Friday, September 24, 2021

Chapter 14: Good-Bye, Mr. Chips


Chapter 14: Good-Bye, Mr. Chips

Q1. What sort of jokes did Chips make during the war?
 Chips brought new jokes along with old ones. He made new jokes about the O.T.C. and the food rationing system and the anti-air-raid blinds that had to be fitted on all the windows during the war.

Q2. What is rissole?  What was Chips’ joke about “abhorrendum”?

Rissole is a food which is made of minced meat fried with breadcrumbs. It began to appear on the School menu every Monday. Chips called it abhorrendum “meat to be abhorred”. Chips made fun of it.

Q3. How did Mr. Chips perform his duties as the head of Brookfield?

As the headmaster of Brookfield, Mr. Chips sat in the headmaster’s study, handling problems, dealing with complaints and requests. He gained an excellent reputation.

Q4. Who was Max Staefel?

He was a German master at Brookfield and Mr. Chips stayed at his home in 1913. He was killed on the Western Front (Germany) during world war 1. Chips called his name  with other killed boys.
Q5. What were Chips' views about bayonet-practice?
Ans. Chips did not support the war. He did not mince any words when asked to comment on bayonet-practice. He considered it a very vulgar way of killing people. His opinion was appreciated by many people.



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