Friday, September 24, 2021

3. Atom for Peace : Essay


3.           Atom for Peace




2.      Atom as a building block for everything

3.      The destruction caused by the atom bomb

4.      Positive uses of atom bomb

5.      Production of electricity on a commercial level

6.      Psychological answers rather than political

7.      Harnessing the energy

8.      A cheaper way to supply energy

9.      Collective efforts of countries for bringing peace

10.  Conclusion



P. J. O'Rourke writes,

The 20th century was a testbed for big ideas - fascism, communism, the atomic bomb.

 Man is still the greatest miracle and the greatest problem on the Earth. When something new is produced by Science if it has advantages then it also somehow disadvantages some of its sides and so often, we have seen throughout. Atoms are the building blocks of matter. Everything around us is made up of atoms.  Firstly, when an atom has been produced it said that it is one of the greatest scientific discoveries of the past century and it can be used for many positive purposes.
             On the other side in the second world war the destruction caused by the atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki it caused to a great extent of the wastage of the many precious crown lives of the innocent people it led to developing a feeling against the great scientific discovery, science which had always been regarded as an instrument of human attainment and material progress, had degraded in the eyes of the world, but this was only a well-observed thinking they were unaware of its tremendous constructive potentials.

“I am not only a pacifist but a militant pacifist. I am willing to fight for peace. Nothing will end war unless the people themselves refuse to go to war.” 

Albert Einstein)

Later research on the atom proved that mankind had discovered a power that promises to be the most powerful instrument in the future for the welfare of humanity.
             In the early 1950s, the USA more or less enjoyed the monopoly of atomic knowledge, other nations had as yet not ever thought about it. Now many of the countries got this great invention of the modern age mostly the atomic energy brought into the positive uses. Today, it produces Electricity for use on earth and in space; It is also used most successfully in agriculture. It has been found that plants and seed subjected to direct radiation of atomic energy give greater yield and better crops. In the field of medicine, atomic energy promised to be of great benefit to the suffering humanity. The industry is also not far behind in utilizing this great source of power for better and greater production. In Developed countries like the USA, a large number of big and small firms are using atomic energy of securing cheaper production.

As an intention or desire to use atomic energy for peaceful purposes the USA has offered to share her atomic knowledge and resources with another count.

    Since the past century, media has persistently remarked that the world is at the brink of nuclear war’.  Nuclear warfare is deadly; it undoubtedly represents the worst of mankind, the evil satanic nature enveloped deep inside. This very damned technology is unfortunately prized by nations and is widely wanted as an intimidation device in today’s military-daunting times.

The answer to that question is more psychological than political. No doubt diplomacy has been a major factor in mediating international affairs since World War 1, but it has a limit and that limit emerges when trust comes into the fold. If the USA disarms its nuclear weapons, it simply does not trust North Korea to follow in. That is where diplomacy breaks up because no one is ready to take the first step and someone must or else we will get nowhere.

Instead, they focus on the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and previously the Partial Test Ban Treaty. When India and Pakistan surprised the world with nuclear bomb tests of their own, during the effectiveness of these treaties, they were responded with sanctions from the United Nations, IMF, and the World Bank but only sanctions are not going to get us anywhere.

Unfortunately, in all the proxy battles, the true purpose of nuclear power has till today remained unexploited.

To be fair, nuclear energy is just what this age of civilization direly needs. Harnessing the energy of the atom can easily tackle the growing demand for electricity and light up this world for as long as we desire, while not harming the environment in any way. Independent of environmental conditions unlike other renewable energy sources, once countries accept it, the high construction costs can be easily overcome with high market demand.

Owing to its surrounding market, the nuclear energy industry has developed only so much after 1945. Nuclear power plants are able to produce 3.7 million times as much energy as the same amount of coal and yet in 2016, nuclear energy accounted for just 11.8% of the total global energy production with only 31 countries out of 196 had set up nuclear power plants in them.

Today, ITER is an international research project run by seven member entities -the European Union, India, Japan, China, Russia, South Korea, and the United States and is scheduled for completion in 2022 whereby it will be able to produce 500 MW for up to 1000 seconds with an input of only 50 MW. Such promising prospects should be shared all around the world, not be feared of. Let us try to put the past behind us and learn from our mistakes. Let us embrace trust and join together as brothers-in-arms. Let atoms be the bridge to peace between nations.

“I do not think that this peace based on force is, can be, or should be, an ultimate end.” 

Edward Teller)


(780 words)



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