Friday, September 24, 2021

14. (B) Corona Pandemic in Pakistan ( Normal Version) : Essay


Corona Pandemic in Pakistan ( Normal Version)

“The First wealth is health.”
― R.W. Emerson

According to the (WHO), coronaviruses refer to a large family of viruses that are known to cause illnesses, which was first identified in Wuhan City, China. The main symptoms of the Coronavirus are the illness include; headache, fever, sneezing, dry cough, and difficulty in breathing. However, the disease becomes a deadly illness in older humans.

The pandemic has also taken a devastating effect on the Pakistani economy. Pakistani economy had lost Rs 2.5 trillion due to the coronavirus pandemic. Pakistan's GDP growth decreases due to the pandemic. Millions of people now suffer from food insecurity and unemployment.

Across the country, educational activities were closed.  Due to the coronavirus spread and taking into consideration the health of the students and teachers, high school students have been promoted to the next classes without taking regular examinations, and admissions to colleges were granted based on the previous year's results. While many universities and schools have started online classes, a majority of educational institutions in Pakistan do not have the proper system for distance learning.

Many national and international events were closed or reschedule in Pakistan. Pakistan Super League matches were played in a closed-door environment without spectators. National-level games like wrestling, volleyball, badminton, basketball events were also canceled or rescheduled. All public gatherings were immediately closed after the lockdown. Millions of rupees were lost due to the corona pandemic in Pakistan.

Islam has put a unique emphasis on the importance of cleanliness by making it a part of faith. Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) advised his followers as

"Do not place a sick patient with a healthy person," the Prophet adds in another narration”

Preventive Measures for COVID-19

·         Wear a mask, avoid crowded places and events,

·         maintain a social distance with others.

·         Avoid touching surfaces, especially in public.

·         Cover your coughs and sneezes.

·         Follow the instructions of doctors regarding corona

In such circumstances, the teachings of Islam can be very helpful. As prophet Muhammad (saw) advised;

 "Wash your hands frequently, don't leave infected areas and don’t visit infected areas,"

If we follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) we can surely overcome this pandemic in a better way. The teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also provide an overview to control and remove the pandemic in this world.   

( 380 words)



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