Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Traditional earning/E-commerce


Traditional earning/E-commerce 

Teacher: Good morning, dear viewer, welcome to the English Speaking Practice class. how are you doing?

Student: Good morning, Sir. I am doing well. And you?

Teacher: Today our topic of discussion is the Traditional way of Earning and E-Learning. The Internet and the World Wide Web have brought a fundamental change in the way that individuals access data, information, and services. So, I’ve decided to pick this topic for discussion.

Student: it will be great. I would like to discuss this topic with you. With the advancement of technology, access to data, and information services, our way of earning is also changed. Now, in online services, we can credit and debt money with the help of a mobile phone. In past, this was a real uphill task.

Teacher: Yes, exactly, I have the same thinking. Nowadays, we can learn and earn through the internet and transact our money easily. Internet banking is readily changing and modifying its ways. I have a question for you. How much paper money do you have now? Paper money means that currency or currency notes.

Student: Now, I have Almost 1000 or 2000 rupees. But, why you are asking
Teacher: Here is my point. You might have 1000 or 2000 rupees in your pockets as currency notes but what if I ask you much money do you have collected. Then you will say that Almost it might be 2 lac rupees or one million in your bank account. You can transact this money at any time to anyone. Money is just a digital number for all of us because of the Internet. You can transfer and borrow money as you are credited with the digits in your account. You had 50,000 rupees in your account. Someone credited you with 25000, now you have 75000 in your account which does not involve any paper currency.

Student: I second your opinion. Yes, this is true because of this modernization, our ways of exchanging money are also changed now. We don’t have paper currency now what we have is only digital numbers that you have this and that amount of money in your account.

Teacher: Yes, this is true and it is known as internet banking which allows us to exchange money easily. Another outstanding factor is this now we can Earn through E-commerce. Nowadays, social media, business websites, and educational applications give your opportunities to grow financially.

Student:  In the last decade, the widespread use of e-commerce platforms such as Amazon and eBay has contributed to substantial growth in online retail. Short-term field-related jobs are also offered by Fiver and Upwork, so people can earn money online.

But, sir I have a question that if I want to start an online and affiliate marketing business, which field I should choose.

Teacher: that is an interesting question. As many researchers and especially I prefer that if you are interested in online business and affiliate marketing then you should choose, I.Com, D.Com, B.Com, and B.Com IT which will help you grow and these fields are related to your work.

Student: this means that I should choose I.Com, D.Com, B.Com, and B.Com IT for E-commerce expertise.

Teacher: Not necessarily dear. What you have to do is only learn some basics of business and marketing. If you are from some other field, it doesn’t matter you can still choose online commerce subjects and affiliate marketing courses as these are now offered by many universities.

Student: E-commerce and affiliated marketing have drastically change the whole marketing scenario. Physical barriers are now dissolved and online careers are being pursued by many skillful employees. almost anything can be purchased through e-commerce today.

Teacher: Yes. Exactly.

Student: Through social media, we can earn by any means.

Teacher: For example, if you are competent and good at communication skills you can learn through social media sites. If you are skilled and academically strong you can work on Fiver and Upwork-like sites. If you are a business-minded person and persuade someone to buy products then affiliated marking sites like Amazon, Daraz and Olx will be easy to access. Just like diamonds, we have to polish our skills for these jobs.

Student: I will definitely improve myself to this level of hard work and intelligence.

Teacher: Yes, everyone can learn and earn through social media and affiliated marketing. I like your sentence that just like a diamond, we have to polish our skills for these jobs. Exactly, this is the way. Most of us spend our lives in our comfort zone and don’t push ourselves to learn some skills.

Student: I believe, that instead of crying, we must work. It is good to have enough money in your pocket than to beg someone to feed you. Online marketing sites offer us these opportunities. Just image instead of your 9-5 job, well suited and pressurized by your employer and on the other hand, there is no 9-5 bounding and just work, when you want and what you want.

 Teacher: As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, companies have moved their daily work online. However, there are still many businesses that have closed and thousands of workers have lost their jobs. This is the sad truth of 2020.

Student: yes, because of the Covid -19, people hesitate to visit physically. So, most of the physical commerce is now o the verge of decline.  Direct to consumer e-commerce is the newest model of e-commerce.

Teacher: I have heard about many marketing strategies, but someone said that the D2C strategy is the best marketing tool. I don’t understand what it is.

D2C means that a brand is selling directly to its end customer without going through a retailer, distributor, or wholesaler. It means you can buy and sell anything from anyone.

Teacher: no doubt. E-commerce is doing a faboulous job in our lives. All of us are positively benefited by e-commerce. I am trying to improve myself by learning online about e-commerce and affiliated marketing.

Student: Just imagine, you have the leverage to do your work at any time either it's day or night. Homebased job where there is no need to compliance the instructions. Just you at your own pace of time with immediate financial reward.

