Friday, September 24, 2021

11. (A) SOCIAL EVILS ( Excellent Version) : Essay





ARISTOTLE has rightly said:

"Man is a Social Animal".

Living in a society we confront many problems. But some curses have gripped the whole world in their cruel clutches and strangled peace. One of such malignant scourges is............................There is no doubt in the fact a worldwide problem. It is a burning question of today. It is almost found in every society. It is casting its disastrous effects on our society. It is one of the dead least Social, Economic, Political and Moral problems.

This problem has touched its alarming stage. It needs to be tackled immediately. This evil is not confined to our society. It is rampant all over the world. Its cruel intensity is increasing alarming with the passage of time. It has paralyzed the Political, Economic and Moral Institution of our society.

“Men are more easily governed through their vices than through their Virtues.”          Napoleon Bonaparte

 …………………… is one of the main problems of the world, especially in the third world countries like Pakistan where the economy is already on its lasts legs.  This problem is as old as one can imagine. This is the worldwide reality that exists everywhere in the world Developed countries like England, France, Germany, and the USA are also facing this problem. With the passage of time, this problem is going to be the worst. This problem has become poison for us. Because of this problem, we are facing a bad impact in the world community.

            ………………………. has become a great threat to the social and economic development of Pakistan It is one of the major causes of poverty, backwardness among people.


            ……………………….  is against social and human interests. It causes fears among people. It causes economic pressures, social and moral injustice. It draws a line between the rich and the poor. It has destabilized and demoralized the nation and it has spread the feeling of uncertainty among the people.

One of the major causes of   ……………………… is poverty, illiteracy and poor economic policies of the government. It is also due to man’s desire to collect the countless riches and to become a bigwig (important person) overnight. Another root cause of   ……………… is ignorance, the temptation to wealth and lust of being prominent. If it is not halted properly, it will soon lick the inner strength of the country and destroy the whole setup.

Growing menace of ………………………. is badly making the people’s faith and they start disbelieving the supremacy of law. It deprives the masses of social and economic health.   …………………. Has put the unity and integrity of the whole state at the stake.

I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.  Mahatma Gandhi

            ……………………………….. shows deplorable state of affairs. It asks for the solution to the thinkers, leaders, and economists. It asks for its immediate remedy otherwise it will destroy the peace, prosperity, and stability of free Pakistan.

Inequality is the root of social evil.              Pope Francis

            ………………………….. not only frustrates the young men but also makes them rebellions. The defective system is also responsible for this chaos. Lawlessness has become the order of the day. The frustrated young men and women will play havoc in this regard. They will never allow others to live in peace and happiness.

To get rid of this problem, we have to develop our economy on the modern lines. We have to evoke a real sense of distinction that what is right and what is wrong.

Government is doing efforts to solve this problem. The economic communities are formulating steps in this regard. We have to solve this problem otherwise we shall be no more on the map of the world.

According to my opinion, a strong Government can solve this problem. Firstly, Government should take some bold and courageous steps. Secondly, the literacy rate of our country must be increased because only educated and literate people can understand the problem of their society. Thirdly, National unity is indispensable. Only then we can make our future brighter. Fourthly, the people must be aware of their responsibilities and cooperate with the people. They should take a keen interest in matters of national interests. Moreover, Media houses should play their vital role to eradicate this problem. 

 Religion always plays an important role to solve any kind of problem. Islam is a complete code of conduct. It provides guidance in every field of life. We should follow the teachings of Islam. Then we can overcome this problem and all other problems.

In the end, one can say that the above-mentioned steps can eradicate this social evil …………….. from the society. In this way, our society will be a strong, peaceful and prosperous.

(850 words) 


Social Evil topics that can be fitted in above sketch are


1.      Corruption      2. Terrorism   3. Smuggling  4. Inflation     5. Black-marketing 

6. Nepotism           Addiction        8.  Over- Population   9. Bribery        10. Sectarianism

11. Dowry             12. Poverty      13. Religious violence 14. Dearness  15. Unemployment

16. Capitalism       17. Drug addiction     18. Feudalism 19. Injustice    20.provincialism

21. political instability     22. Population and poverty    23. Lawlessness

24.lack of tolerance          25. Linguistics violence                      26. Mass illiteracy 




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