Saturday, September 25, 2021

1st Year English : Book 1: Chapter 8-9 (B)



Subject: English    Class: First Year                 Paper:     B                               Total Marks: 30


Q.1        Choose the correct option.                                                                                          06


1.      The Qazi issued a decree.

A)     order  B) law              C) book              D) saying

2.      English Scholar used Sadi’s translated parables in their divine books.

A)     English             B) sacred          C) story          D) epigram

3.      It was then easily swallowed.

A)     devoured           B) cured           C) dropped       D) broken

4.      Let us therefore compel the wretch to dig her grave?

A)     force    B) convince      C) order         D) help

       5.   He ____ me last week.

        (a)    meet          (b)    met                      (c)      will meet                 (d) have meet

       6. He cried as if he _________ mad.

        (a)     is    (b)      has             (c) were        (d)  will




                SUBJECTIVE TYPE:                                                                   24 Marks

 1. Translate the following passage into Urdu.                                                         08 marks

A  King fell seriously ill and all hopes of his recovery vanished. The more the disease was cured the more it became painful. At last the physician  agreed that this disease cannot be cured except buy means of bile of a person endued with certain qualities. Orders were issued to search for an individual of this kind . A son of a farmer was discovered to possess the qualities mentioned by the doctors. The king summoned the father and mother.The Qazi issued a decree to shed the blood of a person for the health of the king.

2. Answer the following questions in 3-5 lines from Book-I.                                    10 marks

 1. Who was King  Nushirvan?

 2. Why did Mansur mount the gallows?

3. What is a clump of trees?

4. What kind of haircut does Miss MuCutcheon want?”.

5. Why does Clay need money?


Q3.  Punctuate the following lines                                                                            4 marks


in that boat there happened to be a sergeant who said with your permission may I quieten him it  will be a great favour the king said


Q4. Use following pairs of words in meaningful sentences.                                      2 marks


1)  Immoral, Immortal

2) Historical, Historic



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