Teacher: yes, like a dream job.

Student:  Exactly.

Teacher: True, I will prefer online work. I have some interesting factors too. In Pakistan, With a figure of more than 44 million internet users, which is about 20% of the population, Pakistan currently ranks number 22nd in the world. Pakistan is the 46th largest market for e-commerce with a revenue of US$4 billion in 2020,

Student: According to, 69% of internet users in Pakistan have full-time jobs; and a large proportion of internet users in Pakistan tend to be young, educated, and relatively affluent. If our education and government system helps them to learn this modern knowledge and skills. I can assure you that we will do economic miracles

Teacher: Appreciated, this is the spirit.

Student: Many websites offer you home-based jobs, part-time and contract-based jobs, and immediate financial rewards. If you google it, there are many e-commerce, banking, and learning websites where you can find buyers and sellers.

Teacher: Yes, even people are working as a company at a small level with a variety of expertise. This is the easiest way to approach a relevant field.

Student: Today it’s almost inconceivable that a company wouldn’t be using digital space to drive sales and bottom lines. Here are some of the top e-commerce companies: Alibaba  Amazon Walmart eBay Wayfair: Daraz, OLX. If you can work as an organization then it will be easy to target your relevant jobs in the e-commerce hub.

Teacher: yes, these applications and websites are really helpful.

Student: There are minimal things that we should consider as for good affiliate marketing we should be good at content optimization system, content management system, close loop marketing, authorization, on and off-page optimization, inventory, and keyword stuffing. More and more brands are extending their go-to-market with DTC businesses. it is predicted that by 2027, social commerce will drive $604 billion in sales

Teacher: alright. This is a phenomenon.

Student: nowadays, Customers from around the world can easily shop for e-commerce sites – companies are no longer restricted by geography or physical barriers. You can shop anything from anywhere around the globe in no time. Just download the marketing application and enjoy.

Teacher: E-commerce has grown phenomenally worldwide over the past few years, but most of these sales were made by domestic buyers purchasing from domestic sellers. However, purchasing from foreign sellers has recently gained traction as the share of buyers has climbed from 15-21 percent. Approximately, 25 percent of shopping worldwide is now taking place online, with China recording a colossal 440 million online consumers.

Student:  E-commerce emerges as new world order these days. People with desired online skills and education are earning more than anyone in this field. Moreover, it is a type of network that will earn both active and passive earning.

Teacher: what are active and passive earning. I don’t understand. Kindly elaborate.

Student: Active earning is something like you do work and paid for it whereas passive earning is like you are not doing work but still earning money like if you write a book. It is a one-time effort but when that book will be published. Whenever it will be told you will get a royalty on each published book. This is called passive earning. It is like a continued reward for your work.

Teacher: oh amazing, it means that we can earn well through online work.

Student: Yes you can work as Amazon Expert, Amazon Accounts officer, Product hunter, product researcher, private labeling expert, and e-commerce executive. All of these are well appreciated and extremely productive.

Teacher: The youth of today are far happier to embrace technology in a way the older generation never will, and the promotion and regulation of e-commerce will be more significant in terms of providing employment opportunities for 130 million over the next 30 years.

Student: Yes, it is 100% true. We more often acceptably embrace technology.

Teacher: The role of social media, especially social networks, cannot be ignored in e-commerce adoption. Interest in e-commerce is also evident in the growing interest of most national and multi-national consumer brands and retailers in social media; especially the Facebook

Student: Social media sites are the hub of learning and earning. People are earning money by showing their skills and expertise.

Teacher: yes, of course.

Student: many sites offer money according to your expertise like you can be an Online Tutor, Search Engine Evaluator, Social Media Manager, Freelance Writer, Online Influencer, Web Designer, Micro-Freelancing At Fiverr, Virtual Recruiter.

Teacher: it is like a world of your profession. Just like you embrace your passion as a profession.

Student: exactly, that is why I am now in favor of online business.

Teacher: that is true. If we have a general store in our town. It is better to label it online and start your e-commerce business. So, it will no longer be accessed only by your town fellows but anyone around the globe. It will expand your number of customers.

Student:  I am interested in the e-commerce business. What should I do about it?

Teacher: hmm, then I will suggest you make a plan first. What you want to sell. Then make your item different by using business tactics and provide a quality stud. Moreover, you will need to build a good website where you can label your products and a team of excellent co-workers and retailers.

Student: that’s a good point. I think I should start garment business. It is very profitable.

Teacher: every business is profitable if you do it with consistency and hard work. As examined, the e-commerce business advancement consistently centers to offer an exceptionally modified and easy-to-understand understanding for both the business person and the purchaser. 

Student:  thank you sir for your suggestion. I will read about e-commerce. Thanks again for enlightening me. See you in the next video. Good Bye.




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