Sunday, September 26, 2021

Use of Imagination


Use of Imagination


Q1. What is imaginative writing?

Creative writing is writing that expresses the writer's thoughts and feelings in an imaginative, often unique, and poetic way. Creative writing is guided more by the writer's need to express feelings and ideas than by restrictive demands of the factual and logical progression of expository writing.

Q2. Why is imagination important in writing?

The real engine of creative writing is imagination. The ability to create new people from scratch, to put them into scenarios and to tell stories. If you cannot imagine, you cannot write. It is the single most important thing for you to understand your process.

Q3. What is the purpose of imagination?

The Power of imagination helps you visualize things that cannot be seen, forming an image of an object or an experience before you bring it to physical reality. This power is inherent in all of us and can be developed to a very high level.  Imagination is the ability to form a mental image of something that is not perceived through the five senses. It is the ability of the mind to build mental scenes, objects or events that do not exist, are not present, or have happened in the past.

Q4. Elaborate on the types of imagination.

Imagination is a manifestation of our memory and enables us to scrutinize our past and construct hypothetical future scenarios that do not yet but could exist. Imagination also gives us the ability to see things from other points of view and empathize with others.”

8 Types of Imagination

1. “Effectuative Imagination combines information together to synergize new concepts and ideas.” This is what allows us to synthesise existing ideas together from existing information. It’s important that you read, the more you read, the more information you have to draw on for your imagination.

2. “Intellectual (or Constructive) Imagination is utilized when considering and developing hypotheses from different pieces of information or pondering over various issues of meaning say in the areas of philosophy, management, or politics, etc.”

3. “Imaginative Fantasy This is when you’re able to generate new ideas from scratch and can be guided or unguided. This is what most writers and artists are good at. Imagination creates and develops stories, pictures, poems, stage-plays, and the building of the esoteric, etc.”

4. “Empathy Imagination helps a person know emotionally what others are experiencing from their frame and reference.” This is a capacity that human beings have to mentally detach from ourselves and experience what another person is experiencing from their point of view.

5. “Strategic Imagination is concerned about the vision of ‘what could be’, the ability to recognize and evaluate opportunities by turning them into mental scenarios. This is primarily concerned with ‘what could be…’. It’s the ability to spot opportunities and visualize what might happen if you were to take them.

6. “Emotional Imagination is concerned with manifesting emotional dispositions and extending them into emotional scenarios.” As writers, we need to be aware of our emotions and the emotions of human beings more generally. If we know how we can create fear, how to create sadness, laughter and we have the ability to play on those emotions

7. “Dreams are an unconscious form of imagination made up of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur during certain stages of sleep.” As your unconscious mind often deals with conscious problems whilst you sleep.

8. “Memory Reconstruction is the process of retrieving our memory of people, objects, and events.” When we retrieve our memories of people, objects, and events we use our imagination to regenerate the images.

Q6. How you can  Develop Your Writing Imagination?

Developing great writing skills is something to which everybody should aspire. The ability to write in ways that are inspirational, thought-provoking, interesting, entertaining, and informative is something that can improve your life as a student, professional, or simply as a person who enjoys using writing as a way to reach others. Here are ten easy to follow tips on improving your imaginative skills as they relate to your writing.

1. Read as Much as Possible

This probably seems simplistic, and a little obvious, however, it is also the truth. People who frequently read are better at expressing themselves and using their imagination in their writing.

2. Write something Every Day

The part of your brain that you use in creative writing will atrophy without regular use. Don’t let this happen. Spend a few minutes each day writing something. It will help you to fight the fear of the blank page and will improve your writing skills.

3. Try Writing from a Different Perspective

Get creative and write about your subject from the perspective of another person. Try something unusual or completely contrary to your own perspective.

4. Use Examples and Scenarios in Your Writing

This is a great way to exercise your imagination when engaging in nonfiction writing, e.g. essays. As you are supporting your thesis, try crafting scenarios or examples that will help your readers understand your points.

5. Find Other Ways to be Creative

People who have great imaginations develop their creative abilities by utilizing multiple outlets. Make an effort to engage in music, visual art, dance, photography or other creative pursuits.

6. Force Yourself to Write Creatively

Whenever you write something, ask yourself a few questions. Am I using language that describes what I want the reader to see? Then, use the answers to these questions to make improvements. Keep improving your work and try to be objective and critical to the results.

7. Step Back and Brainstorm

you ever struggle with weaving imaginative words and phrases into your writing, please take a moment to do a bit of brainstorming. When you go through them afterward, you’re likely to find at least a couple of ideas that will help you get back on track.

8. Remember that Setting is Important

Too many writers focus solely on forwarding the plot or making their intended point. A place of your story can help you to develop the plot in a more interesting and unique way.

9. Write things Down

Carry a pad of paper and write those thoughts down! They may become writing ideas later on, or they may just provide you with some interesting insight into your thought process.

10. Notice Creativity in Others

The expression of imagination and creativity cannot happen without the consumption of imagination and creativity. Take note of what you have found to be compelling and why.

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Agreeing and disagreeing

Q1. What do you mean by agreeing in academics?

in agreement mean of the same mind; having the same opinion. In academics, we read this strategy to explore the writing abilities to agree or disagree with other employees in a polite manner.

Q2. What do we mean by disagreeing in Academic writing?

According to the writers disagree mean to have or express a different opinion. In academics, we read this strategy to explore the writing abilities to agree or disagree with other employees in a polite manner.

Q3. Why we use the techniques to agree and disagree?

At university, you will need to argue your point, in other words on certain topics, with reasons and evidence. This academic 'argument' is different from the ones you may have in everyday life. Although it may get heated, it will always be civilized and polite. It is important to remember this even when you disagree with another speaker's argument. In such cases, you should try to disagree politely, by first acknowledging their opinion before saying why you disagree. It is also possible to simply disagree, but you should avoid doing this too often as it may seem rude.


Expression to Agreeing

·         Yes.

·         Yes, that’s right.

·         Yes, I agree with you.

·         I agree (with/that)...

·         That’s what I think too.

·         Absolutely.

·         Yes, absolutely.

Acknowledging ideas

·         Yes, OK, but...

·         I see what you mean, but...

·         I accept that, but...

·         That may be true, but...

·         I take your point, but...

·         I can see your point. However...

·         That’s a good point, but

·         I see what you're getting at, but...

·         I see where you're coming from, but...

·         I agree up to a point, but...

·         Yes, but what about...


·         No, I don’t really agree.

·         I don’t really agree with you.

·         I don’t agree with that at all.

·         (I’m afraid) I don’t think that’s right.

·         I’m not sure that’s right.

·         I wouldn’t say that.

·         I'm not so sure about that.

·         But (surely)...

·         But don’t you think...

·         That's not always the case because...

·         That's not necessarily true because...

·         This idea isn't supported by the evidence...


General Topics for Discussion or Speeches

1.       English is easy to learn.

2.       Money is more important than love.

3.       Students should be required to study English in elementary school.

4.       Violence is sometimes necessary.

5.       Personality is more important than beauty.

6.       People who live in apartments shouldn’t own pets.

7.       No job is perfect.


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Write down short creative stories (80-100 words) on the following topic by using your imaginative skills. First, write this sentence and then carry a story by following the theme:

1.  For the first time in her life, Marium felt powerful…………      

2.  There’s an old legend that talks about magical fairies living in the forest……… 

3.   “Dear diary, today I learned something about myself…” Anam mumbled to herself……. 

Note: After writing, upload it by capturing the pictures and submit them to me on Wednesday in printed form as well. The main purpose of this is to check only your imaginative ability, vocabulary, sentence structure, and grammar.





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