disasters. Extreme weather events will continue to occur with greater intensity. So, we will experience significant changes in seasonal temperatures variations, wind patterns, and annual precipitation. The effects of global warming on plants and animals are expected to be widespread and profound. Many organisms are migrating from the equator toward poles in order to find more comfortable conditions for their existence. However, a lot of animals go extinct as they are not able to compete in a new climate regime.

Global warming can cause the disappearance of up to one-third of Earth`s animals and one-half of plants by 2080. The effects of climate change due to global warming can be devastating to human society. People can face severe crop failures and livestock shortages that will cause civic unrest, food riots, famines, and political instability in the whole world. Global warming threatens our future health conditions. Humanity will experience an increase in tick-borne and mosquito-borne diseases. What is more, people have become more vulnerable to extreme weather and climate changes that lead to serious mental health issues.

The sea-level rise accelerates 0.12 inches per year in overage worldwide. This trend will continue if gas emissions remain unchecked. People are to blame for rapidly melting ice, warming oceans, and rising sea levels. Coral reefs are in danger as the ocean warms. Melting glaciers endanger human life in the coastal areas. It can cause landslides and other land collapses.

An increase in average temperatures is the major problem caused by global warming. Sea ice is projected to shrink in both the Antarctic and Arctic.

Future tropical cyclones will become more intense. Heavy precipitation events, heat waves, and hot extremes will become more frequent. The air pollution caused by the overabundance of carbon dioxide, vehicular emissions, and power plants influences the human respiratory system. A lot of people all over the world suffer from respiratory diseases. The surface of our planet can warm by 6 degrees this century.

“Global warming threatens our health, our economy, our natural resources, and our children's future. It is clear we must act.”                                         (Eliot Spitzer)

Solutions to Global warming:

 Many scientific methods of controlling or lowering the Earth’s temperature are being researched; these can also be called geoengineering. Geoengineering is a method by which scientists can change the levels of greenhouse gases directly or indirectly. To reduce global warming, we can do to reduce the contribution of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Therefore, the solutions that we can reduce global warming are reducing gasoline, electricity and our activities that cause global warming. To reduce gasoline mean we have a choice to choose a hybrid car that reduces using gasoline.

Another way to reduce global warming is recycling. Recycle can reduce garbage by reusing plastic bags, bottles, papers or glass. If all this is being reused, a human can reduce deforestation and help save the environment. Besides, turn off electricity if unused. It can save thousands of carbon dioxide and buy a product that has energy saving because it saves cost and save the environment.

“We are running out of time; we must have a planetary solution to a planetary crisis.”

(Al Gore)

Finally, the human should stop open burning such as burning dry leaves or burning garbage. It will release carbon dioxide and toxic if burning garbage with plastic. Besides, the government should reduce deforestation because earth temperatures are increasing. Trees will help to improve the temperature on earth. In conclusion, we can say that by taking solid steps and making our planet earth greener, we shall be able to reduce global warming.

“Planting and growing increasing quantities of trees is the scientific solution to Earth's environmental dilemma.”                                                                  

                                                                                                (Richard Barbe-Baker)

(880 words)



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