Monday, September 27, 2021

Practice Paper 2 : Functional English





Time Allowed: 25 Minutes                                                                           Total Marks:


Question No 1:

Choose the most appropriate option. Overwriting and cutting is not allowed.


  1. :  A group of words with incomplete sense is called             

a.       Subject

b.      Phrase

c.       Object

d.      Adverb


  1. There are __________ types of nouns.

a.       Five

b.      Seven

c.       Four

d.      Six


  1.  One main clause and one subordinate clause are both found in _______ sentence.

a.       Assertive

b.      Compound

c.       Simple

d.      Complex


  1. “Ahmed is my class fellow” is a

a.       Sentence

b.      Compound

c.       Complex

d.      Phrase


  1. Precis is originally a/an word.

a.       French

b.      American

c.       English

d.      Hebrew


  1. Which one is a reading strategies

a.       Skimming     

b.      Diphthong

c.       Both a & b

d.      None of them


  1. A good precis should be of the original passage.

a.      1/2

b.      1/3

c.       1/4

d.      1/5



  1.  A sentence that summarizes the main idea of the whole passage is

a.       Gist

b.      Paragraph

c.       Topic sentence

d.      Valuable sentence


  1. There are _____ letters in English Language

a.       26

b.      27

c.       28

d.      23


  1. The synonym of “Insipid”

a.       Creative

b.      Intelligent

c.       Tasteless

d.      Merciless










Time Allowed: 65 Minutes                                                                           Total Marks: 30



Note: Kindly attempt all the questions.

Question No 2: Interpret the following terms with the help of examples                 (10 Marks)

1.      Critically elaborate why we use Precis in our daily life.   

2.      What is the function of “Enclosure” in letter writing?

3.       Why should we focus on the opening and closing paragraphs?

4.      What is scanning strategy

5.      Define adjective and give any example.                                                                                


Question No 3: You were deeply affected by the information that you received after watching a show on National Geographic channel recently on the rising menace of poaching Markhors and various endangered animals. Write a letter to the editor of a leading national daily, requesting him to publish an article in his newspaper on this issue.                                                                                                                 (10 Marks)


Q4 . Read the following passage carefully:                                                  (10 Marks)
Trees are of importance not only to man but also to birds and animals. The branches of trees give shelter to millions of birds and forest give shelter to numerous wild animals. We value trees not only for their usefulness but also for their beauty. They have a way to refreshing the eye and also refreshing the mind. Perhaps that is why the rishies of olden days were drawn to the forests, and they and their peoples chose to going forest homes in company of Nature. In modern times when Rabindranath Tagore started a school, he too chose a place full of trees and called it Shanti Niketcrn or the home of peace.
Once upon a time large areas of India were covered with forests full of numerous kinds of trees. As the population grew, trees began to be cut down for man’s use. That is how the wonderful forest described In our ancient poems came to be destroyed, and a great part of our forest wealth was lost. Now we are trying to replace this loss, and our government wants trees to be planted all over the country. A new festival called ‘Van Mahotsava’ has been started for this purpose. Since trees are the country’s wealth we must consider it our sacred duty to protect them. We should plant new trees wherever we can and look after them well.         

On the basis of the reading of the passage, answer the following questions in brief: 

1.       How are trees important for birds and animals?

2.       Why did the rishies in olden days make forests their homes?

3.       What is meant by ‘Shanti Niketan’? Who started it?

4.       Why is Van Mahotsava organised?

5.       Give a suitable title for the above passage.

Question No 5:  Write a Precis of the above passage                                                  (05 Marks)




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