Friday, September 24, 2021



10.      ROLE OF ELECTRONIC MEDIA            Or



1.      Introduction

2.      Nature of curiosity

3.      Increase in overall awareness

4.      Provide us information from the whole world

5.      Awareness about social and political affairs

6.      Educational and social material in abundance

7.      Mixed blessings for the human race

8.      True representation of complications and vices of society

9.      Media  is only a tool

10.  Conclusion



William J. Federer writes,

 “Whoever controls MEDIA & EDUCATION, controls the COUNTRY.” 
The man has a nature of curiosity. He always engages with doing something unique. In the past century, they explored many fields. Sophisticated societies are dependent on mass media to deliver information. Marshall McLuhan has rightly called media “extensions of man.” By evaluating the information of varied kinds in society, mass media create awareness, generate debate and spread knowledge.

“People are sheep. TV is the shepherd.”        (Jess C. Scott,)

The media like newspapers, television, radio and the internet increase an overall awareness of the masses. They enhance the general knowledge by providing us with information from all over the world. News broadcast through different media helps us know about the day-to-day events in the world.

News, tele­films and documentaries revolving around social issues increase social awareness in society. They also contribute to the enhancement of our knowledge, language, and vocabulary. Quiz-based TV and radio shows, and the many programs on history, literature, science, philosophy and art and culture on channels like Discovery, BBC and the National Geographic contribute to the development of people’s minds and attitudes, widening knowledge and culture.

For instance, TV programs on health, agriculture, employment, especially those produced by PTV, have created awareness among people and motivated efforts to uplift men of the deprived in society. Programs have inspired people to tackle illness and disease and other problems in society.

Some talk shows on TV have had a similar impact, for instance, talk shows, and serials that deal with the ill-effects of practices like dowry, sati, child marriage, and drug abuse in society.

 Now students have a great opportunity to enhance their knowledge through accessing the internet. All the information on all topics is far beyond one touch of a button. Like Coursera, Academic Earth, Big Think, Khan Academy are the best online coaching websites. Through these sites, one can learn many courses without any fee and enjoy the expertise of the world-renowned teachers and scholars. Media brought the easiness and globalize the whole knowledge, provides vivid information and covers every aspect on a given topic. Moreover, it gives extensive options in selecting the desired knowledge.

Electronic media has revolutionized the information system. Now everyone can be aware of himself with current information and updates. Various TV channels in the country and internet websites justify the importance and advantages of electronic media where everyone has the freedom to exchange his viewpoint freely.

International politics are greatly influenced by the electronic media. It is said who will win the media war will be most successful. If we want to be dominant in the world, we will have to accept the challenge of electronic media otherwise we will be limping and looking at others.

“The media is the right arm of anarchy.”        

    (Dan Brown)

 In businesses, diversity emanates from the ability of companies to work in different parts of the country or the world through the utilization of different communication tools. Thus, they benefit from global knowledge and expertise, manageable through electronic media.

Electronic media creates diversity in communication. Media such as the internet enables people to communicate with their beloved ones. In education, institutions utilize media in teaching through online class discussions, emails and videos to provide learning materials, hence, making distance and online learning possible for students around the globe to take place.

In Pakistan, social media becomes a powerful platform for the entire nation. It also helps us to spread awareness among the masses. Social media is now used as a powerful tool for education and communication. Many people brought to national fame with the help of social media. Now, social media is a public platform where everybody speaks of his heart and he can publish his posts.

 It also has some disadvantages for human beings. Firstly, it controls the masses’ opinion. Media has the power to mold the thinking and views of society. Secondly, it leads to the individualism of a person. People spend too much time on the internet and watching television. As a result, socialization with beloved ones is affected. Thirdly, some media contents are not suitable for children. Limiting children’s access to such content can be difficult.

Fourthly, the newspaper is geographically selective. The increase in advertisements on television and radio is making them less attractive. Internet as a form of media opens up possibilities of imposters, fraud, and hacking. Media can be addictive, e.g. some television programs and the internet. This can lead to a decrease in people’s productivity. Fifthly, Health problems. Prolonged watching of television can lead to eyesight problems and radio listening using earphones exposes one to possible hearing defects.

Lastly, it glamorizes drugs and alcohol. Some programs make the use of these things appear cool.

 In conclusion, electronics media is crucial in communication by people and societies worldwide, as it educates, informs and enables their participation in various perspectives. Although the media has many advantages. it also has its limits. It is up to us, the users, to decide to use it wisely for the best impact.

As it is rightly said

“Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.”        

        (Jim Morrison)

(880 words)


                                                                                                                                                   The End



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