Friday, September 24, 2021

Chapter 16: Good-Bye, Mr. Chips


Chapter 16: Good-Bye, Mr. Chips

Q1. Who was Gregson?
Ans. Gregson was an old student of Chips. He was a tall boy with spectacles and was always late in his work. He got a job with the League of Nations. He often visits Chips after his retirement.

Q2. Where did Chips spend his money after retirement?  What was the financial status of Chips after his retirement?
Ans. Mr. Chips had no financial worries. His income was more than his expenses. He had invested his small capital in stocks. He donated some money to the Brookfield mission as well.
Q3. What was Mr. Chips' will? OR When did Chips make his will?
Ans. Chips made his will in 1930. Except for the legacies to the mission and Mrs. Wickett, he left all he had to found an open entrance scholarship to the school. He wanted to give all his money in welfare of students

Q4. What was Chips' opinion about the General Strike of 1926?

There was a General Strike in 1926. England suffered much financially from that strike. Chips called it an advertisement because there was no loss of life.

Q5. What did Chips say about “Wurlitzer”?
Ans. There was a discussion about the word “Wurlitzer” between Chips and his students. Students were saying that it was the name of a musical instrument whereas Chips said that it might be the name of sausage. Students laughed at this joke.



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