Monday, September 27, 2021

Practice Paper 1 : Functional English




Time Allowed: 20 Minutes                                                                           Total Marks: 10


Question No 1:

Choose the most appropriate option. Overwriting and cutting is not allowed.


1.      :  The “dog” is a faithful animal.

a.       Proper noun

b.      Common noun

c.       Abstract noun

d.      Material noun


2.      He is a brave boy.  The highlighted word is a/an

a.       Noun

b.      Adjective

c.       Adverb

d.      Noun Case


3.      In punctuation short pause is marked by which symbol

a.       hyphen

b.      colon

c.       apostrophe

d.      Comma


4.      The antonym of “feeble” is.

a.       strong

b.      frail

c.       old-fashioned

d.      vertran



5.       The synonym of “Infuriate” is.

a.       please

b.      soothe

c.       anger

d.      powerful


6.      A sentence that contains some order or request is

a.       Assertive sentence

b.      Interrogative sentence

c.       Imperative sentence

d.      Optative sentence


7.      Change the voice “The tiger caught a fox”

a.       A fox has been caught by the tiger.

b.      A fox was caught by the tiger.

c.       A fox is caught by the tiger.

d.      A fox had been caught by the tiger.




8.       Change the voice “Someone has lit the fire”

a.       The fire was lit by someone.

b.      You are requested to light the fire by someone.

c.       The fire has been lit by someone

d.      The fire had been lit by someone


9.       Change the voice “The boy killed the snake with a stick.”

a.    The snake was killed by the boy with a stick.

b.    A stick was killed by the oy with a snake.

c.    A snake with stick was killed by the boy.

d.   A snake is killed by the boy with a stick.


10.   Change the narration: “Please sit down,” he said.

a.       He asked her to sit down.

b.      He said that she could sit down.

c.       He told her that sit down.

d.      He said her to sit down.











Time Allowed: 70 Minutes                                                                           Total Marks: 40



Note: Kindly attempt all the questions.

Question No 2: Interpret the following terms with the help of examples                 (10 Marks)

1.      Clause 2. Idiom 3. Relative pronoun 4. Subordinate conjunction 5. Round brackets                                                                                   

Question No 3: Critically point of the parts of speech and its types.                                          (10 Marks)


Question No 4: Justify the following Idioms with meaningful sentence                    (10 Marks)


1. Pot calling the kettle black   2. Taste of own medicine 3. Bone of contention 4. Bite the bullet 

5. Blessing in disguise:                                                                                                                          

Question No 5: Change these sentences into indirect form.                901                     (05 Marks)

·         He said, “Alas, I am undone!”

·         He said, “The Sun rises in the east”.

·         He, “Bravo! You have done well.

·         “Please don’t go away”, she said.

·         “Did you come from India”?, said Sara to boy

Question No 5:                                                                                                                                            (05 Marks)

A)      Complete the following exercise with a / an or the articles. Put "x" where no article is needed. 

Write this on your answer sheet.

According to _____ National Weather Service _____ cyclones are ____ areas of circulating winds that rotate counterclockwise in ____ Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in ______ Southern Hemisphere. ____ hurricane is ___ cyclone that forms over tropical oceans. ____ hurricane rotates in ____ shape of ____ oval or ___ circle.









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