Friday, September 24, 2021

Play 1. Heat Lightning : Book 3


Complete Textual Analysis of 1st year Plays

1.Heat Lightning



1.       Drab

Dull, dry, dreary, lifeless

2.       Interior

Inside, inner, hidden

3.       Deserted

Abandoned, lonely, empty

4.       Burst

Breaking, splitting, rapture

5.       Feebly

Weakly, slightly, clumsily, inadequately

6.       Struggle

Endeavor, strive, fight, tussle

7.       Discarded

Rejected, abandoned, forsaken, shunned

8.       Causally

Carelessly, apathetically, indifferent

9.       Sob

Cry, weep, moan, whine, snivel

10.   Slam

Shut with force, bang, fling

11.   Disheveled

Unkempt, untidy, disordered, messy

12.   Hysterically

Frantically, madly, fearfully

13.   Terrible

Unpleasant, dreadful, awful

14.   Dragged

Pulled, drawn, hauled, towed

15.   Scream

Shriek, cry high, yell, shout

16.   Faint

Pass put, feeling week, vague

17.   Immediately

At once, without delay, instantly, right away

18.   Dreadful

Horrible, grim, alarming, grisly

19.   Illuminating

Shiny, clarifying, lighting up

20.   Rattle

Make loud  sound, bang, clatter

21.   Viciously

Violently, cruelly, Aggressively, angrily

22.   Non-descript

Dull, uninteresting, featureless

23.   Stunned

Shocked, surprise, dazed, amazed

24.   Instance

Example, illustration, sample, specimen

25.   Muffled

Suppressed. Indistinct, faint

26.   Suspiciously

Doubtfully, distrustfully, ambiguously

27.   Stunned

Surprised, astounded, amazed

28.   Piercing

Shrill, sharp, dazzling, going through


Q.1. Why was the girl unable to describe the killer? (imp)

Ans: She could not describe the killer as she had not seen him clearly due to darkness. She had already seen the dead body of a woman so she had become nervous too.

Q.2. What was the condition of the weather? (imp)

Ans: The weather was stormy. It was heavy rain with thundering and lightning.

Q.3. Why did the girl consider the First Man her helper? (imp)

Ans: She was already nervous and upset. She knew that the killer was chasing her. She was looking for help. As she first met the First man, so she considered him her helper and asked for his help.

Q.4. Did the girl become suspicious of the First Man as the play progresses?

Ans: No, she did not get suspicious of the First Man at the beginning of the play. Rather she trusted him.

Q.5. Why did the girl not want to go to the police?

Ans: The girl did not want to inform the police as she was unable to describe the killer. She knew that the police would harass her by putting unnecessary questions.

Q.5. Why did the second man accuse the First man of lying? (imp)

Ans: The first man tried to hide the presence of the girl whom the Second man had already seen through the glass of the door. So, the second man accused him of lying.

Q.6. What were the circumstances that forced her to leave her car? (imp)

Ans: It was stormy midnight. Her car ran out of gas on the road. There was nobody nearby to help. So, she had to leave her car there.

Q.7. Why didn’t she company the second man? Why did the girl not accept the offer of the second man to go with him? (imp)

Ans: The girl considered the second man the killer. She did not want to go with him. So she refused his offer to go with him.

Q8. Why did the girl ask help from the first man?

Ans: She was already nervous and upset. She knew that the killer was chasing her. She was looking for help. As she first met the First man, so she considered him her helper and asked for his help.

Extra question

Q.9. How did the Girl realize the truth?

Ans: The girl saw a flashlight in the hands of the First man. It was the same flashlight that she had dropped on the road. So, she realized that the first man was the killer.



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