Saturday, September 25, 2021

1st Year English " Important pair of words


Important pair of words


1. Accept قبول کرنا، منظور کرنا  I accept your proposal.
    Except سوائے    All were present except Ali.
2. Affect اثر کرنا Too much drug intake will affect your health
    Effect اثر My words have no effect on him.
3. Access رسائی I have no access to his room.
    Excess زیادتی Excess of everything is bad.
4. Alter بدلنا The nature of God never alters.
    Altar قربان گاہ He died at the altar of love.
5. Angel فرشتہ Angels are heavenly beings.
    Angle زاویہ Draw an angle of 30 degrees.
6. Bale گٹھا He carried a bale of cotton.
    Bail ضمانت He was released on bail.
7. Beside متصل، ساتھ He stood beside her father.
    Besides  علاوہ I know Arabic besides English.
8. Birth پیدائش I don’t know my date of birth.
    Berth ریل میں سونے کی جگہ The lower berth is reserved for me.
9. Bridle لگام I bought a bridle for my horse.
    Bridal عروسی She is putting on her bridal dress.
10. Break توڑنا I cannot break this stick.
      Brake بریک Apply the brake and stop the car.
11. Canon اصول We should follow the canons of morality.
      Cannon توپ A cannon was fired.
12. Canvass ووٹ لینا I canvass for votes.
      Canvas ولائتی کپڑا My shoes are made of canvas.
13. Cast پھینکنا I cast the net to catch fish.
      Caste ذات Hindus have many castes.
14. Cattle مویشی The cattle are grazing in the fields.
      Kettle ہنڈیا Place the kettle on the fire.
15. Sell بیچنا I cannot sell my watch.
      Cell کوٹھڑی He was locked up in a cell.
16. Check پڑتال کرنا Please check my accounts.
      Cheque چیک He issued a cheque for Rs. 100.
17. Cite حوالہ دینا He cited the verses of Holy Quran.
      Sight منظر His eye sight is weak.
      Site مقام This is the best site for opening a school.
18. Course راستہ You have adopted a wrong course.
      Coarse کھردرا He is dressed in coarse clothes.
19. Corpse لاش A corpse was seen floating in the river.
      Corps رسالہ He is the member of college sports corps.
20. Dairy دودھ مکھن کا کارخانہ I buy milk from the dairy farm.
      Diary ڈائری I write every event in my diary.
21. Devise تجویز کرنا He devised a plan.
      Device  تجویز It is a strange device.
22. Dose دوائی کی خوراک I take one dose of medicine early in the morning.
      Doze اونگھنا He always dozes in the class.
23. Dual دوہرا We sit on dual desks.
      Duel دو آدمیوں کی لڑائی Ali and Ahmad fought a duel.
24. Eligible مستحق He is not eligible for this post.
      Illegible ناصاف تحریر He has an illegible handwriting.
25. Fair میلہ A fair is held near our village.
      Fare کرایہ He paid the railway fare.
26. Feet پاؤں I have two feet.
      Feat کرتب Everyone liked the juggler’s feats.
27. Floor فرش Do not sit on the floor.
      Flour آٹا Bread is made of flour.
28. Foul گندا، بدبودار The drain is giving out foul smell.
      Fowl مرغ، پرندہ He keeps fowls in his house.
29. Gate دروازہ We entered through the gate.
      Gait چال She has a graceful gait.
30. Hale تند رست He is quite hale and hearty.
      Hail اولے It hails in hills.
31. Hare خرگوش The hare runs very fast.
      Hair  بال She has curly hair.
32. Healthful  صحت افزاء، صحت بخش Milk is a healthful food.
      Healthy صحت مند He is a healthy boy.
33. Hole سوراخ The snake came out of a hole.
      Whole تمام Tell me the whole story.
34. Human انسان We are human beings.
      Humane رحمدل Helping the poor is a humane act.
35. Idle بیکار Do not sit idle.
      Idol بت Hindus worship idols.
36. Lesson سبق I gave him a bitter lesson.
      Lessen کم کرنا Your letter has lessened my grief.
37. Lion شیر The lion is the king of beasts.
      Loin کمر Gird up your loin for the final exams.
38. Lose کھونا، ہارنا If you work too hard, you will lose your health.
      Loose  کھولنا، ڈھیلا Loose the knot, please.
39. Marry شادی کرنا She married a rich man.
      Merry خوش ہونا Eat, drink and be merry.
40. Meet ملنا Where did you meet him?
      Meat گوشت Meat is served in every hotel of Pakistan.
41. Medal تمغہ He won a gold medal.
      Meddle دخل دینا Do not meddle with my affairs.
42. Metal دھات Gold is a precious metal.
      Mettle دلیری He showed his mettle in the fight.
43. Minor نا بالغ She is a minor girl.
      Miner کان کن A miner works in a mine.
44. Pain درد I feel pain in my arm.
      Pane شیشہ He broke a windowpane.
45. Peace امن Tolerance is the key to peace.
      Piece ٹکڑا Give me a piece of chalk.
46. Practice  مشق Practice makes one perfect.
      Practise  مشق کرنا You should practise this exercise.
47. Pour ڈالنا Pour some water into the jug.
      Pore مسام Our body has pores.
48. Principal پرنسپل The principal of the college is on leave.
      Principle اصول He is a man of principle.
49. Profit نفع He earned huge profit in that deal.
      Prophet پغمبر Prophets convey Allah’s message to human being.
50. Pray دعا مانگنا We pray to God for help.
      Prey شکار ہونا He fell a prey to malaria.
51. Respectful  ادب کرنے والہ He is always respectful to his teachers.
      Respectable  معزز All the teachers are respectable.
52. Root جڑ All trees have roots.
      Route راستہ The land route is safer than sea route.
53. Sole جوتے کا تلہ Mend the sole of my shoe.
      Soul روح The soul is immortal.
54. Stationary ساکن The earth is not stationary.
      Stationery تحریر کا سامان I bought stationery for the office.
55. Story کہانی It is an interesting story.
      Storey مکان کی منزل He lives on the upper storey.
56. Tail دم The rat has long tail.
      Tale کہانی He related an interesting tale.
57. Vale وادی The world is a veil of sorrows.
      Veil نقا ب Women wear veil in Saudi Arabia.
58. Waste ضائع کرنا Do not waste your time.
      Waist کمر The band is round his waist.
59. Weak کمزور He has a weak health.
      Week ہفتہ A week has seven days.
60. Yoke بیلوں کا جوڑا He has a yoke of oxen.
      Yolk انڈے کی زردی The yolk of egg is nourishing food.
61. Accident  حادثہ    He lost his leg in an accident.

