Saturday, September 25, 2021

1st Year English Test : Chapter 1-3 : Book 1



Subject: English    Class: First Year                                         Total Marks: 40

                OBJECTIVE TYPE    07

Q.1        Choose the correct option.                                                                                          10

1.      ''Oh, yes'' Norma repressed a smile.

A)     Depressed  B) suppressed C) blocked  D) ripped

2.      Not at all, the offer is completely genuine.

A)     New B) old C) authentic  D) invalid

3.      My curiosity was aroused.

A)     Interest  B) pain C) happiness  D) sadness

4.       I don’t see a weed in this patch.

A)     Grass B) unwanted plant C) vegetable D) fruit

5.      How many years does the Good Book allow a man  to live on the earth?

A)     Three score years  B) three score and ten  C) sixty years  D) eight years

6.      The organization is of ------------- scope.

A)     Global B) international C) national D) domestic

7.      “Look at the ----------- land, we have in the valley!”

A)     Barren  B) fertile  C) shabby D) rugged   

       8.   He ……………… a car.

        (a)    drive             (b)    drives                       (c)      is drive                    (d) driven

       9. Traitors are not ………. By their faces.

        (a)     recognize    (b)      recognized              (c) Have recognized         (d)  will recognize

      10. We generally ………………………… Urdu in college.

        (a)   spoke            (b)     had spoken               (c)    speak                         (d) is spoken



                SUBJECTIVE TYPE   18

 1. Translate the following passage into Urdu.                                                         10 marks

Then he sat down on a big oak stump and I sat down on a black gum stump near him. This was the only place on the mountain where the sun could shine to the ground. And on the lower side of the clearing , there was a rim of shadow over the rows of dark stalwart plants loaded with green tomatoes. “What is the reason for your planting this patch up here?” I asked.

2. Answer the following questions in 3-5 lines from Book-I.                                    10 marks

 1. Why did Arthur disagree with his wife?

 2. What were the reasons Norma gave to her husband to follow the offer?

3. Why had the old man planted his secret garden?

4. What was the conditioin of Bittering family on hearing the news of war on Earth?

5.What did they want to grow on Mars?


Q3.  Write the reference to context of the following lines                                     05 marks

                        What is this life, if full of care

We have no time to stand and stare?

No time to stand beneath the boughs

And stare as long as sheep or cows:

Q4. Explain the following pair of words according to their use in meaningful sentences :02


(1)   Feet, feat             (2) Essay, Assay



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