Saturday, September 25, 2021

1st Year English Test : Book 1: Chapter 8-9



Subject: English    Class: First Year                 Paper:     A                              Total Marks: 30


Q.1        Choose the correct option.                                                                                          06


1.      He speaks to all nations and is perpetually modern..

A)     forever  B) rarely          C) slightly         D) scarce

2.      English Scholar used Sadi’s translated parables in their divine books.

A)     quotation        B) saying           C) story          D) epigram

3.      So , they seized him.

A)     Appreciated      B) investigated            C) insulted       D) captured

4.       How was a feeble old woman to stand the blow of a mallet?

A)     Hag      B) meek           C) weak          D) lean

       5.   He ____ me last week.

        (a)    meet          (b)    met                      (c)      will meet                 (d) have meet

       6. He cried as if he _________ mad.

        (a)     is    (b)      has             (c) were        (d)  will




                SUBJECTIVE TYPE:                                                                   24 Marks

 1. Translate the following passage into Urdu.                                                         7 marks

Thus exhorted, the unfortunate man , in the greatest fear, laboured away with all his might, and at last, when the village saw that he had finished his task and buried the victim of his mistaken treatment, they beat him well and let him go. Uninfluenced, by the severity of his punishment, the man mounted his camel and went on to the next village.

2. Answer the following questions in 3-5 lines from Book-I.                                    10 marks

 1. What was the advice given by Nushirvan to his people?

 2. What should be the role of Qazi?

3. When does a person remember God?

4. What is Harry’s Philosophy?”.

5. Who is Miss McCutcheon ? How does she feel about her job?


Q3.  Write an application to your principal on “ Library Security Fund”    7 marks



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