      Incident واقعہ    The death of his mother is the most tragic incident of his life.

62. Adopt  اختیار کرنا    He has adopted a son.

      Adapt مطابقت اختیار کرن Adapt yourself to the new circumstances.

63. Apposite موزوں    His remarks are quite apposite to the occasion.

      Opposite  مخالف          We belong to opposite camps.

64. Artful چالاک     I do not like his artful ways.

      Artificial مصنوعی       This is artificial silk.

65. Artist فنکار     Asad Khan was a famous artist.

      Artisan  دستکار    The artisans brought their work pieces to the exhibition.

66. Able قابل     Tariq is an able doctor.

      Capable اہل         She is a capable housewife.

67. Calendar کیلینڈر      Death has no calendar.

      Calender مشینی ابتری کرنا The cloth has been duly calendered.

68. Childlike معصومانہ      I like the childlike nature.

      Childish بیوقوفانہ      I hate his childish habits.

69. Confident پر اعتماد      I am confident of my success in examination.

      Confidant رازدان      He was betrayed by his own confidant.

70. Continual  باربار       I am tired of his continual visits.

      Continuous مسلسل     The rain was continuous for several hours.

71. Contemptible قابل نفرت     A liar is contemptible fellow.

      Contemptuous نفرت پر مبنی     Never pass contemptuous remarks about others.

72. Corporal جسمانی Corporal punishment should be abolished.

      Corporeal مادی God is not corporeal.

73. Council مجلس He was elected a member of Union Council.

      Counsel نصیحت      The teacher gave me good counsel.

74. Credible قابل اعتبار This news does not appear to be credible.

      Credulous خوش اعتقاد A credulous person can easily be cheated.

75. Descent اتار The descent of a hill is easy.

       Dissent اختلاف He put down his note of dissent.

76. Desirable  پسندیدہ Health and wealth are desirable things.

      Desirous خواہش مند He was desirous of success.

77. Destiny  مقد ر Man is the master of his destiny.

      Destination منزل مقصود At last the travelers reached the destination.

78. Draft ہنڈی He paid me by means of a draft.

      Draught گھونٹ He drank a draught of milk.

79. Elicit اگلوانا The police failed to elicit any information from him.

      Illicit نا جائز He was arrested for illicit sale of wine.

80. Eminent ممتاز He is an eminent doctor. 

      Imminent قریب The war is imminent.

81. Emigrant تارک وطن Many Pakistani emigrants have settled in Canada.

      Immigrant نوواردان Many immigrants from Afganistan have created problems in Pakistan.

82. Envious  حاسد He is envious of my success.

      Enviable قابل رشک  He has enviable knowledge of everything.

83. Exhausting تھکانے والہ It was an exhausting journey.

      Exhaustive مفصل He wrote an exhaustive essay on terrorism

84. Fatal مہلک The accident proved fatal.

      Fateful فیصلہ کن Pakistan defeated India in fateful match of ICC Champion Trophy.

85. Graceful  خوبصورت She looked graceful in her new dress.

      Gracious مہربان He is very gracious to the poor.

86. Hardness  سختی Steel is known for its hardness.

      Hardship  دشواری He had to face many hardships in his life.

87. Honorary  اعزازی He is an honorary magistrate.

      Honourable  معزز Our Chairman is an honourable person.

88. Humility  انکساری His humility is praiseworthy.

      Humiliation  ذلت The late comers suffered humiliation at the hands of principal.

89. Industrial  صنعتی There is no industrial school in this town.

      Industrious  محنتی The industrious person succeeds in the long run.

90. Judicial  عدالتی He has abused judicial powers.

      Judicious  دانا His selection of friends is judicious.

91. Naughty شریر Naughty boys are usually punished.

      Knotty پیچیدہ This a knotty problem to solve.

92. Official   دفتری I am sick of official routine.

      Officious خود کو بڑا سمجھنے والا Although he is only a PA, he is always officious in the office.

93. Pitiable  قابل رحم  He is in a pitiable condition.

      Pitiful  پر رحم She cast pitiful looks at her child.

94. Plain میدان Hills are cooler than plains.

      Plane جہاز He traveled by plane.

95. Popular ہر دلعزیز         Jinnah was a popular leader.

      Populous گنجان آباد Lahore is a populous city.

96. Ring بجانا The peon rings the bell.

     Wring نچوڑنا Wring this wet cloth.

97. Sale فروخت The books are for sale.

      Sail بادبان Sails are made of canvas.

98. Sociable  ملنسار Ahmad is a sociable person.

      Social  معاشرتی There is a great need of social reforms.

99. Steel فولاد My knife is made of steel.

      Steal چرانا Bad boys steal books.

100. Urban                      شہرUrban life is full of facilities.

        Urbane                   مہذ ب He has urbane manners.




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