Friday, September 24, 2021

Ch 2: Using the Scientific Methods : Book 2



                                                                      h # 2         Using the Scientific Methods  

                                                                             (Darrell Barnard and Lon Edward)

Author Background:

 John Darrell Barnard (1905-1994) an, Lon Edward were physician and literary writer. They both wrote a book titled, “The New Basic Science”. This essay is an extract of the above mentioned book.

Significance of the Title:

In a nutshell, the scientific method teaches the brain to logically examine and process all the information it receives. It requires that one observes and tests before making a statement of fact.  Modern age inventions drastically changed the way of living. Scientific methods have helped the people to understand the reasons and logic behind every happening.






receive an advantage; profit.

Profit, gain, aid


rubbish or waste, especially domestic refuse

Rubbish, refuse, waste


maintain (something) in its original or existing state.

Conserve, protect, maintain


exchanging of information

Transmission, talk, conversation


give a practical exhibition and explanation

 Reveal, show, bespeak, signify


an event or occurrence.

Occurrence, event, activity


difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify

Puzzling, strange, queer, odd


 from whom one is descended.

A forebear, forefather, predecessor, progenitor


A state of being diverse

Variety, miscellany, mix, mixture


a fatal bacterial disease of the small intestine,



Efficient as food; nourishing

 Healthy, beneficial, nourishing


Hygienic and clean

Clean, germ-free, aseptic, salubrious


Rubbish or waste

Rubbish, refuse, waste


A system by which waste matter is carried away in sewers

Gutter, septic tank


Free time for enjoyment

Relaxation, respite, recreation, convenience


using money and other resources carefully and not wastefully.

Canny, economical, sparing, penny- pinching, parsimonious


Inborn, natural

intrinsic, congenital, inherit,


control or achieve by or as if by magic.

Ornament, magic


a widely held but irrational belief in supernatural influences

Myth, belief, old wives’ tale, legend


The study of stars as an influencing factor on human affairs and the natural world

 Horoscopy, astrometry, stargazing

Answer the following questions:

Q1. Name some of the areas in which marked improvement has been seen after the use of scientific methods?

According to the writer, the use of scientific methods has brought about revolutionary changes in different fields, especially in control of diseases, in improving sanitary conditions, in the provision of more and better food and also in changing the attitude of the people.

Q1. How has the scientific method helped us in our fight against disease?

By using these methods, scientists have prepared medicines to cure diseases like typhoid, cholera, and malaria, and have protected people from deadly diseases through their vaccination. Easy and long life is possible because we know to prevent them through fine medical treatment.

Q2 Write a note on better sanitary conditions available in our cities today and compare them with what they were a hundred years ago?

Today our cities have suitable drainage systems. Sewerage from all sections of a city is carried through sealed. The streets are kept clean and clean water is available. A hundred years earlier our cities did not have proper sewerage systems. Indoor toilets were not available. People could not get clean water easily.

Q3. How are the sanitary conditions in our villages today?

We do not have proper drainage systems in our villages. The water supply is poor. Mosquitoes and germs on the dirty water in open drains cause malaria and other diseases. The drinking water obtained from wells, canal, and ponds is dirty and carries germs.

Q3 B. How can we improve the sanitary conditions in our villages?

We should have proper drainage systems and tube wells for drinking water. Drains for dirty water should be covered. Road, streets, and passages should be kept clean.

Q4. How has the scientific method helped us in the production and preservation of foods?

Before the use of scientific methods, thrifty housewives preserved their homegrown vegetables and fruits by canning, pickling, and drying. Modern techniques like selecting, grading and processing foods are being used commonly.

Q5. We are now generally less fearful than our ancestors. What were our ancestors afraid of??

Discoveries made by scientist have people in developing an attitude of open-mindedness. We are less fearful of hidden forces like ghosts and spirits. In the past, they believed that troubles and disease are caused by them. They were superstitious.

Q6. How has the scientific method enabled us to get over the old fears and superstitions?

By scientific methods, now believe that our fears have no sound basis. We look at the causes of all changes and happenings in nature and society and their results. We do not accept superstition like those of black cats, number 13, and broken mirrors.

Q7. What part did astrology play in the lives of men and women in the past? Give examples

Astrology is the study of the stars. The people in ancient times used to consult astrologers for their views on marriages, wars, the relationship between countries, and so on. Now the people think that every happening must have a proper cause and scientific reasoning. They do not believe anything happening without a scientific reason.

Q8. Describe some of the superstitions still current in our country. How do they affect the lives of those who believe in them?

Some superstitions still prevailed in Pakistan like fear of black cat and number 13. Superstitious people believe that when a black cat jumps across the road, something bad may happen. Walking in the shadow of trees invites the anger of ghosts. When the crow caws sitting on the wall, guests are expected. Superstitious people live in fear of unseen forces. They cannot live normal lives.



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