Friday, September 24, 2021

14. (A) Corona Pandemic in Pakistan ( Excellent Version) : Essay

Corona Pandemic in Pakistan (Excellent Version)



·         What is Coronavirus and its symptoms

·         Corona Virus and Pakistan

·         Impacts of Coronavirus on the Economy

·         Impacts of Coronavirus epidemic on the Education Sector

·         Impact of Coronavirus on the Entertainment and Sports Industry

·         Corona and Islamic solutions

·         Conclusion


“The First wealth is health.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Plagues and epidemics have ravaged humanity throughout its existence, often changing the course of history. The Coronavirus pandemic, in particular, has led to the decline of most economic activities, restriction of local and international travel, in addition to the spread of panic and fear across the world.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), coronaviruses refer to a large family of viruses that are known to cause illnesses, both among animals and humans. Although more common in animals, there are four or five different types of coronaviruses that can cause respiratory diseases in humans, such as mild or severe respiratory infections. These infections can range from the common cold to more severe diseases such as the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) or the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), which was first identified amid an outbreak of respiratory illness cases in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China.

The main symptoms of the illness include; headache, fever, sneezing, dry cough, and difficulty in breathing, but some patients experience a running nose, diarrhea, body aches, sore throat, and nasal congestion. Coronavirus can affect an individual at any age. However, the disease poses fatal illnesses in older humans and those with underlying medical conditions such as diabetes, heart conditions, and chronic respiratory conditions.

The pandemic has also taken a devastating blow on the Pakistani economy. In Pakistan, Corona also has a devastating impact on the political scenario. Pakistan has locked its borders, On 2 April, 2020. The Government of Pakistan announced that the Pakistani economy had lost Rs 2.5 trillion due to the coronavirus pandemic. Many experts believe that "Pakistan's economy is shrinking, unemployment is rising and various sectors are in crisis," Pakistan's exports primarily comprise textile products. These exports are down since the COVID-19 crisis started. Pakistan's GDP growth was around 5.8%; now it is 0.98% and is likely to decline further. The country's fiscal deficit is almost 10% in the year 2020 and revenues have decreased. Pakistan's public health system was overstretched long before the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. Due to the pandemic, millions of people now suffer from food insecurity.  The number of unemployed people in the country is estimated to reach 6.65 million during the pandemic.

“Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.”
― Winston S. Churchill

 Across the country, educational activities were closed.  Due to the corona virus spread and taking into the consideration the health of the students and teachers, high school students have been promoted to the next classes without taking regular examinations, and admissions to colleges were granted based on the previous year's results. While many universities and schools have started online classes, a majority of educational institutions in Pakistan do not have the proper system for distance learning. Apart from this pandemic also presents some opportunities for developing countries like ours. We have a chance to rethink and reshape our education system to meet the needs of the post-pandemic world.

As the virus spreads across the globe, sports bodies canceled or postponed their activities. Many national and international events were closed or reschedule due to the rise in Corona cases in Pakistan. Pakistan Super League matches were played in a closed-door environment without spectators. Moreover, an International level hockey event was also postponed in Pakistan. In March 2020, the Pakistan Football Federation released a notification announcing that the matches were postponed. national-level games like wrestling, volleyball, badminton, basketball events were also canceled or rescheduled. Avoiding gatherings are essential for the health of people. All cinemas, theatres, restaurants, sports clubs, and marriage halls were immediately closed after the first lockdown which caused a huge setback to all mentioned entertainment and business areas. Millions of rupees were lost due to the corona pandemic in Pakistan.

Islam has put a unique emphasis on the importance of cleanliness by making it a part of faith. Islamic teachings to protect the public from death and sickness from a pandemic go back to the very beginning of Islam. Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) advised his followers as

"Do not place a sick patient with a healthy person," the Prophet adds in another narration”

At the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) as well as before and after his time until Pasteur managed to discover the existence of microbes, people used to think that diseases were caused by devils, demons, and stars. That is, they were not related to cleanliness or certain behaviors; thus, they resorted to sorcery and magic as a remedy. Modern medical treatment shows that the teaching of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was modern and beneficial for everyone.

Preventive Measures for COVID-19

To limit the risks of getting COVID-19 follow these basic precautions:

1.       Wear a mask, avoid crowded places and events, maintain social distance.

2.       Avoid touching surfaces, especially in public settings. Clean surfaces regularly with standard disinfectants.

3.       Cover your coughs and sneezes with a bent elbow or tissue. Then wash your hands or use an alcohol-based hand rub.

4.       Teaching and learning material regarding cleanliness and hygiene should be included in the curriculum and textbooks.

5.       To train young people schools should involve students in cleaning their schools, homes, and environment and highlight proper sanitary practices.

Currently, we need a collective effort from everyone to stop the spread of Corona virus. Follow local guidance. Check to see what national, regional, and local authorities are advising so you have the most relevant information for where you are. In such circumstances, the teachings of Islam can be very helpful. As prophet Muhammad (saw) advised; "Wash your hands frequently, don't leave infected areas and don’t visit infected areas," If we follow the teachings of Prophet (PBUH) we can surely overcome this pandemic in a better way. The teachings of the Prophet (PBUH) also provide an overview to provide a holistic approach to manage the pandemic.  


(990 words)



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